Metzgeria lindbergii Schiffner (1898: 182)

Sukkharak, Phiangphak & Chantanaorrapint, Sahut, 2020, The liverwort genus Metzgeria (Metzgeriaceae, Marchantiophyta) in Thailand, Phytotaxa 441 (3), pp. 251-262 : 257-260

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.441.3.2


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scientific name

Metzgeria lindbergii Schiffner (1898: 182)


5. Metzgeria lindbergii Schiffner (1898: 182) View in CoL ( Fig. 5 View FIGURE 5 )

Type: — INDONESIA. Batavia : 200–260 m, Schiffner 340 (lectotype FH designated by So (2002); isolectotypes L, M, S, UC, W, WRSL) .

Thallus monoicous (autoicous), up to 1.8 cm long, 0.7–1 mm wide, dichotomously branched, loosely appressed to the substrate, margins recurved, pale green. Thallus apex obtuse to emarginate. Hairs single or double, straight, numerous or sparse; 2 rows on ventral side of midrib; scattered on ventral side of wing. Midrib in cross section slightly elliptic, 136–141 × 216–225 µm, composed of 2 cells wide on dorsal side and 4 cells wide on ventral side, 32–36 medullary cells, dorsal epidermal cells 15–16 × 75–78 µm, ventral epidermal cells 8–11 × 31–50 µm, medullary cells 8–13 × 16–36 µm. Wing 12–17 cells wide; marginal cells 23–30 × 18–25 μm, median cells 30–50 × 20–25 μm. Oil bodies homogenous, globose-shaped, 20–40 per cell. Antheridial branches spherical, 0.2–0.3 × 0.2–0.3 mm, without hairs. Female involucres obovate, 0.1–0.2 × 0.2–0.4 mm, with hairs along margin and on outer surface. Capsule spherical, valve 0.6–0.8 × 0.1–0.3 mm. Elaters spiral, reddish brown, 270–450 × 5–8 μm, with a single band of thickenings. Gemmae not seen.

Additional illustrations: — Kuwahara (1958: Fig. VI as M. conjugata var. japonica ; 1960: Fig. 8j–o as M. pectinata , Fig. 9a–h as M. oceanica ; 1968a: Fig. 4a–h View FIGURE 4 as M. minuta ; 1978b: Figs. 1 View FIGURE 1 –18 as M. fukuokana ); Stephani (1985, Icon. n. 7673 as M. pectinata ).

Ecology: —In Thailand, Metzgeria lindbergii grows on branches, twigs, tree trunks, Mahonia siamensis Takeda (1915: 422) trunks, base of trees, leaf surfaces, soil, rocks in primary evergreen seasonal hardwood forest, shade and moist area of planted pine forest, evergreen seasonal hardwood with pine forest, and the area near an intermittent stream at 553–2500 m.

Specimens examined: — THAILAND. Chiang Mai: Chiang Dao Mt., Ang Salung Base Camp , 27 October 2017, Sukkharak 101/1189, 125/1199, 136A/1204 (hb. Burapha Univ.) ; 28 October 2017, Sukkharak 153/1210, 160/1210, 161/1210, 163/1210 (hb. Burapha Univ.) ; 18 December 2017, Sukkharak 212/1233 (hb. Burapha Univ.) ; 20 December 2017, Sukkharak 72/1264 (hb. Burapha Univ. ).— Doi Pui, 18 November 2004, Santanachote 288 ( CMUB) ; 12 December 2005, Santanachote 512 ( CMUB) ; 29 April 2009, Printarakul 430 ( CMUB) ; 6 May 2009, Printarakul 646 ( CMUB) ; 7 May 2009, Printarakul 694, 712, 740, 759, 772 ( CMUB) ; 13 May 2009, Printarakul 895, 921, 938, 957 ( CMUB) ; 15 May 2009, Printarakul 1133B, 1114 ( CMUB) ; 5 July 2009, Printarakul 1501 ( CMUB) ; 22 February 2012, Printarakul 5381, 5397 ( CMUB) ; 4 September 2013, Printarakul 6438 ( CMUB) ; 18°82’ N 98°88’ E, 16 November 2011, Printarakul 5019 ( CMUB) ; 23 November 2011, Printarakul 5046 ( CMUB).—Doi Inthanon, 14 January 2010, Printarakul 2635 ( CMUB) ; 15 January 2010, Printarakul 2760 ( CMUB) ; 9 March 2011, Printarakul 3630 ( CMUB) ; Khun Klang , 6 August 2016, Insuk 44 ( CMUB) ; Siribhume waterfall, nature trail, 18°32’ N 98°30’ E, 12 Octoer 2019, Rattanaporn 103 (hb. Kasetsart Univ. ). Nakhon Nayok: Khao Yai National Park , Kong Kaew waterfall, 2 June 1970, Na Thalang 9 ( BCU) GoogleMaps ; Pha Diew Dai cliff, 14°22’ N 101°24’ E, 31 March 2018, Anantaprayoon 14 (hb. Kasetsart Univ.) GoogleMaps ; along the trail near the road side, 14°22’ N 101°23’ E, 23 March 2019, Anantaprayoon 51 (hb. Kasetsart Univ.). Prachinburi: Khao Yai , 14°30‘ N 101°30‘ E, 16 February 1966, Touw 12063 ( BKF). Nakhon Si Thammarat: Khao Nan National Park, Khao Nan Yai, 2 February 2006, Sukkharak 8 ( BCU) GoogleMaps ; 3 February 2006, Sukkharak 12 ( BCU) ; 12 March 2006, Sukkharak 115 ( BCU) ; 14 March 2006, Sukkharak 273, 278 ( BCU) ; 11 May 2006, Sukkharak 399 ( BCU) ; 11 May 2006, Sukkharak 410 ( BCU) ; 12 May 2006, Sukkharak 418 ( BCU) ; 13 August 2006, Sukkharak 454 ( BCU) ; 17 April 2018, Chantanaorrapint 1455, 1593 ( PSU) .

Distribution: —Asia and Australasia ( So 2003).

Notes: —The most significant character of Metzgeria lindbergii is that they are autoicous plants. Also, marginal hairs of thallus are a mixture of straight, single or paired. Metzgeria lindbergii may be confused with M. furcata but the latter differs from the former by dioecy and single marginal hairs of thallus.

Another autoicous species of the genus is Metzgeria conjugata Lindberg (1875: 495) which is a more complex taxon. According to Fuselier et al. (2009), there occurs two clearly separated lineages, a northern North American lineage (possibly corresponding to M. conjugata s.str.) and a southern North American and European lineage (possibly corresponding to M. simplex Lorbeer ex Müller (1941: 115)) . Apart from their phytogeographical differences, M. lindbergii is distinguished from M. conjugata by its smaller laminal cells (30–50 × 20–25 μm) with varyingly thickened walls ((25–) 30–63 × (20–) 22–42 μm with less thickened walls in M. conjugata ) ( Piippo 1991; Costa 2008).


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