Eldaina, Estrada-Álvarez, 2022

Estrada-Álvarez, Julio Cesar, 2022, Descripción de un nuevo género y siete nuevas especies de cucarachas (Blattodea: Blattellidae) para el Neotrópico mexicano, Revista Chilena de Entomología (Rev. Chil. Entomol.) 48 (2), pp. 199-229 : 202-204

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.35249/rche.

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Key to species of the genus Eldaina gen. n.

Seventh tergit (T-7) modified, with tergal structures ( Fig. 1f View Figuras 1 ); sub-genital plate (Ls-g)

asymmetric ( Fig. 1j View Figuras 1 )…………………………………………….....………………….males…1

Simple tergites; sub-genital plate (Ls-g) symmetrical ( Fig. 3f View Figuras 3 )………………..……..…………. females.....................................................................................................................................…8


1a. Short right style (sd) ( Figs. 1i View Figuras 1 , 4h View Figuras 4 , 6h View Figuras 6 , 8f View Figuras 8 , 10c View Figuras 10 ); ventral extension of R 3 (ev-R 3) with short, weak spines, joined by hyaline tissue ( Figs. 2g View Figuras 2 , 4m View Figuras 4 , 6o View Figuras 6 , 8n View Figuras 8 )...………….……………… Yangai species-group….....................................................................................................……2

1b. long right style (sd) ( Figs. 11f View Figuras 11 , 13g View Figuras 13 , 15g View Figuras 15 ); ventral extension of R 3 (ev-R 3) with robust or long spines, generally united by coriaceous or sclerosed tissue, pectiniform ( Figs. 11o View Figuras 11 , 13n View Figuras 13 , 15n View Figuras 15 )....……………………………………………...…Tzilacatzini species-group..……6

Yangai species-group

2a. Dorsal sclerite (ed) of the right paraproct (pd) with robust spines ( Fig. 10d View Figuras 10 )…………… … ………………………………………………………....……….... E. caussaneli (Grandcolas)

2b. Dorsal sclerite (ed) of right paraprocte with spines not so robust ( Figs. 1h View Figuras 1 , 4f View Figuras 4 , 6f View Figuras 6 , 8d View Figuras 8 )....3

3a. Right style (sd) with three apical spines ( Fig. 6j View Figuras 6 )……………......….... E. cuauhpillum sp. n.

3b. Right style (sd) with less than three apical spines ( Figs. 1i View Figuras 1 , 4h View Figuras 4 , 8h View Figuras 8 )…………...………….4

4a. Left paraproct (pi) with bifid apex ( Fig. 4f View Figuras 4 )…………………...………..… E. sormanii sp. n.

4b. Left paraproct (pi) with simple apex ( Figs. 1g, 1h View Figuras 1 , 8d View Figuras 8 )………….…...........................….…5

5a. Ventral sclerite of right paraproct with three apical spines ( Fig. 8e View Figuras 8 ); ventral extension of R 3 (ev-R 3) with three spines ( Fig. 8n View Figuras 8 )…………………..………..……. E. motecuzumai sp. n.

5b. Ventral sclerite of right paraproct with two apical spines ( Fig. 1h View Figuras 1 ); ventral extension of R 3 (ev-R 3) with five spines ( Fig. 2g View Figuras 2 )………….………………..…….…….…. E. yangai sp. n.

Tzilacatzini species-group

6a. L 3 with claw-shaped apex ( Figs. 15j, 15k View Figuras 15 ); ventral extension of R 3 (ev-R 3) with five conspicuously thin spines ( Fig. 15n View Figuras 15 )…………………………....……..….. E. tlacaelleli sp. n.

6b. L 3 with tapered apex, but not claw-shaped apex ( Figs. 11k View Figuras 11 , 13i View Figuras 13 ); ventral extension of R 3 (ev-R 3) with robust spines ( Figs. 11o View Figuras 11 , 13n View Figuras 13 )…………………………………………….…….7

7a. Dorsal sclerite (ed) of the right paraproct (pd) with three spines, the outermost with three apical spines; left paraproct (pi) with three apical spines ( Fig. 13f View Figuras 13 ); ventral extension of R 3 (ev-R 3) with five spines ( Fig. 13n View Figuras 13 )…………………………....………. E. ocelopillum sp. n.

