Parasabanema Smales & Heinrich, 2010

Durette-Desset, Marie-Claude & Digiani, María Celina, 2015, Taxonomic revision of the Nippostrongylinae (Nematoda, Heligmonellidae) parasites of Muridae from the Australasian region. The genus Odilia Durette-Desset, 1973, Parasite (Paris, France) 22, pp. 1-12 : 8-9

publication ID 10.1051/parasite/2015032

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scientific name

Parasabanema Smales & Heinrich, 2010


VII- Genus Parasabanema Smales & Heinrich, 2010 View in CoL

( Figs. 2G View Figure 2 and 3G View Figure 3 )

Type species: Parasabanema szalayi Smales & Heinrich, 2010 .

Hosts: Muridae ( Rodentia ).

Host site: Small intestine.

Distribution: New Guinea, Australia.

Definition: Heligmonellidae , Nippostrongylinae. Synlophe with 22–45 ridges in both sexes. Ridges continuous. Careen absent. Small ridges slightly unequal in size. Mid-left, right-right-dorsal and mid-ventral ridges largest. Right-right-ventral ridges minute. Presence of left-dorsal and right-ventral cuticular dilatations. Axis of orientation oblique. Characteristic bursal pattern of type 1–4. Dorsal ray divided within distal half. Each spicule ending in one tip. SpL/BL: 8%.

Other species: Parasabanema praeputiale (Gibbons &

Spratt, 1995) n. comb.

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