Birandra (Yvesandra) cribrata ( Thomson, 1861 )

Santos-Silva, Lbert Eler Ernández Antonio, 2011, Parandrinae From Cuba (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae), Papéis Avulsos de Zoologia 51 (14), pp. 221-232 : 228-230

publication ID 10.1590/S0031-10492011001400001

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scientific name

Birandra (Yvesandra) cribrata ( Thomson, 1861 )


Birandra (Yvesandra) cribrata ( Thomson, 1861) View in CoL

( Figs. 15-22 View FIGURES 15‑22 )

Parandra cribrata Thomson, 1861: 87 View in CoL ; Chevrolat, 1862: 275; Thomson, 1867: 118; Lacordaire, 1868: 23; Gemminger & Harold, 1872: 2751 (cat.); Thomson, 1878: 4 (type); Gahan, 1895: 80 (distr.); Blackwelder, 1946: 551 (checklist) (excluding the citation of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico); Zayas, 1957: 159; 1975: 18; Chemsak et al., 1992: 13 (checklist) (excluding the citation of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico); Peck, 2005: 164 (checklist) (excluding the citation of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico).

Parandra (Parandra) cribrata View in CoL ; Lameere, 1913: 6 (cat.) (excluding the citation to Haiti and Puerto Rico); 1919: 17 (excluding the citation to Haiti and Puerto Rico); Monné & Giesbert, 1994: 1 (checklist) (excluding the citation of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico); Monné, 1994: 2 (cat.) (excluding the citation of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico); Santos-Silva, 2002: 33, 45; Monné & Hovore, 2005: 6 (checklist) (excluding the citation of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico); 2006: 5 (checklist) (excluding the citation of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico); Monné, 2006: 16 (cat.) (excluding the citation of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico); Cardona-Duque et al., 2007: 44 (key).

Birandra (Yvesandra) cribrata View in CoL ; Santos-Silva & Shute, 2009: 32 (comb. nov.); Monné & Bezark, 2010: 5 (checklist) (excluding the citation of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico).

Male ( Fig. 15 View FIGURES 15‑22 ): Integument from brown to dark-brown; head, edge of clypeus-labrum, mandibles, post ocular area and anterior margin of pronotum darker.

Dorsal surface of head punctate, more abundant and coarser laterally. Mandibles ( Figs. 17, 20 View FIGURES 15‑22 ) approximately as long as head, robust, densely punctate; inner margin with two teeth together protracted, located between middle and apex: smaller, more distal, and larger slightly bilobed at apex; apex trifurcate: two large teeth in dorsal view, and small tooth ventro-apical (not visible when viewed dorsally). Projection of clypeus-labrum wider than long; anterior margin weakly emarginate or straight. Eyes weakly emarginate. Submentum ( Fig. 20 View FIGURES 15‑22 ) coarsely punctate, denser antero-laterally than medially; anteriorly with setae, deeply grooved transversely. Ventral sensorial area of antennomeres III-XI ( Fig. 19 View FIGURES 15‑22 ) divided by a complete, low and slender carina, not visible from side. Dorso-apical sensorial area of antennomere XI elliptic, feebly defined.

Pronotum ( Fig. 17 View FIGURES 15‑22 ) square-shape; largest width at anterior angles; anterior angles weakly rounded; posterior angles almost in right angle; anterior and lateral margins sinuate; posterior margin almost straight; disc coarsely, sparsely punctate, distinctly coarser and more abundantly laterally. Elytra elongated, coarsely punctate. Metasternum ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 15‑22 ) coarsely, somewhat sparsely punctate laterally, more abundant towards anterior and posterior regions. Metepisternum ( Fig. 21 View FIGURES 15‑22 ) coarsely punctate.

Ventrites I-IV smooth; ventrite V with long setae on media and posterior regions. Femora with minute and indistinct setae. Tibiae strongly dilated towards apex, with setae distinctly longer than in femora; apex with four spurs, two larger than other.

Female ( Fig. 16 View FIGURES 15‑22 ): Integument from reddish-brown to dark-brown. Head ( Fig. 18 View FIGURES 15‑22 ) less robust. Eyes broader than in male. Mandibles subtriangular, smaller than head; inner surface with moderately long and short setae; inner margin with three small rounded teeth. Projection of clypeus-labrum weakly wide, truncated at apex. Anterior and posterior margins of pronotum sinuate; lateral margins concave; disc coarsely, densely punctate laterally. Elytra coarsely, densely punctuate. Metasternum coarsely, densely punctate. Ventrite V with minute setae.

Variation: Males – Larger tooth of the inner margin of the mandibles not bilobed at apex; smaller tooth of inner margin of the mandibles slightly distinct; projection of the clypeus-labrum longer than wide; lateral margins of the prothorax divergent from base to apex. Females: projection of the clypeus labrum rounded at apex.

