Amplirhagada gardneriana, Köhler, 2011

Köhler, Frank, 2011, Descriptions of New Species of the Diverse and Endemic Land Snail Amplirhagada Iredale, 1933 from Rainforest Patches across the Kimberley, Western Australia (Pulmonata: Camaenidae), Records of the Australian Museum 63 (2), pp. 167-202 : 187-189

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Felipe (2021-08-21 19:48:47, last updated by Plazi 2023-11-04 06:19:09)

scientific name

Amplirhagada gardneriana

sp. nov.

Amplirhagada gardneriana View in CoL n.sp.

Type locality. Western Australia, NW Kimberley, 15 km E of King Cascade, Princess May Ranges ; 15°36'00"S 125°26'30"E ( RFS 27-3 ; coll. V. Kessner, 27 Jun 1987) ( Fig. 1 View Figure 1 ) GoogleMaps .

Type material. Holotype WAM S34734 View Materials (preserved specimen) (Pl. 1.11; Table 1) . Paratypes AM C.472934 (8 preserved specimens), WAM S34735 View Materials (13 preserved specimens) , FMNH 221084 About FMNH (22 preserved specimens) , AM

C.472935 (14 dried shells), WAM S34736 View Materials (25 dried shells), FMNH 221083 (34 dried shells).

Etymology. In reference to the Gardner Plateau, where this species occurs.


Shell (Pl. 1.11; Fig. 31 A–C View Figure 31 ). Semi-globose with elevated spire. Solid, not translucent. Periphery well rounded to angulate; upper and basal sectors of whorls well rounded. Umbilicus narrowly winding, 50–80% concealed by columellar reflection. Background colour horn to pale brownish ochre; peripheral band rarely present, if present rather distinct, thin, brown, visible on last whorl only; sub-sutural band absent or diffuse, brown, thin; outer and inner lighter than shell. Protoconch 2.6 mm in diameter, comprising about one whorl, with very indistinct radially elongated pustulations. Teleoconch with faint, regular axial growth lines; evenly distributed across shell surface. Angle of aperture 45–60 degrees; outer lip thin, well rounded, expanded, not reflected; basal node absent or weak. Parietal wall of inner lip thin.Average shell size 14.2±1.2 × 18.0± 0.7 mm ( Table 1).

Radular and jaw morphology ( Fig. 31 D–G View Figure 31 ). Tooth formula C + 11 + 4 + 16; 125 rows of teeth (n = 1). Jaw with 10 plates.

Genital morphology ( Figs 32–33 View Figure 32 View Figure 33 ). Penis straight, tubular, thin, as long as anterior part of oviduct. Penial sheath distally thick, proximally delicate. Penial retractor about half as long as penis. Penial verge conical, with pointed tip, extending about ¼ of length of penial chamber. Inner penial wall entirely covered by very fine, dense pustulation. Main stimulatory pilaster weakly developed, extending distal half of inner penial wall, corrugated. Vas deferens rather thin, entering penial sheath in distal third of penial complex. Vagina moderately long, tubular to slightly inflated; inner vaginal wall and wall of bursa copulatrix with smooth longitudinal pilasters. Bursa copulatrix slightly extending base of spermoviduct. Free oviduct comprising about half of length of anterior part of oviduct. Spermoviduct longer than anterior part of oviduct.

Aestivation strategy. Free sealer.

Remarks. Anatomical description based on dissections of three specimens. Listed by Solem (1991) as “ Amplirhagada NSP 28”. According to Solem (1991) the species differs from A. pusilla Solem, 1981 by its narrower umbilicus and more elevated spire and from A. drysdaleana Solem, 1981 by a shorter vagina. It also differs by a distinct pustulation of inner penial wall.

Solem, A. 1981. Camaenid land snails from Western and central Australia (Mollusca: Pulmonata: Camaenidae). II. Taxa from the Kimberley, Amplirhagada Iredale 1933. Records of the Western Australian Museum Suppl. 11: 147 - 320.

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Figure 1. Distribution of Amplirhagada species described in the present work. (A) A. atlantis n.sp. (B) A. carsoniana n.sp. (C) A. alicunda n.sp. (D) A. davidsoniana n.sp. (E) A. vialae n.sp. and A. discoidea n.sp. (F) A. forrestiana n.sp. (G) A. inusitata n.sp. and A. epiphallica n.sp. (H) A. lindsayae n.sp. (I) A. angustocauda n.sp. (K) A. moraniana n.sp. (L) A. gardneriana n.sp. (M) A. bendraytoni n.sp. (N) A. coffea n.sp. (P) A. carinata Solem, 1981. When species occur at more than one locality, the type locality of newly described taxa is marked with an asterisk.

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Figure 31. Amplirhagada gardneriana n.sp. SEM of shell (AM C.472935), radula and jaw (AM C.472934). (A) Protoconch and first teleoconch whorls viewed from above. (B) Detail of first teleoconch whorls viewed from above. (C) Close-up of sculpture on last whorl, lateral view. (D) Jaw. (E) Central and inner lateral teeth from above. (F) Marginal teeth viewed from above. Scale bars: A–B, 200 µm; C, 1 mm; D, 100 µm; E, 10 µm; F–G, 20 µm.

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Figure 32. Genitalia of Amplirhagada gardneriana n.sp. (AM C.472934).For labelling of structures see Fig.3. Scale bar = 5 mm.

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Figure 33. Penial anatomy of Amplirhagada


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