Chisholmia, Durette-Desset & Digiani, 2015

Durette-Desset, Marie-Claude & Digiani, María Celina, 2015, Taxonomic revision of the Nippostrongylinae (Nematoda, Heligmonellidae) parasites of Muridae from the Australasian region. The genus Odilia Durette-Desset, 1973, Parasite (Paris, France) 22, pp. 1-12 : 8

publication ID 10.1051/parasite/2015032

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scientific name


gen. nov.

IV- Genus Chisholmia View in CoL n. gen. ( Figs. 2D View Figure 2 and 3A View Figure 3 )

Type species: Chisholmia bainae (Beveridge & Durette-Desset, 1992) n. comb.

Hosts: Muridae (Murinae).

Host site: Small intestine.

Distribution: Mainland Australia, Tasmania.

Etymology: The genus is named in honor of Dr. Leslie Chisholm, recognized researcher on marine parasites at the University of Adelaide ( Australia), and Manager of the Parasitology and Arachnology Collections at the South Australian Museum.

Definition: Heligmonellidae , Nippostrongylinae. Synlophe with 16–22 ridges in both sexes. Ridges continuous. Careen absent. At least in proximal part of body, ridges slightly unequal in size, median to small. Left ridge distinct from ridge 1’. Left ridge smaller than right ridge. Ridges associated with right ridge and ventral-left ridges largest. Axis (es) of orientation oblique. Absence of cuticular dilatations. Characteristic bursal pattern of types 2-2-1 and 1–4. Dorsal ray divided within proximal half. Each spicule ending in one tip. SpL/ BL: 7–13%.

Other species: Chisholmia mawsonae (Durette-Desset, 1969) n. comb.

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