Heteropsis lanyvary Lees

C, Lees David, 2016, Heteropsis (Nymphalidae: Satyrinae: Satyrini: Mycalesina): 19 new species from Madagascar and interim revision, Zootaxa 4118 (1), pp. 1-97 : 63-66

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4118.1.1

publication LSID




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scientific name

Heteropsis lanyvary Lees

sp. nov.

Heteropsis lanyvary Lees , sp. nov.

LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:act:264464C2-C4E2-4470-A209-348CDCCBDF85

Prior references: sp. 67 ( Lees 1997: 66, where considered the same species as Ht. ankova ;

sp. 68 [label on specimen in PBZT; “sp. 68” was an unrelated morphospecies in Lees, 1997: 66].

Type material., Deposition BMNH: Holotype: ♂ ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 A), Madagascar NW, Tsaratanana, piste Mangindrano-Antetykalambazaha, 14.187o S, 48.945o E +/- 1 km, 1615 +/- 75 m, flat grass-bamboo area, 20/12/ 2004 12:04, D.C. Lees: DL-05-744, TF19 [leg for DNA], NHMUK 010289144 [ QTR barcode].

Paratypes: Deposition BMNH: ♀ ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 B), Madagascar NW, Tsaratanana, piste Mangindrano- Antetykalambazaha, flat grass-bamboo area, 14.187o S, 48.945o E +/- 1 km, 1615 +/- 75 m, 20/12/2004 12:04, D.C. Lees: DL-05-745, TF14 [leg for DNA], NHMUK 010289145 [ QTR barcode]; ♂, same data as HT but DL-05-849, TF [legs for DNA] [abdomen lysed], IA624 [isotope voucher], MAD 233-15 [ DNA barcode voucher], NHMUK 010289146 [ QTR barcode]; ♂, same data as HT but DL-05-846, TF12 [tissue sample for DNA], BMAD 232-15 [ DNA barcode], IA294 [isotope voucher], NHMUK 010289147 [ QTR barcode]; ♂ ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 B, right), same data as HT but DL-05-845, IA192 [isotope voucher], [thoracic fragment for KAP], NHMUK 010289148 [ QTR barcode]; ♂, same data as HT but DL-05-856, IA623 [isotope voucher], NHMUK 010289149 [ QTR barcode]; ♂, NW, Tsaratanana, near forest margin, 14.2034o S, 48.9532o E +/- 2.5 km, 1441 +/- 25 m, 24/12/2004, D.C. Lees: DL-05-851, IA622 [isotope voucher], NHMUK 010289150 [ QTR barcode]; ♂, NW, Tsaratanana, Antetykalambazaha, near camp, 14.1958o S, 48.9497o E +/- 3.5 km, 1628 +/- 100 m, 20/12/2004 20:17, R. Ranaivosolo: DL-05-763, BMNH (E) #676586 [ DNA voucher; cytochrome b], BMAD 223-15 [ DNA barcode voucher]; B43 [‘andromap’]. ♂ ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 B, left), NW, Tsaratanana, [Ampidiranala], 14.1958o S, 48.9497o E +/- 2.5 km, 1628 +/- 50 m, 20/12/2004, R. Ranaivosolo: DL-05-761, 2384 [= DL 2384; DNA extract; cytochrome b] MSL 058:H02 [genomic DNA; abdomen lysed] BMNH (E) #676584; ♂, NW, Tsaratanana, Matsiborimaika, 2035 m, 14.1526o S, 48.9578o E +/- 0.015 km, 2035 +/- 25 m, 22/12/2004, D.C. Lees: DL-05-781, SM006, NHMUK 010289185 [ QTR barcode]; ♂, NW, Tsaratanana, piste Mangindrano-Antetykalambazaha, c. 1550 m, 14.199o S, 48.952o E +/- 0.5 km, 1550 +/- 65 m, 20/12/2004, D.C. Lees: DL-05-747, TF13 [leg for DNA], NHMUK 010289151 [ QTR barcode]; ♂, NW, Tsaratanana, Ampidiranala, 14.1958o S, 48.9497o E +/- 0.5 km, 1628 +/- 50 m, 20/12/2004, R. Ranaivosolo: DL-05-758, BMNH (E) #676582 [ DNA voucher; cytochrome b]; ♂, NW, Tsaratanana, [Ampidiranala], 14.1958o S, 48.9497o E +/- 3 km, 1628 +/- 75 m, 20/12/2004, R. Ranaivosolo: DL-05- 762, BMNH (E) #676585 [ DNA voucher; cytochrome b]; ♂, NW, Tsaratanana, piste Mangindrano- Antetykalambazaha, just into primary forest, 14.2047o S, 48.9538o E +/- 0.35 km, 1456 +/- 25 m, just into primary forest, 20/12/2004: 20:15, D.C. Lees: DL-05-734A, TF17 [leg for DNA], NHMUK 010289152 [ QTR barcode]; ♂, NW, RNI Tsaratanana, route Mangindrano-Andohanisambinano, 19/12/2004, D.C. Lees: DL-05-731, BMAD 262- 15, CCDB-02230-F12 [ DNA barcode voucher];

