Lichtwardtia ziczac ( Wiedemann, 1824 )

Grichanov, Igor Ya., 2023, Discovery of Lichtwardtia Enderlein (Diptera: Dolichopodidae) in East India, Amurian Zoological Journal XV (3), pp. 641-649 : 643-648

publication ID 10.33910/2686-9519-2023-15-3-641-649

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Lichtwardtia ziczac ( Wiedemann, 1824 )


Lichtwardtia ziczac ( Wiedemann, 1824) View in CoL Figs. 1–10 View Figs View Figs

Dolichopus ziczac View in CoL : Wiedemann 1824: 40. Rhagoneurus ziczac : De Meijere 1916: 229.

Lichtwardtia ziczac View in CoL : Hollis 1964: 227; Tang et al. 2018: 100 View Cited Treatment , Fig. 25; Grichanov 2020: 11 View Cited Treatment .

Material: 1♂, India: Orissa [= Odisha State], Gop , 19.982 ° N, 86.016 ° E, 8– 9.01.2014 (K. Tomkovich) [ ZMUM] GoogleMaps .

Description. Male (fig. 1). Head (fig. 2). Frons metallic violet, weakly pollinose; face entirely white pollinose; one strong vertical, one short postvertical, a pair of strong ocellar setae present; lower postocular setae white; ventral postcranium with 2 long white setae and several light cilia; eyes with short hairs; face glabrous; face almost parallel-sided, narrowest at upper third, slightly widening at clypeus; ratio of face minimal width to height 29/48; clypeus almost straight ventrally, not reaching lower margin of eyes; ratio of clypeus width to height 32/25; antenna (fig. 3) mostly yellow-orange; postpedicel black in distal half, rounded, about as long as high (18/19), with short hairs; arista-like stylus middorsal, black, sparsely pubescent, with hairs 2–4 times longer than basal diameter of stylus; length (mm) of scape to pedicel to postpedicel to stylus (segments 1 and 2), 0.15/0.11/0.18/0.14/0.55; palpus small, dirty yellow, with short black hairs; proboscis brown.

Thorax. Black; mesonotum metallic, weakly pollinose; pleura whitish grey pollinose; 6 strong dorsocentral bristles decreasing in length anteriorly, with 1st bristle very short; 2 rows of acrostichals; proepisternum with 1 strong black bristle above fore coxa and few short white hairs; scutellum with 2 strong bristles and 2 very short black lateral hairs.

Legs mostly yellow; fore coxa yellow, mid coxa brown-black with yellow apex, hind coxa mostly yellow, with brown spot at base; hind femur with black-brown spot dorsally on apex; tarsi black from tip of basitarsus; femora without long hairs; fore coxa with black hairs and several long apical bristles; fore tibia with 3 anterodorsals, 2 dorsals, 1 posterior bristle, 3–4 times as long as diameter of tibia, 3 apical bristles of about equal length; fore tarsus simple, fore basitarsus with short basoventral seta; mid femur with 1 preapical anterior bristle; mid tibia with 4 anterodorsal, 2 posterodorsal, 1 anteroventral and 5 apical bristles; hind femur with one anterodorsal prepapical bristle; hind tibia simple, with 4–5 anterodorsal, 4 posterodorsal, 3 ventral, 3 apical bristles; hind basitarsus with 1 basoventral, 1 apical short setae, 1 strong dorsal bristle below middle, 0.6 times as long as basitarsus; length of femur, tibia and tarsal segments (in mm): fore leg, 1.25/1.21/0.6 2/0.31/0.19/0.14/0.15; mid leg, 1.65/1.66/0.89/ 0.42/0.35/0.24/0.19; hind leg, 1.84/1.97/0.81/0. 79/0.66/0.45/0.31.

Wing (fig. 4) greyish, with anterior margin faintly brownish and maculated at cross veins; costa simple; R 2+3 and R 4+5 almost straight, slightly divergent at apex; ratio of part of costa between R 2+3 and R 4+5 to that between R 4+5 and M 1+2 (in mm), 0.43/0.33; M 1+2 broken in middle of distal part, joining costal vein right before wing tip; R 4+5 and distal part of M 1 parallel; anterodistal cross vein (m-m) strongly oblique, not perpendicular to corresponding longitudinal veins; crossvein dm-m straight, almost perpendicular to corresponding longitudinal veins; length of distal part of M 1 to m-m to distal part of M 1+2 (in mm), 0.94/0.22/0.74; ratio of dm-m to distal part of M 4, 0.46/0.46; anal vein distinct, almost reaching to wing margin; anal lobe well developed; anal angle obtuse; lower calypter yellow, with black setae; halter yellow.

