Eosphaerophoria luteofasciata Mengual, 2010

Mengual, Ximo & Ghorpadé, Kumar, 2010, The flower fly genus Eosphaerophoria Frey (Diptera, Syrphidae), ZooKeys 33 (33), pp. 39-80 : 61-63

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3897/zookeys.33.298

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scientific name

Eosphaerophoria luteofasciata Mengual

sp. nov.

Eosphaerophoria luteofasciata Mengual View in CoL , sp. n.


Figs 35, 47; MorphBank [http://www.morphbank.net/?id=478080]

Vockeroth, 1969: 135 as Eosphaerophoria sp. (citation).

Male. Head. Face straight, with distinct round tubercle, yellow, yellow pilose; gena yellow, yellow pilose; lunula blackish medially; frons completely black on dorsal 3/5 (length between anterior ocellus and lunula), yellow on basolateral 2/5 with medial black vitta abruptly narrowed during dorsal 1/5 becoming medial very narrow simple black line during ventral 1/5 reaching lunula, with frontal sulcus about medial point between lunula and anterior ocellus, defined dorsally with a tubercle elevating vertex and with a ventral depression, yellow pilose in yellow areas and dark pilose in black areas; dichoptic; vertex and vertical triangle black; ocelli brownish; antenna yellow, basoflagellomere yellow with dorsal brown macula, oval; arista brown; occiput mainly black, yellow ventrally, silvery pollinose and yellow pilose on ventral 1/3, black pilose on dorsal 2/3 and golden pollinose on dorsal 1/3.

Thorax. Scutum black, shiny medially, black pollinose laterally, golden brown pilose with yellow pile on notopleuron, yellow laterally with lateral yellow stripe from postpronotum to scutellum, narrower after transverse suture with ventral black area; postpronotum yellow; notopleuron yellow with distinct posterolateral obtuse protuberance; scutellum triangular, pointed posteriorly with small blunt tubercle on medial posterior margin, yellow with dorsomedial triangular black area continuing from posterior of mesonotum, brownish pilose; propleuron, anepisternum and anepimeron entirely yellow; katepisternum black with a dorsal yellow macula; meron black; katepimeron yellow; katatergum mainly yellow, black posteriorly; calypter dark brown; halter yellowis). Wing. Wing bare basomedially.

Legs. Pro- and mesoleg entirely yellow, except distal part of mesofemur and basal part of mesotibia dark, yellow pilose except tarsi with short black setulae ventrolaterally; metacoxa and trochanter yellow; metafemur yellow on basal 1/3, black on distal 2/3; metatibia black, black pilose; metatarsus black, black pilose dorsolaterally and golden pilose ventrolaterally.

Abdomen. Fig. 35. Dorsum mainly black, dorsally black pilose, 1st tergum laterally yellow pilose; 1st tergum black with anterior and lateral yellow margin, medially reaching anterior margin of 2nd tergum dividing black area in 2 triangular maculae; 2nd tergum black with basomedial very narrow black fascia not reaching margins and with basal yellow fascia, about 1/5 of tergum length, produced posteriorly in a medial triangular emargination reaching 1/3 length of tergum, yellow on anterior 1/3 of lateral margin; 3rd tergum black with basomedial very narrow black fascia not reaching margins and with basal broad yellow fascia, about 1/3 of tergum length, produced posteriorly in a medial triangular emargination reaching 1/2 length of tergum, yellow on anterior 1/3 of lateral margin; 4th tergum similar to 3rd, black with basomedial very narrow black fascia not reaching margins and with basal yellow fascia, about 2/5 of tergum length, produced posteriorly in a medial triangular emargination reaching 2/3 length of tergum, yellow on anterior 2/5 of lateral margin; 5th tergum black with basomedial very narrow black fascia and with basal broad yellow fascia, about 1/2 length tergum; 6th and 7th terga black; sterna yellowish, brownish pilose; male genitalia as figured ( Fig. 47 View Figure 47 ).

Female. Unknown.

Type locality. PAPUA NEW GUINEA: New Ireland, Kaveing, Schleinitz Mountains, Lelet Plateau. 3°20'0.00"S 152°0'0.00"E.

Type. Holotype: “ NEW IRELAND // Schleinitz Mts. // Lelet Plateau // Oct. 1959 ” “ W. W. Brandt // Collector // BISHOP” “ HOLOTYPE // Eosphaerophoria // luteofasciata // det. X. Mengual 20 09 ” [red, second and third lines handwritten] USNM ENT00036555 About USNM , [1♁, BPBM].

Length (1): body, 6.3 mm; wing, 4.7 mm.

Distribution: Papua New Guinea.

Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin luteus meaning yellow ( Brown 1956: 872), and the Latin fasciatus meaning envelope with bands, swathe ( Brown 1956: 138), and it refers to the yellow fascia (band) on the 2nd abdominal tergum. Species epithet to be treated as adjective.

Differential diagnosis. Species with a characteristic yellow fascia on 2nd abdominal tergum, also present in E. hermosa and E. adornata , but differs from them in the absence of a tooth on the posterior margin of the scutellum. E. luteofasciata has posteriorly pointed scutellum, but without tooth or blunt protuberance. Male genitalia with bifurcated surstylus, divided in two similar lobes in lateral view ( Figs 47a, 47d View Figure 47 ), very similar to the male genitalia of E. bifida , whose surstylus has two lobes of different sizes ( Figs 44a, 44c View Figure 44 ).

Remarks. Vockeroth (1969: 135) mentioned this species as undescribed.


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