Dutrapona tenuis, Gonçalves & Takiya, 2024

Gonçalves, Clayton Corrêa & Takiya, Daniela Maeda, 2024, Dutrapona, a new genus and three new species of Gyponini (Insecta: Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) from Central and South America, Zootaxa 5497 (1), pp. 100-110 : 104

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5497.1.5

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scientific name

Dutrapona tenuis

sp. nov.

Dutrapona tenuis sp. nov.

(Figs 3–4, 20–32)

Diagnosis. Forewing (Fig. 23) with non-reticulated venation. Male pygofer (Fig. 26) with several long hair-like setae grouped on ventral half of median third; pair of caudoventral processes (Fig. 27) tuberculated. Subgenital plate (Figs 26, 28) slender, subtriangular; ventral surface covered by long hair-like setae. Style (Fig. 30) with blade slender, narrowing at apical portion. Aedeagus (Figs 31, 32) with basilateral processes extending slightly beyond shaft apex, widened at basal third and narrowing towards apex; shaft curved anterodorsally, apex acute; apex weakly sclerotized, with pair of digitiform membranous apical processes.

Total length. 12.2 mm (n = 1 male).

Coloration. Yellow (Figs 3–4). Head ( Figs 20 View FIGURES 20 –22) with red ocelli; antennal ledges and posterior margin of head, black; crown with red anterolateral maculae near anterior margin, in front of eyes.

Description. Head, in ventral view (Fig. 21), clypeus with lateral margins parallel. Forewing (Fig. 23) with non-reticulated venation, without extra crossveins; apex rounded. Other characteristics as in generic description.

Male terminalia. Sternite VIII, in ventral view (Fig. 24), approximately 2.2 times longer than wide; posterior margin rounded, slightly notched medially. Valve, in ventral view (Fig. 25), approximately 1.4 times wider than long; posterior margin rounded, notched medially. Pygofer, in lateral view (Fig. 26), subtriangular; lateral lobe with long hair-like setae along outer lateral margin and throughout apical half; caudoventral margin slightly rounded; apex rounded; in posterior view (Fig. 27), caudoventral processes tuberculated. Subgenital plate (Figs 26, 28) subtriangular, broad at base and narrowing towards apex; approximately 6.1 times longer than maximum width; inner lateral margin straight, outer lateral margin slightly expanded and rounded at basal half; ventral surface with shorter setae at basal half close to the outer margin and with long hair-like setae on the apical half; apex acutely rounded. Connective (Fig. 29) with anterior margin broadly slightly excavated; stem longer than arms. Style (Fig. 29), approximately twice the length of the connective; in lateral view (Fig. 30), blade slender, narrowing at the apical portion. Aedeagus (Figs 31, 32) with basilateral processes arising from base of shaft, widened at basal third and narrowing towards apex, extending slightly beyond shaft apex, curved anterodorsally, apex acute; shaft slightly sinuous, curved anterodorsally; apex weakly sclerotized, with pair of digitiform membranous processes.

Female. Unknown.

Etymology. The new species name comes from the Latin adjective “tenuis ” meaning thin, slender. This name refers to slender blade of style (Fig. 30).

Material examined. Holotype: ♂, “ COSTA RICA, Alajuela, Bijagua \ 10.74°N – 85.04°W; 712 m \ 08.xii.2008; Weirauch &\ Forero; CR 08 LIO” ( MNCR). GoogleMaps

Notes. Dutrapona tenuis sp. nov. resembles D. reticulata sp. nov. by the pattern of male terminalia: male pygofer and subgenital plates with long hair-like setae (Figs 13–15, 26–28); subgenital plate subtriangular (Figs 15, 28); style with ventral margin without projection (Figs 17, 30), and aedeagus basilateral processes extending beyond shaft apex (Figs 18, 31). However, D. tenuis sp. nov. has non-reticulated venation of the forewing (Fig. 23) and the style blade slender in lateral view (Fig. 30), while D. reticulata sp. nov. has reticulate venation at the apical half of the forewing (Fig. 10) and the style blade widened sub-apically (Fig. 17).


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