Teulisna hreblayi Volynkin & Huang, 2024

Huang, Si-Yao, Volynkin, Anton V. & Müller, Günter C., 2024, Two new species of the genus Teulisna Walker (Lepidoptera, Erebidae, Arctiinae Lithosiini) from Myanmar and Nepal, Zootaxa 5506 (4), pp. 577-586 : 580-585

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5506.4.7

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scientific name

Teulisna hreblayi Volynkin & Huang

sp. nov.

Teulisna hreblayi Volynkin & Huang , sp. n.


( Figs 3, 4 View FIGURES 1–8 , 11 View FIGURES 9–11 , 12 View FIGURES 12–14 , 16 View FIGURES 15–18 )

Type material. Holotype ( Figs 3 View FIGURES 1–8 , 12 View FIGURES 12–14 ): male, “EAST-NEPAL | Deorali Danda | 1 km N of Yamphudin | 2000 m, 19. VI. 1998 | leg. Márton Hreblay | & Balázs Benedek | MUSEUM WITT ” / “Slide | CW 00091” ( MWM / ZSM).

Paratypes: 5 males, 7 females, same data as holotype, slide No. CW 00093 (female) (prepared by Volynkin) ( MWM / ZSM) ; 4 males, East Nepal, Kanchenjunga Himal, Khambachen, 4150m, 28. VI .1998, Márton Hreblay & Balázs Benedek leg., gen. prep. No.: CW 00092 (prepared by Volynkin) ( MWM / ZSM) .

Diagnosis. Teulisna hreblayi sp. n. is superficially reminiscent of T. thomasi ( Figs 5, 6 View FIGURES 1–8 , 14 View FIGURES 12–14 , 17 View FIGURES 15–18 ) and T. quadrisignata ( Figs 7, 8 View FIGURES 1–8 , 13 View FIGURES 12–14 , 18 View FIGURES 15–18 ) of the T. pallida species-group with their deeper forewing ground color, but can be readily distinguished from the congeners by the submarginal area of the forewing much less suffused with fuscous in both sexes. The male genital capsule of the new species differs from T. thomasi and T. quadrisignata in the broader dorsal section of the valva with a somewhat more convex dorsal margin, the lamella centralis bearing a robust spike-like process directed dorsally (it is thinner and directed more anteriorly in T. quadrisignata and vestigial in T. thomasi ), and the markedly shorter ventral lobe of the distal saccular process. The phallus of T. hreblayi sp. n. is considerably longer and broader (in proportion to the genital capsule) than in similar congeners. In the vesica structure, the new species is most similar to T. quadrisignata but distinguished by the longer and broader main chamber, the larger, sack-like and more heavily granulose 1st proximal diverticulum directed anteriorly (it is rather utricular and directed ventrally in the congener), the 2nd proximal diverticulum lacking graniculi, the longer, broader and more heavily granulose 1st medial diverticulum, the lack of the 2nd medial diverticulum, the longer and broader distal diverticulum bearing a markedly longer cornutus, and the larger apical diverticulum. Compared to T. thomasi , the vesica of T. hreblayi sp. n. has a markedly longer and broader main chamber, a significantly broader and more heavily granulose 1st proximal diverticulum, a well-developed 2nd medial diverticulum (it is absent in the congener), a broader and semiglobular 1st medial diverticulum situated laterally (it is conical and situated ventrally in T. thomasi ), a considerably longer and broader distal diverticulum bearing a markedly longer and straight cornutus (it is curved in the congener), a larger apical diverticulum, and, additionally, lacks the 2 nd medial diverticulum. The female genitalia of T. hreblayi sp. n. are most similar to T. thomasi , from which the new species differs clearly in the shorter ductus bursae with convex lateral margins, the shorter and rugose posterior section of the corpus bursae with a gelatinous ventral diverticulum posteriorly (it is absent in the congener), the somewhat broader and globular anterior section of the corpus bursae displaced laterally on the left side (it is sack-like and situated anteriorly in T. thomasi ), the longer signum, and the configuration of the appendix bursae, which in the new species is heavily sclerotised with a membranous apex, strongly elongate (longer than the corpus bursae), and has a dilated, semiglobular proximal section and a narrow, cylindrical and straight distal section whereas the appendix bursae of T. thomasi is sack-like and markedly shorter than the corpus bursae. Compared to T. quadrisignata , the female genitalia of T. hreblayi sp. n. have a broader ductus bursae, a somewhat shorter and narrower posterior section of the corpus bursae with a ventral gelatinous diverticulum situated posteriorly (it is situated medially in T. quadrisignata ), a considerably larger anterior section of the corpus bursae bearing an elongate, ribbon-like signum (it is short and elliptical in the congener), and the markedly longer and sclerotised appendix bursae, which is conical and gelatinous in T. quadrisignata .

