Cephennodes (Fusionodes) gutta, Jałoszyński, Paweł, 2015

Jałoszyński, Paweł, 2015, The Cephenniini of China. VII. New species and new records of Cephennodes Reitter of Shaanxi, Gansu and Sichuan (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scydmaeninae), Zootaxa 4033 (3), pp. 393-410 : 407-408

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4033.3.5

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scientific name

Cephennodes (Fusionodes) gutta

sp. nov.

Cephennodes (Fusionodes) gutta sp. n.

( Figs 24 View FIGURES 23 – 25 , 29–31 View FIGURES 26 – 31 )

Type material. Holotype: CHINA (Shaanxi Province): ♂, two labels: " CHINA: Shaanxi, Qin Ling Shan / 108.47 E, 33.51 N,Mountain W Pass / at Autoroute km 70, 47km S Xian / 2300 - 2500 m, sifted / 26.- 30.08.1995.leg.A.Pütz" [white, printed]; " CEPHENNODES / (FUSIONODES) / gutta m. / det. P. Jałoszyński, '15 / HOLOTYPUS " [red, printed] (cAP). Paratype: 1 ♂, same data as for holotype (cPJ).

Diagnosis. Aedeagus in ventral view with apical assemblage of projections with small proximal lobes and apical lamina subrectangular with concave lateral margins; dorsal subapical projection bifurcate; in lateral view apical lamina and dorsal subapical projection strongly protruding as slender and curved tail-like structures; each paramere with three setae.

Description. Body of male ( Fig. 24 View FIGURES 23 – 25 ) moderately convex, oval with indistinct constriction between pronotum and elytra, uniformly dark brown, covered with yellowish vestiture. BL 1.63–1.78 mm.

Head broadest at moderately large but strongly convex and coarsely faceted eyes, HL 0.20–0.25 mm, HW 0.38–0.40 mm; vertex and frons confluent, weakly convex; supraantennal tubercles weakly raised. Punctures on frons and vertex distinct but small, shallow and with moderately sharp margins, separated by spaces subequal to diameters of punctures; setae short, sparse, suberect. Antennae moderately long, gradually broadening distally from antennomere VII, AnL 0.85–0.88 mm, antennomeres I–VII each distinctly elongate, VIII about as long as broad, IX and X slightly transverse, XI about as long as IX–X together, about twice as long as broad, with pointed apex.

Pronotum semioval, strongly convex at middle and distinctly flattened near hind corners, broadest slightly in front of middle; PL 0.50–0.55 mm, PW 0.78–0.80 mm. Anterior margin broadly rounded; lateral margins strongly rounded in anterior half and indistinctly concave in posterior third, slightly convergent toward nearly right-angled posterior pronotal corners; posterior margin shallowly bisinuate; lateral carinae not demarcated from disc; lateral antebasal pits large and deep, each located slightly closer to posterior than to lateral pronotal margin. Punctures on pronotum distinct, small and shallow but dense, those in central region of disc separated by spaces 1–1.5 times as wide as diameters of punctures, those near each anterior pronotal corner distinctly denser, but not larger or deeper, appear as slightly coarse scale-like and fine microsculpture; setae moderately dense and long, only slightly suberect.

Elytra as convex as pronotum, oval, broadest near anterior fourth and strongly narrowing caudad; EL 0.93– 0.98 mm, EW 0.78–0.80 mm, EI 1.19–1.22; subhumeral lines indistinctly carinate, as long as 0.25 EL and only slightly divergent caudad; basal fovea on each elytron located slightly closer to lateral margin of mesoscutellum than to subhumeral line; elytral apices unmodified, separately rounded. Punctures and setae on elytra similar to those on median part of pronotal disc. Hind wings not studied.

Metaventrite with short setose postmesocoxal impressions.

Legs moderately long and slender; all tibiae nearly straight.

Aedeagus ( Figs 29–31 View FIGURES 26 – 31 ) relatively slender, AeL 0.55 mm; median lobe in ventral view with oval capsular part with broadly rounded apical margin; apical assemblage of projections complicated, in ventral view with small proximal lobes and long apical lamina with concave lateral margins; dorsal component with bifurcate dorsal subapical projection, both apical lamina and dorsal subapical projection in lateral view visible as slender and curved tail-like structures; each paramere with one apical and two subapical setae.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. Central-eastern China: Shaanxi Province.

Etymology. The name gutta (Latin "a drop of a fluid", a noun in apposition) refers to the drop-like body shape of adults of this species.

Remarks. Within the graeseri species group, C. gutta is the only species with the aedeagus in lateral view showing two tail-like projections curved dorsally (the apical lamina and dorsal subapical projection), also the apical lamina in ventral view with both lateral margins concave is a unique character. This component in all other species of this group is variously twisted around the long axis of the aedeagus and then one of its sides is concave and the other one convex, with exception of C. medusa sp. n. described below, in which the apical lamina is not twisted and has both lateral margins convex.

















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