Centrodraco fidelis, Fricke, 2015

Fricke, Ronald, 2015, Centrodraco fidelis (Draconettidae), a new deepwater dragonet species from the southern Loyalty Ridge, southwestern Pacific Ocean, Cybium 39 (3), pp. 211-217 : 212-213

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.26028/cybium/2015-393-004

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Centrodraco fidelis

sp. nov.

Centrodraco fidelis View in CoL new species

( Figs 1-2 View Figure 1 View Figure 2 )


Holotype. - MNHN 2015-0141 About MNHN , male, 39.8 mm SL, New Caledonian EEZ, southern Loyalty Rise , Banc de l’Orne, 33 km north of Walpole Island, 22°17’S 169°01’E, 412- 436 m depth, dredge, St. DW 3860, Wei-Jen Chen, RV Alis, 15 Sep. 2011. GoogleMaps

Paratypes. - NTUM 10653 , 1 male, 42.4 mm SL, New Caledonian EEZ, southern Loyalty Rise , Banc Durand, 77 km southeast of Maré Island, 22°03’S 168°42’E, 430- 440 m depth, beam trawl, St. CP 3848, Wei-Jen Chen GoogleMaps , RV Alis , 13 Sep. 2011 ; NTUM 10654 , 1 male, 41.9 mm SL, same data as the holotype GoogleMaps .


A Centrodraco with 14 rays in the second dorsal fin, 13 rays in the anal fin, the first dorsal fin with the second spine elongate and filamentous in the male, the second dorsal fin very low, without filaments in the male, opercular spine in subopercular spine 1.8-2.4; body slightly compressed, body depth 7.4-8.5% of SL, body width 7.7-8.8% of SL; pectoral fin short, not reaching to anus when adpressed, pectoral fin length 9.9-11.8% of SL; the male body colour pattern pale, with a single grey spot on the beginning of the lower lateral line; filament in first dorsal fin pale, fin with a large basal dark blotch; the male anal fin with three dark blotches.


D III + xiii,1; A 13; P1 i,25-26,i (total 27-28); P2 I,5; C (ii),ii,8,ii,(iii).

Body elongate and slightly compressed. Head slightly compressed, head length 264 (260-283). Eye diameter 116 (113-129). Preorbital length 30 (28-29). Interorbital distance 6 (8-9). Upper jaw length 55 (61-64). Opercle and subopercle with a strong retrorse spine each, opercular spine 1.8 (2.1-2.4) in subopercular spine. Occipital region smooth. Body depth 118 (123-136). Body width 113 (120-129). Urogenital papilla length 4 (2-4) in the male. Caudal peduncle length 143 (97-129). Caudal peduncle depth 38 (47-48).

First dorsal fin relatively low in male, but second spine bearing a filament; length of 1 st spine 26 (34), 2 nd spine 85 (84), 3 rd spine 25 (28). Predorsal (1) length 304 (290-343). Second dorsal fin very low, distally straight. Second dorsal fin rays unbranched, the last divided at base. First ray of second dorsal fin 45 (52), last ray 65 (71-74). Predorsal (2) length 487 (499-516) in SL. Anal fin beginning on vertical through 1st (1st to 2nd) membrane of second dorsal fin. Anal fin rays branched, last unbranched but divided at base. First ray of anal fin 53 (54), last ray 65 (66-84). Preanal fin length 512 (520-535). Pectoral fin short, not reaching to anus but only to level of end of second dorsal fin when adpressed, pectoral fin length 118 (99). Prepectoral fin length 269 (288- 308). Pelvic fin spine 38 (38-42), pelvic fin length 219 (212- 220). Prepelvic fin length 173 (205-224). Caudal fin truncate; caudal fin length 161 (160-174).

Colour immediately after collection (see Fig. 2 View Figure 2 ). Head and body silver, with rose and dark rose blotches bearing small brown pigment spots. Dorsal parts of eye greenish silver, central and lower parts yellowish. Belly silvery white, with few brown pigment spots. First dorsal fin reddish. Anal fin pale, with three large dark blotches. Central part of caudal fin dark.

Colour in preservative (see Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ). Head and body pale whitish, with a small grey spot on the beginning of the second lateral line. Eye dark grey. First dorsal fin pale, with a basal dark blotch. Second dorsal fin translucent. Anal fin pale, with three large dark blotches, the first on the first to third membranes, the second on the seventh to eighth membranes, the third on the 12 th- 13 th membranes.

Sexual dimorphism. Unknown; only male specimens known.


The type specimens were dredged/trawled on the southern Loyalty Ridge in the New Caledonian EEZ, southwestern Pacific Ocean ( Fig. 3 View Figure 3 ). The holotype and one paratype originate from the Banc de l’Orne , north of Walpole Island, another paratype from the Banc Durand, southeast of Maré Island. The species is probably endemic to the Loyalty Ridge. It is known from depths of 412-440 m.


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