Pachycephala soror

Diamond, Jared & Bishop, K. David, 2021, Avifauna of the Adelbert Mountains, New Guinea: why is Fire-maned Bowerbird Sericulus bakeri the mountains’ only endemic bird species?, Bulletin of the British Ornithologists’ Club 141 (1), pp. 75-108 : 97

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Pachycephala soror


SCLATER’S WHISTLER Pachycephala soror View in CoL

Modestly common above 1,570 m, from the understorey to the canopy. Sings mainly at dawn.ȱ Allȱ songsȱ areȱ aȱ simpleȱ patternȱ ofȱ aȱ half-dozenȱ whistledȱ notesȱ andȱ slurs,ȱ butȱ eachȱ renditionȱ differsȱ fromȱ theȱ previousȱ one.ȱ Despiteȱ theȱ absenceȱ inȱ theȱAdelbertsȱ ofȱ itsȱ usualȱ hill-forest congener Rusty Whistler P. hyperythra , the Adelbert population of P. soror does not expand its elevational range downslope.

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