Amyttopsis bakowskii, Naskrecki, Piotr, 2008

Naskrecki, Piotr, 2008, New species of arboreal predatory katydids from West Africa (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Meconematinae), Zootaxa 1732, pp. 1-28 : 7

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.181351


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scientific name

Amyttopsis bakowskii

sp. nov.

Amyttopsis bakowskii View in CoL n. sp.

(Figs. 1F; 4C, M; 5C)

Differential diagnosis. Similar to A. palmulicerca n. sp., from which it differs in the general shape of the cercus (Fig. 1F) and the epiphallus ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5. A – C ). From other species of the genus it differs in having the apical part of the cercus distinctly distended apically.

Description. (male only, female unknown).

General. Body small, slender; macropterous.

Head. Fastigium of vertex triangular, blunt apically, not reaching apex of antennal sockets, flat dorsally; antennae about twice as long as body; frons flat, vertical; eyes circular, weakly protruding.

Thorax. Lateral lobe of pronotum higher than wide; humeral sinus of pronotum present; anterior margin of pronotum flat; metazona flat; posterior edge of metazona narrowly rounded.

Legs. Legs slender. Front tibia unarmed dorsally, with 5 spines on posterior and 4 on anterior ventral margin; tympanum bilaterally open; genicular lobes of front femur unarmed; front femur unarmed ventrally. Mid tibia unarmed dorsally; thickened in proximal 3/4. with 4 spines on posterior and 5 on anterior ventral margin; mid femur unarmed ventrally; genicular lobes of mid femur unarmed. Hind femur unarmed ventrally; genicular lobes of hind femur unarmed.

Wings. Tegmen surpassing apex of hind femur; anterior margin straight; hind wing slightly longer than tegmen. Costal field not dilated at base; veins Sc and R diverging towards apex of tegmen; vein Rs branching off before middle of tegmen, with 3 apical branches; right stridulatory area with small but well developed mirror; left stridulatory area with small, roughly rectangular mirror ( Fig. 4 View FIGURE 4. A – J M). Stridulatory file elevated on thickened vein, straight, with 106 teeth, 0.84 mm long, 0.05 mm wide ( Fig. 4C View FIGURE 4. A – J ).

Abdomen. Tenth tergite with posterior, lower corners forming pair of elongate, apically flattened projections; epiproct small, triangular. Cercus unarmed, strongly dilated and extended apically, paddle-like; apex strongly flattened dorso-ventrally and distended laterally; paraprocts unmodified (Fig. 1F); epiphallus with large denticles arranged in small, evenly distributed clusters along posterior edge ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5. A – C ). Subgenital plate unmodified, broadly trapezoidal, with deep, triangular incision; styli cylindrical, about 3 times as long as wide (Fig. 1F).

Coloration. Coloration light green; antennae concolorous; eyes uniformly colored; face without darker markings; pronotum without markings; tegmen without any markings; hind wing hyaline; hind legs uniformly colored; abdominal sterna without markings.

Measurements (3 males). body w/wings: 20.5–22.2 (21.2±.9); body w/o wings: 12–14 (13±1); pronotum: 3.8–4 (3.9±.1); tegmen: 16–19 (17.3±1.5); hind femur: 9 mm.

Material examined. GHANA: Eastern Region, Ajenjua Bepo Forest Reserve, elev. 300–320 m (6°22'2.3''N, 1°1'58''W), 26–30.viii. 2006, coll. P. Naskrecki, V. Awotwe-Pratt and M. Bakowski (Camp 1) - male holotype ( ANSP), 2 males (paratypes) ( MCZ).

Etymology. Named in honor of the Polish entomologist, Dr Marek Bakowski.


Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia


Museum of Comparative Zoology















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