Deposition MNHN: ♂ [MNHN], Madagascar Nord, TSARATANANA. 1,800 m (Forêt de Mousses), [14.17o S, 48.94o E +/- 4 km, 1800 m] 10/1949, R. Paulian: DCL-DB-3301;

Deposition ABRI: ♂ [ABRI], Madagascar NW, Tsaratanana Mntn N. madagascar below Andohanisambirano, S 14o 12.486' E 0 48o 58.225' 4167 ft, [14.2081o S, 48.9704o E +/- 1 km, 1291 +/- 50 m], 24/10/2003, S. C. Collins: 1204 [leg for DNA];

Deposition PBZT: 2 ♂♂ [PBZT], Madagascar NW, Mt Tsaratanana, 750 a 1400 m, [14.21o S, 48.96o E +/- 5 km, 1400 m.; elevation as low as 750 m not found in region] 2/1951, R. Paulian.

Deposition summary: BMNH (HT ♂, 15 PT ♂♂, 1 PT♀), MNHN (1 PT ♂); ABRI (1 PT ♂); PBZT (2 PT ♂♂).

Type locality. Madagascar NW, Tsaratanana, near forest margin, 14.2034o S, 48.9532o E +/- 2.5 km, 1441 +/- 25 m.

Diagnosis. The species resembles most closely Ht. ankova from which there are no obvious ♂ genitalic differences. Ht. turbata and Ht. pallida can be told apart by a more irregular HWV Mb. The most obvious difference from Ht. ankova is the darker, much more sombre diffuse dark grey colouration, especially on the underside.

Description. Wings: upperside uniform dark brown, with FW space-CuA1 ocellus with a wide orange ring which is generally quite concentric but apparently a little wider and more angled proximad. FWD space-M1 ocellus small and slightly elliptic with very narrow orange ring. HWD space-CuA1 ocellus is the main one expressed there, as well as to lesser extents those of space-M3 and space-M2, as in Ht. ankova . Hairbrush around space-1A region lacking. Underside dark greyish brown, darker than typical of Ht. ankova , with fine brown and ochreous irroration, especially in basal parts of wings. FWV space-CuA1 ocellus with large orange ring yellowing slightly proximad following the reddish brown concave curve of the Mb before it bends back indistinctly to mid-costa, terminating as if pinched at the base of vein M3 (a feature also displayed by Ht. ankova ). FWV space-M1 ocellus rather small and slightly elliptic with a white pupil with narrow black iris and with a narrow pale orange ring. On HWV, space- CuA1 ocellus quite small and slightly elliptic with a narrow black iris also and pale orange concentric ring. In HT, no other ocelli expressed on HWV. HWV Mb reddish brown, slightly broader than in Ht. ankova and fairly straight, but finely irregular, with a yellow Mf distad of it in lower basal part of space-M2. A reddish PMb mirrors shape of Mb at least as far as vein 1A. HWV area distad of Mb lighter due to a higher concentration of ochreous scales than the basal area, but as in Ht. ankova , more fuscous brown scales predominate in the marginal area from veins Rs to M3 particularly, giving the wing margin a slightly ‘singed’ appearance. FWV cell area with four brown rather equally spaced transverse Cbs delineating spaces highlighted by ochreous-yellow hair-scales. Variation. ♂♂ vary quite a bit in size and wing patterning. HWV ocelli in space M1 and M2 often visible as white points. Sexes similar.

Wingspan/fwl: range 29.7–35.7/ 16.1–18.2 mm (n=5 ♂♂), including HT ♂: 35.2/ 18.1 mm. Mean = 32.3 +/- 2.01 SD/ 17.1 +/- 0.95 mm (n=5♂♂). 33/ 18.7 mm (n=1♀).

