Blepharoneura fernandezi Norrbom & Condon, 2010

Norrbom, Allen L. & Condon, Marty, 2010, Revision of the femoralis group of Blepharoneura Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae) 2374, Zootaxa 2374 (1), pp. 1-139 : 66-67

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.2374.1.1


persistent identifier

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scientific name

Blepharoneura fernandezi Norrbom & Condon

sp. nov.

Blepharoneura fernandezi Norrbom & Condon , new species

Figs. 30–31 View FIGURES 26–35 , 156 View FIGURES 156–164

Diagnosis. This species can be distinguished from other species of Blepharoneura by the following combination of characters: Anepisternum and scutellum entirely yellow; scutum usually with pair of brown submedial presutural vittae, but without sublateral vittae or brown mark on posterior margin; cell r1 proximally with single relatively narrow, tapering marginal hyaline mark; cell r2+3 with 2 marginal hyaline marks, posterior one not connected to marginal hyaline spot in cell r4+5; cell r4+5 with single posterior marginal hyaline spot. It is very similar to a probably undescribed species (see sp. nr. thetis ), which has a large brown mark on the posterior margin of the scutum and brown vittae on the mediotergite, and B. thetis , which differs in having brown scutellar markings and 2 marginal hyaline spots or a bilobed spot in cell r4+5. The aculeus tip has a very broad, deep medial concavity and is most similar to those of B. brevivittata and bivittata .

Description. Head: Dark brown area on ocellar tubercle extended slightly to distinctly more than half distance to postocellar seta. Small red brown spot often (3 of 5 specimens) present surrounding and mostly posteromesal to medial vertical seta. Occipital suture narrowly dark orange to orange brown.

Thorax: Scutum nonmicrotrichose except posterior to dorsocentral seta and laterally, entirely yellow or usually (4 of 5 specimens) with pair of orange brown to dark brown submedial, presutural vittae, not extended beyond transverse suture; posterior margin without brown marks. Scutellum, subscutellum and mediotergite entirely yellow. Pleuron entirely yellow. Basalare entirely yellow. Dorsocentral seta aligned with or slightly posterior to postalar seta.

Legs: Entirely yellow.

Wing ( Figs. 30–31 View FIGURES 26–35 ): Length 5.40–6.00 mm, width 2.80–3.10 mm, ratio 1.89–2.00. Crossvein r-m at 0.50– 0.55 distance from bm-cu to dm-cu. Cell c with 2 rectangular hyaline spots, both reaching costa and subcosta; medial brown area distinctly paler than area of cell r1 posterior to pterostigma, sometimes fainter anteriorly, and slightly to distinctly narrower than hyaline spots. Pterostigma with large subapical hyaline spot [#3] reaching R1. Cells r1 and r2+3 basally (proximal to apex of R1) without hyaline spots or only with spot in r1 posterior to apex of vein Sc. Radial cells medially with tapering basal marginal hyaline mark in cell r1 [#5] and usually with aligned spots in r2+3 and r4+5, but rarely forming continuous acute triangular to nipple-shaped mark; spot in r2+3 [#8] usually narrowed anteriorly or not extending to R2+3 or absent; aligned spot in r4+5 [#14] touching R4+5 but extended less than halfway across cell, occasionally absent; cell r2+3 with more distal moderately large hyaline spot [#9], touching R4+5 and touching or almost touching R2+3; cell r4+5 with medial hyaline spot [#15] near dm-cu small. Distally cell r1 with 1 marginal subapical hyaline spot [#6], or on 1 wing of 1 specimen with only posterior hyaline spot. Cell r2+3 with 2 elongate marginal hyaline marks [#10, 11], both extending to vein R4+5. Cell r4+5 with small hyaline spot [#16] on anterior margin aligned between marginal marks in cell r2+3, and with 1 slightly elongate to very broad marginal hyaline spot posteriorly [#18], usually touching apex of vein M. Cell m with 2 marginal [#27, 29] and 1 anteromedial [fused #26, #26A] hyaline spots or with proximal and anteromedial spots [#26A, #26 and #27] fused to form band, distal or both marks occasionally reaching vein M. Cell br with subbasal hyaline spot [#12]. Cell bm with circular hyaline subbasal and subapical spots [#19, #20] or with 1 broad ovoid spot medially. Posteromedial part of wing with large hyaline spots, sometimes partially fused into larger marks; cell br with moderately large subapical hyaline spot [#13], occasionally (Brazilian ♀) with more proximal posterior hyaline spot [#44]; cell dm with subbasal elongate hyaline mark across cell [fused #51, #52], aligned with more proximal spot in cell br [#44] and/or proximal spot [#31] in cell cu1 (if those present), usually connected to more distal markings (except on 1 wing of Brazilian ♀), distal mark [fused #21, #22, #23, #24] of fused or nearly fused spots L-shaped or subtriangular, proximal part aligned with subapical spot in cell br [#13], broader posterior part aligned with Yshaped medial mark in cell cu1; cell cu1 sometimes (Brazilian ♀ and 1 Venezuelan ♀) with small proximal anterior hyaline spot [#31], with broad Y-shaped or vase-shaped hyaline mark [fused #32, #33, #36], and with mark across apex of vein A1+Cu2 [fused #34, #39]; subapical marginal hyaline mark [#37] small to large. Cell dm with subapical hyaline spot [#25] relatively large.

Abdomen: Mostly yellow. Tergites 3–5 with pair of rows of moderate brown submedial spots, spots usually narrow and L-shaped, or with 1–2 narrow anterior and 1 transverse posterior spots; spots not extending to lateral margins of tergites and separated medially by broad, tapering, straight margined yellow area; lateral margins of tergites without brown markings.

Female terminalia: Oviscape entirely dark brown; length 0.80–1.00 mm. Aculeus ( Fig. 156 View FIGURES 156–164 ) 0.72–0.74 mm long, 1.76–1.85 times as long as wide, with acute scales dorsally and ventrally on membrane medially; tip angular basolaterally, short and broad (lobed part 0.19–0.23 times as long as wide), with broad, moderately deep medial apical concavity (as deep as length of medial lobes and more than half as broad as distance between apices of submedial lobes) and with 4 pairs of moderately large lobes separated by deep gaps; lateral lobe slightly projecting, broad and blunt, with a few minute apical serrations; sublateral and medial lobes narrower and more acute; submedial lobe smaller and more step-like. Spermathecae subspherical, neck with short, straight, weakly sclerotized basal part, abruptly expanded to very stout, cylindrical, sclerotized part, and with large stout cylindrical basal apodeme.

Distribution. Brazil (Pará), Venezuela (Aragua, Miranda).

Type data. Holotype ♀ ( IZAM USNMENT00213884 ), VENEZUELA: Miranda: Guaracarumbo , 27 Nov 1951, F. Fernandez Y . Paratypes: BRAZIL: Pará: Santarém, 1♀ ( CMP USNMENT00213888 ) . VENEZUELA: Aragua: El Limón, 450 m, 10 Nov 1950, F. Fernández Yepez, 1♀ ( USNM USNMENT00213886 About USNM ) ; same, 15 Dec 1955, C. J. Rosales, 1♀ ( IZAM USNMENT00213887 ) . Miranda: Cumbre Roja , 16 Oct 1950, J. R. Labrador, 1♀ ( IZAM USNMENT00213885 ) .

Etymology. The name of this species is a noun in the genitive case honoring the late Francisco Fernández Yepez, professor at the Universidad Central de Venezuela, Maracay, and an avid collector of insects who collected part of the type series.


Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History













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