Phrynobatrachus sp. aff. auritus, Boulenger, 1900

Badjedjea, Gabriel, Masudi, Franck M., Akaibe, Benjamin Dudu & Gvoždík, Václav, 2022, Amphibians of Kokolopori: an introduction to the amphibian fauna of the Central Congolian Lowland Forests, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Amphibian & Reptile Conservation (e 301) 16 (1), pp. 35-70 : 57

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Phrynobatrachus sp. aff. auritus


Phrynobatrachus sp. aff. auritus

Fig. 10A.

Area: Yalokole.

Season/survey: Wet (May 2018, Nov 2018).

Material: CSB:Herp: RNBK 107; IVB-H-CD 18185, 18187, 18189, 18239.

Comments: Only a few specimens of this presumably new species resembling P. auritus were recorded. All were found in primary forest, most of them syntopically with P. cf. giorgii in a swampy place surrounded by flooded forest on the bank of the Luo River. One specimen was found nearby, near the Bikongo stream in terra firma forest. The general coloration of this species seems to be lighter than in P. cf. giorgii , the venter is white, and the throat in adult males is gray or brownish but not deep black.

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