Mesocentrus gilvus, Papp, 2005

Papp, J., 2005, Five New Mesocentrus Szépligeti Species From The Australian Region (Hymenoptera: Braconidae: Betylobraconinae), Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 51 (2), pp. 97-111 : 102-103

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12586471


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scientific name

Mesocentrus gilvus

sp. nov.

Mesocentrus gilvus View in CoL sp. n. f

( Figs 20–27 View Figs 20–28 )

Material examined (1 m). – Male holotype: New Caledonia, Ponerihuen, 11 October 1969, leg. J. BALOGH. – Holotype is deposited in the Hungarian Natural History Museum (Department of Zoology) Budapest, Hym. Typ. No. 10702. – Holotype is in fairly good condition: glued on a pointed card by its mesosternum, left antenna damaged (having only 13 flagellomeres), left middle and hind legs (except hind coxa and trochanter) missing .

Etymology. – The species name “gilvus ” refers to the peculiar yellow colour of the body.

Description of the male holotype. – Body 4 mm, fore wing 3.5 mm long. Antenna with 19 antennomeres (right antenna) about as long as head, mesosoma and first tergite combined. First flagellomere 2.5 times, penultimate flagellomere 3.3 times as long as broad, flagellum attenuating distally. Distance between antennal sockets one-third greater than that between socket and eye. – Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 20 View Figs 20–28 ) less transverse, 1.6 times as broad as long, eye just protruding and almost 1.5 times the length of temple, temple strongly rounded, occiput excavated. OOL three times the length of POL. Eye in lateral view 1.8 times as high as wide, temple just as wide as eye, temporal carina angularly bent towards hypostomal carina ( Fig. 21 View Figs 20–28 , see arrow). Maxillary palp about as long as height of head. Malar space one-third longer than basal width of mandible. Head coriaceous to subrugulose, temple polished.

Mesosoma in lateral view twice as long as high. Precoxal suture crenulate, mesopleuron polished. Mesoscutum granulose, scutellum finely granulose. Propodeum areolate-rugose, hind pair of areolae less rugose. – Fore femur thick, 2.6 times ( Fig. 22 View Figs 20–28 ), hind femur 2.9 times ( Fig. 23 View Figs 20–28 ) as long as broad medially. Claw of hind leg as in Fig. 24 View Figs 20–28 .

Fore wing ( Fig. 25 View Figs 20–28 ): Pterostigma 3.2 times as long as wide issuing r distally from its middle, r one-fourth shorter than width of pterostigma; second submarginal cell long, 3–SR 1.9 times as long as 2–SR, SR1 weakly arched and 1.3 times the length of 3–SR. First discal cell narrowing distally, 1–M twice the length of m–cu ( Fig. 26 View Figs 20–28 ).

First tergite ( Fig. 27 View Figs 20–28 ) 1.6 times as long as broad behind and evenly broadening posteriorly, with longitudinal striae, interstriae rugulose-subrugulose. Second tergite long, trapeziform, 1.35 times as broad behind as long medially, suture between tergites 2–3 convex; second tergite longitudinally striate, third tergite with somewhat weaker striation; fourth tergite substriate to striolate; further tergites polished.

Body ochre yellow. Scape and pedicel pale yellow, flagellum faintly darkening ochre yellow. Face and clypeus pale yellow. Palpi whitish. Ocellar field black. Tegula pale yellow. Legs pale yellow; coxae, fore femur and femora 2–3 basally whitish yellow. Wings subhyalinme, along middle veins infuscate; pterostigma brownish, basally yellow, veins brownish.

Female and host unknown.

Distribution: New Caledonia.

The new species, Mesocentrus gilvus , is nearest to M. baloghi sp. n., their distinction is as follows:

M. gilvus sp. n.: Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 20 View Figs 20–28 ) less transverse, 1.6 times as broad as long. Second submarginal cell long, 3–SR 1.8 times as long as 2–SR ( Fig. 25 View Figs 20–28 ). Fore femur thick, 2.6 times as long as broad medially ( Fig. 22 View Figs 20–28 ). Ground colour of body ochre yellow. m: 4 mm.

M. baloghi sp. n.: Head in dorsal view ( Fig. 4 View Figs 1–11 ) transverse, 1.8 times as broad as long. Second submarginal cell less long, 3–SR 1.4 times as long as 2–SR ( Fig. 9 View Figs 1–11 ). Fore femur less thick, three times as long as broad medially ( Fig. 6 View Figs 1–11 ). Ground colour of body testaceous with yellowish and brownish pattern. m: 3.6 mm.













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