Glaucorhoe Herbulot, 1951

Wu, Chunguang, Han, Hongxiang & Xue, Dayong, 2008, A study on the genus Glaucorhoe, with descriptions of two new species from China (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Larentiinae), Zootaxa 1858, pp. 53-63 : 54

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.183621


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scientific name

Glaucorhoe Herbulot, 1951


Glaucorhoe Herbulot, 1951 View in CoL

Glaucorhoe Herbulot, 1951 View in CoL , Revue Fr. Lepid., 13: 26.

Type species: Cabera unduliferaria Motschulsky , [1861] 1860, Etudes Ent., 9: 36, by original designation.

Redescription. Body: Antennae filiform in both sexes, male with short cilia, length of each segment in the middle longer than width. Frons flat, bearing a cluster of developed forelock under the frons. Proboscis well developed. Labial palpus rough scaled, about 1/4–1/3 length extending beyond frons. Foreleg normal. Hind tibia with two pairs of spurs, the length of inner ones about two times the outer ones in each pair. Male with a pair of well developed coremata between the seventh and eighth sternite.

Wing-shape: Forewing with costal margin protuberant at base, slightly concave in the middle and shallowlly arced beyond middle; apex nearly rectangle and obtuse; anal angle rounded; outer margin curved and slightly wavy; inner margin straight. Hindwing with costal margin straight; apex and anal angle rounded; outer margin wavy; inner margin straight. Both wings grey to yellowish grey, with several white wavy transverse lines.

Venation ( Fig. 1): Forewing: with two areoles, the first areole small. R1 diverging before the distal angle of the second areole, R5 from the distal angle, M1 shortly stalked with lower margin of areole, cell slightly shorter than half length of forewing, discocellulars curved in the middle, the lower part strongly slanted outwards; M3 and CuA1 separate. Hindwing: Sc+R1 anastomosing with Rs to near the end of cell; Rs and M1 stalked; discocellulars incurved above middle, M2 slightly close to M1; M3 and CuA1 separate; 3A present.

Male genitalia. Uncus long and stout, coniform, strongly sclerotized, ciliate. Tegumen moderately sized. Valva short and narrow, divided into two parts: costal lobe and sacculus; costal lobe slightly sclerotized, with posterior end rounded or occasionally nearly truncate, with a row of dense setae ventrally; sacculus membranous, ventral margin slightly to moderately protruding and sclerotized at base, posterior end blunt or sometimes slightly pointed. Saccus triangular, blunt. Juxta a transverse, curved sclerotized band at base, with a short process extending anteriorly and a long arm extending posteriorly at both ends. Aedeagus long and narrow, cornutus a row of spines on vesica, manica with a cluster of spines.

Female genitalia. Apophyses anteriores very short, apophyses posteriores long and narrow. Tergum, pleurum of the eighth segment and sterigma strongly sclerotized, forming a large complex, armor-shaped sclerite. Ostium bursae and ductus bursae sclerotized. Corpus bursae small, longer than ductus bursae, membranous, without signum.

Distribution. China, Russia (Amur district, Far East district, Ussuri district), Japan, Korea.














Glaucorhoe Herbulot, 1951

Wu, Chunguang, Han, Hongxiang & Xue, Dayong 2008


Herbulot 1951
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