Lupaeus valentinae Sergeyenko, 2011

Heyer, Jacob den, Ueckermann, Edward A. & Khanjani, Mohammad, 2013, Iranian Cunaxidae (Acari: Prostigmata: Bdelloidea). Part III. Subfamily Cunaxoidinae, Journal of Natural History (J. Nat. Hist.) 47 (31 - 32), pp. 2049-2070 : 2066-2068

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Carolina (2021-03-23 18:32:40, last updated 2024-11-29 16:08:35)

scientific name

Lupaeus valentinae Sergeyenko, 2011


Lupaeus valentinae Sergeyenko, 2011

( Figure 10 View Figure 10 A–G)

Material examined

One female, Medicago sativa (alfalfa), Tūysarkān, Iran, 24 August 1997, M. Khanjani .


This species has recently been described by Sergeyenko (2011) and some figures of the Iranian material are shown ( Figure 10 View Figure 10 A–G).

Key to the Iranian Cunaxoidinae

1. Palp segment II with five setae; tibiae IV with or without a trichobothrium; tibia III and IV with long dorsoterminal knobbed seta; dorsal shield(s) poorly sclerotized and often indistinct; seta formula for telofemora I–IV 4–4 or 3–3 or 2 or 1–3 or 2 or 1; cheliceral setae absent;............. Cunaxoidini...... 2 Palp segment II six setae; tibiae IV always with a trichobothrium; tibia III and IV with simple dorsoterminal seta; dorsal shield(s) sclerotized and distinct; seta formula for telofemora I–IV 5–5–4–3; cheliceral setae present..........

......................................................... Pulaeini ...... 3

2. Invagination near anal region; dorsal “shield” entire; genua IV with two asl............................................ Cunaxoides decastroae sp. nov. No invagination near anal region; two separate dorsal “shields”; genua IV with one asl more or less in middle of podomere length...................................................................... Cunaxoides lootsi sp. nov.

3. Basifemora I–IV with 4–6–3–2 sts; depression for famulus on proximal half of tarsus I; palptibiotarsus with only a single ventral pointed process................................................................... Pulaeus ...... 4 Basifemora I–IV with 4–6–3–1 sts; depression for famulus distally on tarsus I; palp tibiotarsus with two or three pointed processes; gnathosomal appendages of normal length; setae hg3 almost on edge of coxal region.............................................. Lupaeus Castro and Den Heyer, 2009 ...... 5

4. Distal gnathosomal components much extended anteriorly; length ratio gnathosomal coxal region: hypostome in male 2.5–2.8...................................................................... P. krama ( Chaudhri, 1977) Gnathosomal components normal, i.e. length ratio gnathosomal coxal region: hypostome 1 or less................................... P. razanensis sp. nov.

5. Tarsi I with four proximal solenidia; genua I with four solenidia..................................................... Lupaeus martini ( Den Heyer, 1979) Tarsi I with three proximal solenidia; genua I with three solenidia.......... 6

6. Genua II with two asl.................................................... 7 Genua II with one asl................... Lupaeus sativae Den Heyer sp. nov.

7. Genua IV with one asl...................... L. iranensis Den Heyer sp. nov. Genua IV with two asl....................... L. valentinae Sergeyenko, 2011

Castro TMMG de, Den Heyer J. 2009. A revision of the genus Pulaeus Den Heyer, with descriptions of a new genus and four new Brazilian species (Acari: Prostigmata: Cunaxidae). Zootaxa. 2141: 20 - 36

Chaudhri WM. 1977. Descriptions of the mites of the Family Cunaxidae (Acarina) from Pakistan. Pak J Agri Sci. 14; 2 - 3: 41 - 52.

Den Heyer J. 1979. Pulaeus, a new cunaxid genus (Prostigmata: Acari). Acarologia. 21; 1: 18 - 31.

Sergeyenko AL. 2011. Mites of the genera Pulaeus and Lupaeus (Acari: Prostigmata: Cunaxidae) of Crimea, Ukraine. Zootaxa. 3088: 54 - 68.

Gallery Image

Figure 10 Lupaeus valentinae Sergeyenko, 2011. female. (A) Hypostome; (B) palp; (C) chela; (D) leg I; (E) leg II; (F) leg III; (G) leg IV.















