Epimerella subiasi, Toluk & Ayyıldız & Baran, 2008

Toluk, Ayşe, Ayyıldız, Nusret & Baran, Şule, 2008, Two new species of Epimerella Kulijev, 1967 (Acari, Oribatida, Epimerellidae) from Turkey, Journal of Natural History 42 (39 - 40), pp. 2537-2546 : 2542-2546

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.1080/00222930802354092

persistent identifier


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scientific name

Epimerella subiasi

sp. nov.

Epimerella subiasi View in CoL sp. nov.


Body length: 284–286 mm, body width: 132–140 mm (holotype: 284/ 132 mm) (n 51 holotype, 2 paratypes).

Prodorsum ( Figures 4A View Figure 4 – 6 View Figure 6 ). Rostrum incised. Rostral setae bilaterally ciliated, 10 mm in length. Lamellar setae bilaterally ciliated, 28 mm in length. Interlamellar setae 22 mm in length. Interlamellar setae reaching the insertion points of lamellar setae. Lamellar setae nearer to interlamellar setae than to rostral setae. Width between insertion points of setae le smaller than between insertion points of setae in. Costulae present originating from in front of the bothridia. Sensilla fusiform, half of its distal part, slightly dilated, each with seven long and three short cilia unilaterally. The bothridia cup-shaped, with a large, laterally-oriented opening.

Notogaster ( Figures 4A View Figure 4 , 6 View Figure 6 and 7 View Figure 7 ). Elongated. Crista well developed, projecting anteromedially as is typical in all species of the family. Ten pairs of notogastral setae present. Setae c 2 10 mm in length, smooth, curved backward and poorly visible. Remaining notogastral setae long, ciliated.

Ventral side ( Figures 4B View Figure 4 and 8–10 View Figure 8 View Figure 9 View Figure 10 ). Epimeral borders easily visible. There is a space between all epimera with space between epimera III and IV equal in width to the genital opening. Epimeral setal formula 3–1–3–3. All epimeral setae long, ciliated except setae 1a, 2a and 3a. Genital plate 32 mm in length, 30 mm in width. Genital plates with five pairs of setae. Anal plate 44 mm in length, 46 mm in width. Anal plates with two pairs of setae. One pair of aggenital; three pairs of adanal setae present. Lyrifissures iad situated paraanally. Adanal setae are situated as follows: ad 1 – postanally; ad 2 – paraanally; ad 3 – preanally.

Legs ( Figures. 11–12 View Figure 11 View Figure 12 ). All legs monodactylous. Setation of leg segments is given in Figures 11–12 View Figure 11 View Figure 12 .

Material examined

YÇMP- 573, holotype and two paratypes.


This new species is named for Dr L.S. Subias, University Complutense, Spain.


This new species resembles Epimerella distenta by epimera I separated from each other medially. The differences in morphological traits between E. subiasi sp. nov. and E. distenta are summarized in Table 1.

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