Dimensions in mm (♂ / ♀): Body length (including mandibles) 16.8-18.5/14.9-17.7; prothorax: length 3.5-3.7/3.3-3.7; anterior width, 5.2-5.4/3.9-5.0; posterior width, 4.5-4.7/3.9-4.4; humeral width, 5.1-5.9/4.5-5.7; elytral length, 9.6-12.0/9.5-12.0.

Type and type locality: Holotype male ( Figs. 20-22 View FIGURES 15‑22 ), described from Cuba (La Habana), deposited at MNHN.

Geographical distribution: Birandra (Yvesandra) cribrata remains known only from Cuba.

Comments: Zayas (1975) affirmed that Birandra (Yvesandra) cribrata also occurs in Puerto Rico and Hispaniola. He also recorded: “Es la más robusta, convexa, oscura y punzada de nuestras dos especies, también la menos frecuentemente hallada en el campo, pero como acude mucho a la luz, más que la siguiente [ Parandra cubaecola , actually B. (Y.) latreillei ], aparecen en las colecciones más o menos en un número equivalente de ejemplares”. The information, on the quantity of specimens in collections is correct. Unfortunately, nearly all specimens that we examined were collected more than 40 years ago.

Apparently the redescription of Parandra cribrata in Gundlach (1891) corresponds to this species. However, it could correspond to B. (Y.) cubaecola .

The following references should be transferred from Birandra (Yvesandra) cribrata to B. (Y.) tavakiliani ( Santos-Silva, 2002) : Gundlach (1894); Lameere (1902); Leng & Mutchler (1914); Wolcott (1924, 1936, 1948); Perez-Gelabert (2008). Thus, we are formally excluding B. (Y.) cribrata from the fauna of Puerto Rico. Lameere (1913) also recorded this species from Haiti, and was followed by later authors. We do not know which species studied by Lameere led him to record B. (Y.) cribrata in Hispaniola, but we believe that it is not Thomson’s species. Unfortunately, we do not know where that specimen(s) is deposited. Nevertheless, based on the incorrect identification of B. (Y.) cribrata by Lameere (1902) we are formally excluding it from the fauna of Hispaniola.

Material examined: CUBA, ♂ [no data] ( CZCTR) ; ♀ [no data] ( FZPC). Pinar del Rio: Aspiro , ♀, 03. VI .1934, A. Bierig col. ( MZSP). La Habana: Santiago de las Vegas , ♀, VI .1968, J. Acuña col. ( CZACC); Río Cristal , ♀, VI .1947, J. Ferrás ( FZPC). Mayabeque: Jaruco , ♀, 15. VI .1933, [no collector indicated] ( MFPUH). Matanzas: Matanzas , ♂, ♀, VI.1962 , P. Alayo y I. García col. ( CZACC); ♀, VI .1962, F. Zayas col. ( FZPC); Ciénaga de Zapata , 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, V .1964, I. García col. ( CZACC); Playa Larga , 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, V .1963, F. Zayas, P. Alayo & I. García col. ( CZACC); Península de Zapata , 4 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, V .1963, F. Zayas col. ( FZPC). Camagüey: Camagüey , ♂, 31.VII.1925, J. Acuña col. ( FZPC); California , ♀, 1955, F. Zayas col. ( FZPC); Nuevitas , ♂, VI .1955, F. Zayas col. ( FZPC). Granma: Cabo Cruz , ♂, VI .1955, F. Zayas col. ( FZPC). Santiago de Cuba: Ciudamar , ♂, VI.1954 , F. Zayas & P. Alayo col. ( FZPC).


Royal British Columbia Museum - Herbarium


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle


Mykotektet, National Veterinary Institute


Sao Paulo, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo


Coleccion Zoologia, Academia de Ciencias de Cuba














Birandra (Yvesandra) cribrata ( Thomson, 1861 )

Santos-Silva, Lbert Eler Ernández Antonio 2011

Birandra (Yvesandra) cribrata

MONNE, M. A. & Bezark 2010: 5
SANTOS-SILVA, A. & Shute 2009: 32

Parandra (Parandra) cribrata

CARDONA-DUQUE, J. & Santos-Silva, A. & Wolff 2007: 44
MONNE, M. A. & Hovore 2005: 6
SANTOS-SILVA, A. 2002: 33
MONNE, M. A. & Giesbert 1994: 1
LAMEERE, A. A. 1913: 6

Parandra cribrata

PECK, S. B. 2005: 164
CHEMSAK, J. A. & Linsley, E. G. & Noguera & F. A 1992: 13
ZAYAS, F. 1975: 18
ZAYAS, F. 1957: 159
BLACKWELDER, R. E. 1946: 551
GAHAN, C. J. 1895: 80
THOMSON, J. 1878: 4
GEMMINGER, M. & Harold 1872: 2751
LACORDAIRE, J. T. 1868: 23
THOMSON, J. 1867: 118
CHEVROLAT, L. A. 1862: 275
THOMSON, J. 1861: 87
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