7b. Dorsal sclerite (ed) of right paraproct (pd) with two spines, left paraproct (pi) with two apical spines ( Fig. 11h View Figuras 11 ); ventral extension of R 3 (ev-R 3) with seven spines ( Fig. 11o View Figuras 11 )…… ........................................................................................................................ E. tzilacatzini sp. n.


8a. Clear species; bsv. little sclerosed ( Figs. 3h View Figuras 3 , 5g View Figuras 5 , 7f View Figuras 7 )…………..…Yangai species-group.…9

8b. Dark species; bsv. well sclerosed ( Figs. 12f View Figuras 12 , 14e View Figuras 14 , 16f View Figuras 16 )...….Tzilacatzini species-group.....13

Yangai species-group

9a. Sub-genital plate (Ls-g) with truncated posterior margin ( Fig. 10h View Figuras 10 ).................................... ............................................................................................................ E. caussaneli (Grandcolas)

9b. Sub-genital plate (Ls-g) with rounded posterior margin ( Fig. 3f View Figuras 3 )…….................………10

10a. Left side of vlf.I.a without spinous corpuscles ( Fig. 3h View Figuras 3 )……..….…..……. E. yangai sp. n.

10b. Left side of vlf.I.a with bundles of spinous corpuscles ( Figs. 5g View Figuras 5 , 7f View Figuras 7 )…...................…....11

11a. Left side of vlf.I.a with more than 10 spinous corpuscles ( Fig. 9a View Figuras 9 )…… ................................................................................................……….…… E. motecuzomai sp. n.

11b. Left side of vlf.I.a with less than 10 spinous corpuscles ( Figs. 5g View Figuras 5 , 7f View Figuras 7 )…...……..……...12

12a. Mesopterus tegmina ( Fig. 7a View Figuras 7 ); left side of vlf.I.a in the middle part with five spinous corpuscles with posterior direction ( Fig. 7f View Figuras 7 )…………………....…….. E. cuauhpillum sp. n.

12b. Brachypterus tegmina ( Fig. 5a View Figuras 5 ); left side of vlf.I.a with four oblique spinous corpuscles near apex ( Fig. 5g View Figuras 5 )……..……………………………………………......…... E. sormanii sp. n.

Tzilacatzini species-group

13a. bsv. underdeveloped ( Fig. 12f View Figuras 12 )…………………….………………..…. E. tzilacatzini sp. n.

13b. bsv. expanded ( Figs. 14e View Figuras 14 , 16f View Figuras 16 )……….….....……………………………..…………….…..14

14a. Left side of vlf.I.a with at least five spaced spinous corpuscles ( Fig. 14e View Figuras 14 ).................... ..................................................................................................................… E. ocelopillum sp. n.

14b. Left side of vlf.I.a with at least three closely spaced spinous corpuscles ( Fig. 16f View Figuras 16 )… .......................................................................................................................… E. tlacaelleli sp. n.

Grupo Yangai

Especies claras en comparación con las del grupo Tzilacatzini. Machos con estilo derecho (sd) corto ( Figs. 1i, 1j View Figuras 1 , 4h, 4i View Figuras 4 , 6h, 6i View Figuras 6 , 8f, 8g View Figuras 8 , 10c View Figuras 10 ); ev-R 3 con dos a cinco espinas cortas ( Figs. 2e View Figuras 2 , 4m View Figuras 4 , 6n View Figuras 6 , 8l View Figuras 8 , 10g View Figuras 10 ). Hembras con ambos lados del primer brazo del vasilifer (vlf.l.a) poco esclerosados ( Figs. 3h View Figuras 3 , 5g View Figuras 5 , 7f View Figuras 7 ). / Clear species compared with the species of Tzilacatzini species-group. Males with short right style (sd) ( Figs. 1i, 1j View Figuras 1 , 4h, 4i View Figuras 4 , 6h, 6i View Figuras 6 , 8f, 8g View Figuras 8 , 10c View Figuras 10 ); ev-R3 with two to five short spines ( Figs. 2e View Figuras 2 , 4m View Figuras 4 , 6n View Figuras 6 , 8l View Figuras 8 , 10g View Figuras 10 ). Females with both sides of the first vasilifer arm (vlf.l.a) slightly sclerosed ( Figs. 3h View Figuras 3 , 5g View Figuras 5 , 7f View Figuras 7 ).

Especies. Eldaina yangai sp. n., E. sormanii sp. n., E. cuauhpillum sp. n., E. motecuzomai sp. n., E. caussaneli ( Grandcolas, 1992) .











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