Isthmiade martinsi, S., 2009

Clarke 1, Robin O. S., 2009, Bolivian Rhinotragini II: ISTHMIADE Thomson, 1864 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), with two new species Robin O. S. Clarke, Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 49 (44), pp. 577-591 : 586-587

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492009004400001


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scientific name

Isthmiade martinsi

sp. nov.

Isthmiade martinsi View in CoL sp. nov.

( Fig. 4A View FIGURAS 1‑5 )

Holotype: Male. Total length 23.7 mm. Deposited at MNKM.

Diagnosis: Isthmiade martinsi sp. nov. is readily separated from other Bolivian species by its large size, and black: head, apical two-thirds of elytra, entire abdomen and hind legs.

General colour: Head mostly shining black, including tip of mandibles, scape and pedicel; antennomeres dull, dark chestnut; the following orange: mouthparts, labrum, clypeus, gula and adjacent parts of neck. Pronotum, scutellum and basal third of elytra translucent orange, and apical two-thirds of elytra lustrous black. All thoracic sternites orange-yellow. Abdomen entirely black, smooth and shining with violet sheen, only abdominal process yellowish. Front and middle legs mostly orange, including coxae, femur, base of protibia, and midline of protarsomeres; the rest dark chestnut to black, including all of mesotarsus and onychyia. Hind legs almost entirely black with metallic violet sheen, only basal half of coxae orange-yellow. Wings entirely smoky except broad band across apical third translucent.

General pubescence: reduced and more uniform, hirsute hairs shorter and less dense, patches of glistening, recumbent pubescence almost absent. Head almost glabrous, antennomeres IV-XI densely clothed with fine, short, cinnamon coloured pubescence. Submentum and gula glabrous with group of 2-3 large setae at each side. Front half of prothorax glabrous, anterior to prosternal process a transverse patch of dense, semi-recumbent, short, yellow hairs mixed with sparse, longer ones; pronotum at extreme sides of basal and middle third with dense, erect, short, golden hairs. Scutellum with fine, white, recumbent pubescence, semi-erect and dense on apical half. Mesothorax almost glabrous, scattered erect hairs on mesosternal process and at sides; elytra glabrous. Metasternum with uniform, semi-erect, long, yellow hairs, only dense in two patches just behind coxal cavities; metepisternum glabrous. Abdomen glabrous, apical tergites and urosternite V with dense mix of short and longer, black hairs.

Surface ornamentation: Labrum with row of six punctures; clypeus impunctate; basal two-thirds of gena sulcate with small scattered punctures, adjacent part of frons, apex of gena, and two broad triangular areas at middle of frons impunctate; upper part of interocular space with single row of irregular punctures, these extending to inner and hind margins of superior lobes in 3-4 rows of large, semi-confluent punctures, leaving centre of vertex impunctate. Area of submentum with transverse, arced rows of punctures, these large, deep and confluent at sides, smaller, shallower and anastomosed adjacent to mentum. Prothorax, anterior to prosternal process with moderately small, sparse punctures; pronotum mostly impunctate, centre of disc and front third of sides with groups of very small punctures, basal two-thirds of sides with crescent of large, anastomosed punctures (probably representing the sexual puncturation). Mesothorax (x40) slightly rugose at centre, very finely and sparsely punctured, otherwise impunctate; scutellum densely micro-punctate; basal half of elytra appear impunctate, the punctures shallow and ill-defined, only at sides clearly visible as rows of widely spaced, small punctures, these increasingly denser and deeper towards elytral apices, where some become confluent. Metathorax almost impunctate at sides, centre of metasternum, especially towards apex, with a moderately dense mix of small and larger punctures. Abdominal urosternites I-III almost impunctate, IV with a few scattered punctures throughout, centre of V reticulate and rugose, with mixture of irregularly sized punctures.