Abdomen black with bronze shine, grey pollinose laterally, with black hairs and marginal bristles; segment 8 black, with sparse black setae; epandrium (fig. 5) black, nearly as long as tergites 4 and 5 combined, swollen basally, narrowed distally, with subtriangular midventral projections laterally, slightly projected distoventrally (fig. 6); hypandrium basoventral, with small dorsoapical tooth; phallus thin, with regular sparse row of 6 strong dorsolateral teeth apically (figs. 9, 10); one minute epandrial seta on midventral projection; distoventral epandrial lobe reduced to 1 short and 2 long setae; surstylus yellow, bilobate; ventral lobe rounded (lateral view), with 1 thick inner preapical bristle, 3 short thick spines at apex; dorsal lobe of surstylus fingerlike, with narrow apical projection, with 2 preapical setae; postgonite long, forked in distal fourth, with narrow lobes; cercus (fig. 8) yellow, widely blackened along distal margin, subtriangular, dentate distally and ventrally, with double row of simple curved marginal bristles and white hairs on outer side; bristles about 1.5 times longer than width of cercus.

Measurements (in mm). Body length 4.3; antenna length 1.0; wing length 4.1; wing width 1.2.

Female. Similar to male except lacking male secondary sexual characters ( Tang et al. 2018: fig. 25).

Distribution. India (Odisha).

Diagnosis. The L. ziczac female holotype can be diagnosed by the following combination of characters unusual for the majority of other species ( Tang et al. 2018; Grichanov 2020): the wing with anterior border faintly brownish and maculated at cross veins; no swelling of the costa before or at the wing vein R 1; cross vein m-m (between M 1 and M 2) strongly oblique, not perpendicular to longitudinal veins; the length ratio of distal part of M 1 to distal part of M 1+2 is 0.6/0.4; the hind femur with brown spot dorsally on apex. Tang et al. 2018 related L. ziczac female with L. singaporensis (from the L. nodulata species group). The latter species differs from L. ziczac female in hind basitarsus distinctly shorter than next segment; cross vein m-m perpendicular to longitudinal veins. Hypandrium is simple in L. singaporensis , but bearing dorsoapical tooth in male described here as L. ziczac . Lichtwardtia infuscata Tang & Grootaert, 2018 , known from Cambodia, with maculated wings, is also similar to L. ziczac . Male cercus bears curved bristles in L. ziczac , about 1.5 times longer than width of cercus, but bears mainly straight bristles, slightly longer than width of cercus in both L. singaporensis and L. infuscata . The midventral projections of L. ziczac epandrium are very peculiar, being present in L. infuscata , but differing in shape and size. The latter species bears double row of denticles on phallus, whereas L. ziczac male possesses only one row of denticles on phallus.

Lichtwardtia singaporensis Grootaert et Tang, 2018 Figs. 11–14 View Figs

Lichtwardtia singaporensis View in CoL : Grootaert, Tang, in Tang et al. 2018: 79 View Cited Treatment , figs. 10–11; Grichanov 2020: 11 View Cited Treatment .

Material examined: 3♂, India: Orissa [= Odisha State], Gop , 19.982 ° N, 86.016 ° E, 8– 9.01.2014 (K. Tomkovich) [ ZMUM] GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. Male (fig. 11). Similar to Lichtwardtia ziczac in all respects except as noted. Head (fig. 12). Ratio of face minimal width to height 29/44; ratio of clypeus width to height 31/27; Antenna (fig. 13). Length (mm) of scape to pedicel to postpedicel to stylus (segments 1 and 2), 0.11/0.09/0.17/0.11/0.52. Legs. Hind femur with brownish spot dorsally on apex; tarsomeres 3–5 brown-black; fore tibia with 2 anterodorsals, 2 dorsals, 1 posterior bristle, 3 times as long as diameter of tibia; hind tibia simple, with 4–5 anterodorsal, 3 posterodorsal, 2 ventral bristles; hind basitarsus with 1 strong dorsal bristle below middle, half as long as basitarsus; length of femur, tibia and tarsal segments (in mm): fore leg, 1.18/1.07/0. 54/0.25/0.19/0.13/0.18; mid leg, 1.54/1.52/0.6 9/0.39/0.29/0.21/0.21; hind leg, 1.52/1.79/0.6 8/0.71/0.51/0.36/0.27. Wing (fig. 14). Anterodistal cross vein (m-m) perpendicular to corresponding longitudinal veins; length of distal part of M 1 to m-m to distal part of M 1+2 (in mm), 0.85/0.19/0.59; ratio of dm-m to distal part of M 4, 0.34/0.36. Hypopygium as figured and described by Tang et al. (2018). Epandrium without subtriangular midventral projections laterally; cercus with mainly straight bristles, slightly longer than width of cercus.

Measurements (in mm). Body length 3.8; antenna length 0.9; wing length 3.6.

Distribution. Type locality: Singapore: West Coast. The species is known from India (Odisha), Malaysia (Pahang) and Singapore. New species for India.

Lichtwardtia dentalis Zhang, Masunaga et Yang, 2009 Figs. 15–17 View Figs

Lichtwardtia dentalis View in CoL : Zhang et al. 2009: 198, figs. 1–4; Tang et al. 2018: 72 View Cited Treatment , figs. 4, 5.

Material examined: 6♂, India: Orissa [= