Winklerites fodori, Guéorguiev, 2007

Guéorguiev, B. V., 2007, Winklerites Fodori Sp. N. And Systematic Position Of Duvalius (Duvalius) Fodori Scheibel (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Trechinae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (2), pp. 107-115 : 108-110

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12585631

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scientific name

Winklerites fodori

sp. nov.

Winklerites fodori View in CoL sp. n.

( Figs 1–3 View Figs 1–3 )

Type material. Holotype m labelled: “Turcin plan. 1935.VII.26. ” / “Turcin pl. 935.VII.26.” / “ Scotodipnus “ / “ Coll. Dr. J. FODOR “ / “ Holotype, Winklerites fodori n. sp., B. GUÉORGUIEV det., 2006” ( HNHM) . Paratype f labelled: “ Macedonia Sar Planina Popova sapka” / “ 1935.VII.16. leg. Dr. J. FODOR “ / “ Paratype, Winklerites fodori n. sp., B. GUÉORGUIEV det., 2006” ( HNHM) .

Diagnosis. The new species distinguishes itself from the other related species of the “ hercegovinensis “ group by the particular shape of the aedeagus and the copulatory piece. The limited area of distribution may be also used as an additional special feature for species distinction.

Description of holotype. Moderately sized (length 2.1 mm, maximum width 0.7 mm) species of Anillini ; pubescent short and sparse; microsculpture isodiametric, fine; cuticle lightly pigmented, colour pale testaceous. Last abdominal tergite, ventrite and right posterior leg missing.

Head moderate in size, dorsal surface smooth, impunctate; mandibles sharp-pointed, as long as one-third of head; antennae short, moniliform; eyes absent; supraorbital crest present as fine trace; penultimate palpomere of maxillary palp fusiform; frontal furrows moderately deep. Proportions: length of head / width of head as 1.3; length of head / length of pronotum as 1.15; width of head / width of pronotum as 0.72.

Pronotum slightly cordate, widest at anterior third; sides more convergent posteriorly than anteriorly, distinctly concave before posterior angles, margins not serrate in posterior half; anterior margin slightly concave, anterior angles not prominent; posterior margin slightly convex backward, posterior angles prominent, nearly rectangular; disc smooth, slightly convex, midline distinct, superficial; basal foveae superficial, impunctate; anterior and posterior marginal setae present. Proportions: width of pronotum / length of pronotum as 1.22.

Elytra elongate, coalesced along first half, irregularly punctato-striate; disc plane; apices separate and widely rounded; shoulders distinct, widely rounded; margins indistinctly serrate in anterior third; scutellary striola deep and oblique, other striae missing. Proportions: length of elytra / length of pronotum as 2.29; width of elytra / width of pronotum as 1.34; length of elytra / width of elytra as 1.4.

Legs long, pubescent, slender; tibiae and femora in fore and middle legs equally long, protibiae wider and very robust (especially in anterior parts) in comparison with mesotibiae and metatibiae, hind tibiae somewhat longer than hind femora.

Male genital armature. Ninth abdominal sternite (urite) ovate, short, consisting of two sclerites, briefly rounded in apical part and widely rounded in basal part ( Fig. 1 View Figs 1–3 ). Median lobe of aedeagus ( Figs 2–3 View Figs 1–3 ) in lateral view arcuate (less apically, more basally), apical part wider than basal part; both basal and apical orifices concave; internal sac situated in subapical part; copulatory piece minute, strongly chitinized, hooked (turned with concave side to dorsum), consisting of fungiform distal and hooked proximal part; parameres asymmetrical, left paramere as long as two third of median lobe, having massive basal and thin apical parts bearing two short setae, right paramere weakly sclerotised, fine, apex with two long setae.

Chaetotaxy. Similar to that of the other species of the “ hercegovinensis ”group.

Description of paratype. Length 2.3 mm, maximal width 0.75 mm. Elytra covering all but apex of abdomen. Proportions: length of head / width of head as 1.25; length of head / length of pronotum as 1.1; width of head / width of pronotum as 0.71; width of pronotum / length of pronotum as 1.24; length of elytra / length of pronotum as 2.32; width of elytra / width of pronotum as 1.33; length of elytra / width of elytra as 1.4.

Habitat. Unknown. Probably as in the case of other congeners, it lives under large, deeply embedded stones in the subalpine and alpine belts.

Etymology. Named after the remarkable Hungarian collector, Dr. JENŐ FODOR for his long standing efforts to collect Palaearctic Carabidae .

Discussion. The intrageneric relations of Winklerites have been once a topic of discussion ( CASALE et al. 1990). Currently at least four groups could be distinguished, three of them are defined here for the first time. The differentiation between these groups is based on the shape of aedeagus and several important external characters. Perhaps some of these lineages will deserve a rise to a separate subgenera in future, but a key moment for a right intrageneric construction is the description of the male sexual apparatus in four described species. No doubt, further research in the hypogaean fauna of the region will lead to the discovery of new species from Winklerites , which will add new data on the systematics of the genus.

The “ hercegovinensis View in CoL ” group seems to be quite homogeneous and includes W. hercegovinensis (WINKLER, 1925) View in CoL , W. durmitorensis NONVEILLER et PAVIĆEVIĆ, 1987 View in CoL , W. kuciensis NONVEILLER et PAVIĆEVIĆ, 1987 View in CoL and W. fodori View in CoL sp. n. The principal features uniting these taxa are the similar shape of the aedeagus, the similar shape and position of the copulatory piece and the presence of a distinct excision on the posterior lateral margin of elytron. Most likely, W. paganettii (J. MÜLLER, 1911) View in CoL , the type species of the genus, also belongs to this complex, but its male is unknown. The “ weiratheri View in CoL ” group, defined by CASALE et al. (1990: 556), includes two closely related species, W. weiratheri (J. MÜLLER, 1935) View in CoL and W. lagrecai CASALE, GIACHINO et ETONTI, 1990 View in CoL , having vicarious distribution in north-eastern Greece. The specific shape of their aedeagus, the position of the internal sac and the similar structure of the copulatory piece place both species close to each other. GIACHINO (2001) suggested that W. vailatii GIACHINO, 2001 View in CoL also belongs to this group. However, the male of this species is unknown and therefore the exact systematic position of this species remains unsettled. W. perpusillus (ROTTENBERG, 1874) , the only member of the “ perpusillus ” group, is an extraordinary species for its extremely minute corporal dimensions (it is perhaps the smallest European ground beetle), round shoulders and lack of distinct excisions on the posterior margins of elytra. However, its internal structure of aedeagus has not yet been examined, and the elytral chaetotaxy has not yet been studied in details. Only one species, W. olympicus CASALE, 1977 View in CoL , is the member of the “ olympicus View in CoL ” group. The distinctly denticulate posterior sides of both pronotum and shoulders of the elytra, the presence of three discal pores on one elytron and the lack of distinct excision on the posterior margins of elytra place it separately from the other members of the genus. The male of this species remains unknown too. The characters of the female genital armature are not widely used for species distinction owing to their homogeneous morphology. The shape of the ovipositor, even in Winklerites species of different groups, seems quite uniform (cfr. CASALE 1977, CASALE et al. 1990, NONVEILLER & PAVIĆEVIĆ 1987).


Hungarian Natural History Museum (Termeszettudomanyi Muzeum)














Winklerites fodori

Guéorguiev, B. V. 2007

W. fodori

Guéorguiev 2007

W. vailatii


W. lagrecai


W. durmitorensis NONVEILLER et PAVIĆEVIĆ, 1987


W. kuciensis NONVEILLER et PAVIĆEVIĆ, 1987


W. olympicus


“ olympicus

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