Structure: Head. Rostrum somewhat short; frons separated from clypeus by deep, transverse declivity; frontal suture deep from declivity to antennal tubercles; lengths of gena/inferior lobe 0.7/1.0 mm; inferior lobes moderately wide apart, interocular distance/width of lobe 0.35/ 1.10 mm, interocular space delimited by well marked, elevated borders; superior lobes relatively distant, interocular space/width of lobe 0.65/ 0.25 mm. Submentum elevated and strongly demarcated from genal and gular area by well developed, falcate carina. Antennae appear to be short (only reaching apical third of urosternite II) because abdomen is long. Scape subcylindrical (length 1.0 mm) almost three times longer than pedicel, antennomeres III (1.6 mm) and IV (1.0 mm) cylindrical, V as long as III, VI (1.5 mm) hardly serrate, VII-X gradually shorter to X (1.1 mm), X1 longer (1.3 mm).

Thorax. Prothorax longer (2.7 mm) than width of front and hind margins (2.3 mm), deeply constricted at apex and base, which is flat and separated from disc of pronotum by a strong declivity, and marked by an indistinct foveum; sides strongly rounded and wide (2.6 mm); disc of pronotum with five large, tumulous calli, central one elongate, anterior pair circular, posterior pair subovate; prosternal process slightly arched, base moderately short (half the length of apex), very narrow (1/10 width of coxal cavity), apex large and trapezoidal, declivous across middle, margins moderately elevated, broad and somewhat explanate.

Mesothorax abruptly declivous before mesosternal process, the latter narrow at base (1/11 length of coxal cavity), apex cordiform with well elevated sides. Scutellum small, elongate, sides subparallel, apex bifid. Elytra very elongate (3.5 times width of humeri), reaching apical third of urosternite II, strongly acuminate from humerus to apex; dehiscent for apical two-thirds; humero-apical costa almost entirely salient from humeri to apex, giving elytron distinctly convex appearance; apices with elongate, smooth, blunt, lobe slightly angled towards sutural margin.

Metasternum strongly convex (especially behind), more salient than mesocoxae; longitudinal suture moderately impressed, occupying apical two-thirds.

Legs robust; profemur short (3.0 mm), peduncle almost absent, clave large, widest at middle; mesofemur longer (4.5 mm), flattened laterally, peduncle moderately long (1.2 mm), clave large, attenuate to apex; metafemur subcylindrical without distinct clave, long (8.0 mm), reaching middle of urosternite III. Tarsi robust; protarsomeres I and III subequal, both slightly longer than II; mesotarsomere I subcylindrical, 1.5 times longer than II and III; metatarsomeres I and II cylindrical, I longer (1.6 mm) than II (0.9 mm) and III (0.6 mm) together.

Abdomen. Vespiform, very long, more than twice as long as thoracic segments together. Urosternite I narrow and elongate (4.3 mm), constricted for apical two-thirds; II narrow and elongate (2.8 mm), constricted for basal two-thirds; III moderately elongate (2.5 mm), sides straight but diverging to apex; IV subquadrate, slightly longer (2.2 mm) than wide (2.0 mm); V (1.4 mm long) trapezoidal, apex slightly concave to either side of midline, apical margin bisinuate. Abdominal process long and very narrow.

Variation: Sides of genae may be orange. Pro- and mesotarsi may be chestnut. Apex of scutellum may be only slightly bifid to slightly rounded. Apices of elytra vary slightly, apical lobes may be smaller and less oblique.

Female: not known.

Measurements (mm): 5 males: total length 20.4-23.7; length of pronotum 2.6-2.7; width of pronotum 2.4-2.6; length of elytra 9.6-10.3; width of humeri 2.7-2.9.

Type material: Holotype male, BOLIVIA, Santa Cruz: Hotel Flora & Fauna, 5 km SSE of Buena Vista , 17°29’96”S/ 63°39’13”W, 420 m, 25.XII.2006, R. Clarke & S. Zamalloa col., on flowers of “Sapaimosi” ( MNKM) . Paratypes (same data as holotype) : 1 male, 19.XII.2005 ( MZSP) ; 1 male 17.XII.2006 ( RCSZ) ; 1 male 21.XII.2008 ( RCSZ) . Paratype with other host flower, same locality: 1 male, 29.IX.2007, flying to flowers of “Piton” ( RCSZ) .

Etymology: This species is dedicated to Dr. Ubirajara Ribeiro Martins, in recognition of his life times’ work on the Neotropical Cerambycidae .


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Departamento de Geologia, Universidad de Chile


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo













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