Crocothemis servilia servilia (Drury, 1773)

Lakhiar, Amjad, Panhwar, Waheed Ali & Panhwar, Farhad Ali, 2015, Studies on the taxonomy of Crocothemis servilia servilia (Drury, 1773) (Odonata: Libellulidae)., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 14, pp. 105-106 : 106

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12715554

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scientific name

Crocothemis servilia servilia (Drury, 1773)


Crocothemis servilia servilia (Drury, 1773) View in CoL (Fig. 1) ·

Material examined: 10 ♂♂ and 17 ♀♀, 9.II.2013 (A.

Lakhiar & F. Ali Panhwar leg.).

Measurements: ♂: Total body length 15.6 - 16.9 cm,

body width 6.1 - 6.9 mm; ♀: Total body length 14.5 -

14.9 cm, body width 5.5 - 5.7 mm.

Descriptions: Colour yellowish brown, being lighter anteriorly and darker posteriorly. Legs light brown with a few dark bands. Abdominal segments 1-5 light yellow and 6-10 dark brown. Head brown in colour, transverse in outline. Vertex slightly convex bearing scattered setae. Antennae sevensegmented, slender, piliform and set 1.8 mm apart; scattered setae present on antennal segments. Eyes in living condition with whitish spherical periphery and darker lower region. Ocelli not prominent, situated medially on the dorsal side of the head. Labium spoon-shaped with two lateral movable lobes, mentum conical distally being 5.0 mm wide, distal margins of palpi produced into crenations bearing a number of setae, spiniform setae present on median lobe. Thorax collar-like, compact and well formed, bearing a pair of functional spiracles between the pronotum and mesothoracic episterna; yellowish in colour with dark brown spots on its mid-dorsal surface. Wings held dorsally and parallel over the abdomen, length of fore wing 4.0 cm and hind wing 5.0 cm from the common point of their origin up to the tip. The hind wing overlaps the fore wing and in living condition extends up to the lower half of the sixth abdominal segment. Legs long, slender and light yellow in colour. All the three pairs of legs similarly marked with dark brown bands on the femora and tibiae and dark spots on tarsi. Scattered setae present on femora and tibiae, while trirradiate setae are found on tarsi. Abdomen egg-shaped, yellowish brown in colour, segments 2-5 yellowish, segments 8-10 darker, being brownish yellow; light yellow bands present on the posterior margin of each segment. Body form strongly convex dorsally, middle portion slightly convex ventrally while laterally it is flattened.













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