Bredia changii W.Y. Zhao, X.H. Zhan & W.B. Liao, 2017

Zhao, Wanyi, Fan, Qiang, Ye, Huagu, Zhan, Xuanhuai & Liao, Wenbo, 2017, Bredia changii, a new species of Melastomataceae from Jiangxi, China, Phytotaxa 307 (1), pp. 36-42 : 36-40

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.307.1.3

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scientific name

Bredia changii W.Y. Zhao, X.H. Zhan & W.B. Liao

sp. nov.

Bredia changii W.Y. Zhao, X.H. Zhan & W.B. Liao View in CoL , sp. nov. ( Fig. 1 View FIGURE 1 , Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 )

Type: — CHINA. Jiangxi Province: Chongyi Country, Niedu Town, 579 m, 25°30′N, 114°07′E, 1 Aug 2016, W.- Y. Zhao, Z.- C. Liu, F. Ye, M. Tu LXP-13-22114 (holotype SYS! isotype IBSC!).

Diagnosis: — Species affinis Bredia microphylla H. L. Li , sed a quo differt caulibus repentibus, cymis terminatis, solitariis raro bi-meris, laminis orbicularibus, basi cordatis, subtus purpureis, nervis 7-basalibus, pedunculis, pedicellis, receptaculis, sepalis piliglandulosis et breve curvatis hispidis, ovariis apice membranaceis 4-squamatis et piliglandulosis.


Perennial herbs. Stems cylindrical, with dense multicellular trichomes, slender, creeping, with adventitious roots at nodes. Leaves opposite; petiole 1–2.5 cm long, with dense bristles; leaf blade ovate or rounded, 2–3.5 × 1.7–3.2 cm, base cordate, margin obviously toothed and with multicellular trichomes; abaxial surface purplish red or greyish-green with sparse multicellular trichomes along veins, densely yellow glandular punctate, adaxial surface green with sparse bristles and multicellular trichomes; secondary veins 2–3 on each side of midvein, abaxially prominent. Inflorescences terminal; peduncle 0.1–1.5 cm, flower usually 1, seldom 2 ( Fig. 2 D View FIGURE 2 ); peduncle, pedicel, bracts, hypanthium, calyx lobes with long glandular trichomes and short multicellular trichomes; bracts 2, triangular, lanceolate, ca. 2 mm long, caducous; pedicel 1.3–2.5 cm. Hypanthium urceolate, ca. 5 mm long, 4-parted, membranous with glandular trichomes; calyx lobes 4, triangular-lanceolate, ca. 3 × 1–2 mm, apex acuminate; petals 4, pink, ovate, ca. 1.4 × 1 cm, apex acuminate, abaxial surface with multicellular pubescence, adaxial surface glabrous; stamens 8, equal in length; filaments ca. 7 mm long, glabrous; anthers lanceolate, ca. 5–6 mm long, base without tubercles, connective dorsally gibbous, stipe less than 1 mm long, base with 2 globose ventral appendages, dorsally with a larger tuberculate appendage; ovary half inferior, locules 4; style ca. 1–1.3 cm long, with multicellular trichomes at base. Capsule cupshaped, ca. 0.4–0.5 cm in diam., 0.6–0.7 cm long, peduncle 2–2.5 cm long. Seeds cuneate, ca. 0.5 mm long, surface tuberculate.

Phenology:—Flowering July to October; fruiting August to November.

Etymology:—The specific epithet changii honors Professor Hung-Ta Chang (1914.10–2016.01), an expert on the taxonomy of the Hamamelidaceae , Myrtaceae and Theaceae ( Chang 1979, 1984, 1998), who proposed the Cathaysian origin of flowering plants ( Chang 1980, 1994). We would like to give it a Chinese name, Zhângshì Yěhǎitáng (Ŀkfi ṘAE) to souvenir Professor Hung-Ta Chang.

Distribution and Habitat:— Bredia changii is currently known only from Niedu in Chongyi County and Fujiang in Dayu County, in southern Jiangxi Province, China, on rocks near streams, at 450–650 m ( Fig. 2 A–C View FIGURE 2 ). Bredia changii occurs in subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests in association with Buxus sinica (Rehder & Wilson) Cheng (1980: 37) , Exbucklandia tonkinensis (Lecomte) Chang (1959: 32) , Michelia maudiae Dunn (1908: 353) , Altingia chinensis (Champion) Oliver ex Hance (1873: 103) , Machilus thunbergii Siebold & Zuccarini (1846: 302) .

Paratypes: — CHINA. Jiangxi: Chongyi County, Niedu Town , 600 m, 9 September 1984, S.- K. Lai, D. - F. Huang, J.- L. Wang, L.- R. Mao 840115 ( LBG!) ; same locality, 1 Aug 2016, W.- Y. Zhao, Z.- C. Liu, F. Ye, M. Tu LXP-13-22108 ( SYS!) ; same locality, 13 Sep 2016, W.- Y. Zhao, Z.- C. Liu LXP-13-20400 ( SYS!). CHINA. Jiangxi: Dayu County, Lannijing Forestry Farm , Sanjiangkou , 500 m, 20 September 1984, S.- K. Lai, D. - F. Huang, J.- L. Wang, L.- R. Mao 840214 ( LBG!). CHINA. Jiangxi: Shangyou County , Wuzhifeng, Niuguao, 21 July 1970, Anonymous (70)509 ( PE) .

Conservation Status: —Only two localities are known for Bredia changii according to specimen records and our field survey. No more than 200 individuals in an area of about 600 m 2 survive in Niedu. We did not find individuals in Sanjiangkou. Due to its limited range and low population size, Bredia changii could be considered CR (Critically Endangered) according to the IUCN Red List criteria (B2a; IUCN 2001).

Bredia changii was collected in 1984 by Mr. Shukun Lai in Sanjiangkou, Dayu County. We were unable to find it in Sanjiangkou in 2016, probably due to recent forestry activities that destroyed the original environment. This population is possibly now extinct, highlighting the importance of habitat preservation of Bredia changii and other locally occurring species.


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