Androconia: Sdb dark reddish brown with grey tip. Androconial patch directly above the end of the R stem small, blackish and lenticular. Veins 1A+2A narrowly inflated for most of length, that in 3A slightly more so (more so than in Ht. ankova ) and covered in narrow greyish brown scales. No other androconia obvious.

Palps: penultimate segment with distinct brown medial strip, flanked by yellowish scales and fringed by dark brown scales except where wiping compound eye, with yellow scales mainly on mesad face.

♂ genitalia: DL-05-761, PT ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 B, left); DL05-845, PT ( Fig. 18 View FIGURE 18 B, right). Tegumen with fairly rounded proximad profile (LV) and rather flat dorsal profile (LV) and very slight brow leading to uncus which is about 1/3 longer than the dorsal edge of the tegumen whose DV features a large proximad rather ‘v’-shaped notch, and an uncus whose depth (LV) increases slightly towards midpoint and features a distinct ‘head’ and a small toothed down-hook at tip, while it is slightly inflated medially (DV). The gnathos emerges from a right-angled base and is widest at its attachment and smoothly downrecurved until not quite in line with tegumen-uncus (LV) and is sinuate and slightly outsplayed (DV), with pointed tips slightly incurved. The valve has a small angled dorsal ‘shoulder’ (LV) and is roughly broad-triangular featuring a stubby and uprecurved arm leading to a small club covered with spinoid setae and with inpointing spine from DV. Saccus bulbous, widening proximad (LV), rather long; aedeagus quite deep and relatively straight with about 3–5 small lateral teeth post-medially (also found in Ht. ankova whose male genitalia are not noticeably different).

Etymology. Refers to the practical consideration in finding this species that a trip to Tsaratanana may involve such a long walk with porters that the rice (‘vary’) risks being exhausted (‘lany’) well before the end of the expedition.

Discussion. Sparse historical material of Ht. lanyvary collected by R. Paulian at the type locality existed in MNHN (♂ collected in 1949) and in PBZT (two ♂♂ collected in 1951); these specimens are included in the type series, but the species was discovered again recently in the field (in December 2004) at the type locality. All available types in the Ht. strigula group were examined (see also under Ht. roussettae , and elsewhere below). The most relevant is the HT ♂ of Mycalesis ankova Ward, 1870 (BMNH(E) 673767) ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 C), lacking locality, from the Chris Ward collection, which differs in ventral wing colouration from all known samples of Ht. lanyvary . See also Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 and under Ht. tornado regarding type material for Pseudonympha turbata and Culapa pallida ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 D) and Culapa ornata ( Fig. 19 View FIGURE 19 E).

Additional information. DNA divergences: COI-5P barcode cluster number BOLD:ACW4935, about 3.2% divergent to Ht. ankova (cluster number BOLD:AAK5841, exemplar BMNH(E) 676678, BMAD048-09, HM404225 from Analamazaotra).

Phylogeny/sister species: the species was not analysed in Lees 1997 (see though p. 62, where “sp. 67” was considered the same species as Ht. ankova ; nor was it treated in any prior molecular works but Ht. lanyvary is very likely to be the (at Tsaratanana, sympatric) sister species of Ht. ankova , as found by Aduse-Poku et al., (2016, in press).

Ecology and distribution.

Habitat: montane rainforest, forest interior, close to margins.

Behaviour: flies low.

Hostplant: unknown, possibly low grasses.

Early stages: unknown.

Distribution: endemic as far as is known, to the Tsaratanana massif ( Fig. 30 View FIGURE 30 C, olive dots).

Elevational range: 1290–1800 m. (n=17 including referred specimens and observations).

Referred specimens. ♂, Madagascar N, Tsaratanana, 14.2034o S, 48.9532o E, 1441 m, 24/12/2004, D.C.Lees: DL-05-859, IA624 [isotope voucher]; ♂, NW, Tsaratanana, 14.2034o S, 48.9532o E +/- 2.5 km, 1441 +/- 25 m, 12/ 2004; BMNH (E) #671598 [ DNA voucher; cytochrome b], KA504 [=KA-P504; DNA extract number]; ♂, NW, Tsaratanana, Ampidiranala, 14.20025o S, 48.95175o E +/- 0.54 km, 1542 +/- 85 m, 20/12/ 2004, R. Ranaivosolo: DL-05-756, BMNH (E) #676686 [ DNA voucher; cytochrome b].


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