Description. Male. Length of forewing 13.5 mm. Head pale brown. Antenna brown, weakly ciliate. Thorax brown.Abdomen covered by greyish-brown hair-like scales. Forewing elongate and narrow. Forewing ground colour pale brown. Costal margin with two black spots in basal half. Discal spot dash-like. Discal cell with cluster of brown androconial scales along vein R. Subbasal to postmedial areas suffused with intense blackish brown suffusion and forming shade terminated by the irregularly sinuous postmedial line. Cilia brown. Hindwing pale brown, paler at the basal one third and bearing pale blackish brown suffusion medially. Male genitalia. Uncus elongate, smoothly downcurved, distally tapered and with a tiny, pointed and claw-shaped tip. Arms of tegumen strongly dilated and anteriorly fused in their dorsal 4/5. Tuba analis membranous, scaphium thin and weakly sclerotised. Juxta weakly sclerotised, elongate trapezoidal, consisting of two ribbon-like lateral lobes fused dorsally and separated by broad medial membrane ventrally, ventrally articulated with bases of sacculi and dorsally connected to ventral margins of medial sections of sacculi by membrane of annelifer. Vinculum longer than tegumen, with thin but well-sclerotised arms dorsally connected by thin and medially concave ventral bridge.Intravincular structures reduced and represented by two narrow and weakly sclerotised plostrae bearing thin and elongate caselli consisting of several gelatinous fibers each. Valva broad (length to width ratio ca. 2:1), with almost parallel margins, of which dorsal one slightly convex medially. Basis valvae with jugum basalis, ventral section of which stretching along proximal margin of valva and forming together with short arcus elliptical frame, while dorsal section of jugum basalis displaced dorsad from proximal margin of valva. Costa with equally wide outer and inner sections, moderately sclerotised, stretching along whole dorsal margin of valva and edges its apex. Valvula elongate rectangular, fused with costa. Editum rod-like and smooth, stretching up to proximal end of lamella centralis. Tendon and more weakly sclerotised processus momenti forming triangular conjuga. Lamella centralis heavily sclerotised, somewhat broader than editum, straight and bearing a spike-like dorsal process directed anterio-dorsally. Proximal section of sacculus thin, forming only ventral margin of valva and not folding dorsad in resting position, distal section broad (more than 2/5 of valva width) and bearing equally broad distal saccular process; latter one flattened and rectangular with two triangular distal lobes, of which dorsal one elongate and digitiform whereas ventral lobe shorter and broadly triangular. Phallus nearly as long as annulus length (along its dorso-ventral axis), cylindrical, somewhat downcurved medially and straight distally, with short and semiglobular coecum. Main chamber of vesica sack-like; 1 st proximal diverticulum sack-like and with cluster of large graniculi; 2 nd proximal diverticulum conical and membranous; 1 st medial diverticulum semiglobular, covered with graniculi; distal diverticulum utricular and distally tapered, covered with sparse graniculi proximally and medially, membranous distally, and apically bearing a strongly elongate and slender, spike-like cornutus; apical diverticulum membranous and sack-like. Female. Length of forewing 14 mm. Body as in male. Forewing costal margin with inner black spot obsolete, otherwise similar to male. Hindwing ground color paler than in male. Female genitalia. Papilla analis trapezoidal with rounded corners, weakly setose.Apophyses elongate and thin, more or less equal in length, apophysis anterioris somewhat basally thicker than apophysis posterioris. Postvaginal area weakly rugose. Ostium bursae broad (more than half of ovipositor width). Ductus bursae moderately sclerotised, dorsoventrally flattened and with convex lateral margins. Posterior section of corpus bursae moderately sclerotised and rugose, bearing sack-like gelatinous diverticulum ventrally-posteriorly. Anterior section of corpus bursae globular and displaced laterally to left side, membranous but covered with weak graniculi, as long as posterior section, bearing ribbon-like signum. Appendix bursae longer than corpus bursae, originating latero-posteriorly and directed anteriorly, its proximal section as broad as posterior section of corpus bursae, semiglobular with strongly protruding and convex right side. Distal section of appendix bursae cylindrical and nearly straight, half as broad as proximal section and as long as it, heavily sclerotised with membranous apex.

Distribution. The new species is currently known from eastern Nepal.

Etymology. The new species is named after the late Dr Márton Hreblay, famous expert in the Eurasiatic Noctuidae taxonomy and collector of the type series.


Bavarian State Collection of Zoology


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute













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