Ravavy Fisher

Fisher, Brian L., 2009, Two new dolichoderine ant genera from Madagascar: Aptinoma gen. n. and Ravavy gen. n. (Hymenoptera: Formicidae), Zootaxa 2118, pp. 37-52 : 47

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.274902



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scientific name

Ravavy Fisher


Ravavy Fisher gen. n.

Figures 6 View FIGURE 6 , 7 View FIGURE 7 b

Type species Ravavy miafina , sp. n., by present designation.

WORKER and QUEEN: unknown.

Diagnosis of male. Based on specimens of Ravavy miafina . Head longer than wide. Ventral margin of eye more or less flat. Antennae with 13 articles. Scape length twice that of flagellar segment 1. Scape not reaching posterior margin of head. Pedicel conical. First flagellar segment cylindrical, straight. Flagellar segments 1 and 2 three times as long as broad. Anteromedian clypeal margin entire, without central concavity. Posterior clypeal margin straight, not projecting between antennal socket cavities. Palpal formula 6:3 (confirmed with dissection). Mandible with single narrow apical tooth, located at tip of mandible; without series of serrate denticles or teeth along margin. Masticatory margin meeting basal margin in abrupt angle. Basal margin elongate, greater than twice length of masticatory margin. Propodeal angle indistinct; declivitous and dorsal faces of propodeum convex. In profile, petiole with distinct node; anterior and posterior margin subequal in height, dorsum evenly convex. Attachment to gaster broad. First gastral segment in dorsal view without grove for the reception of the entire height of the petiole.

Discussion of male characters. Ravavy is distinguished from all other described males in the dolichoderine genera by its unique mandibular shape. The elongate basal margin and reduced masticatory margin is considered apomorphic for the genus. The shape of the clypeus, length of scape and form of petiole, together form an inclusive diagnosis that isolates Ravavy from all other genera in the subfamily. No other described male is even superficially similar to Ravavy . The shape of the mandible in Bothriomyrmex Emery (see images on AntWeb CASENT0103279), however, is reminiscent in some respects. The mandible in Bothriomyrmex is not triangular as in Tapinoma for example, but like Ravavy , has a short masticatory margin compared to the basal margin. In Bothriomyrmex , however, the masticatory margin includes at least three teeth, while in Ravavy a single tooth is present.











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