
Marković, Vanja, Tomović, Jelena, Atanacković, Ana, Kračun, Margareta, Ilić, Marija, Nikolić, Vera & Paunović, Momir, 2015, Macroinvertebrate communities along the Velika Morava River, Turkish Journal of Zoology 39 (2), pp. 210-224 : 222-224

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.3906/zoo-1307-35

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scientific name



Order Diptera View in CoL View at ENA

Eloeophila sp.; abbr. – Elo sp.

Hexatoma sp.; abbr. – Hex sp.

Tipulidae ; abbr. – Tip

Simulidae Gen. sp.; abbr. – Sim Gen

Ceratopogonidae; abbr. – Cer

Chironomidae ; abbr. – Chi

Empididae; abbr. – Emp

Limoniidae Gen.sp.; abbr. – Lim Gen

Order Coleoptera

Family Elmidae

Elmis sp.; abbr. – Elm sp.

Limnius volckmari (Panzer, 1793); abbr. – Lim vol Potamophilus acuminatus (Fabricius, 1792); abbr. – Pot acu Class ARACHNIDA


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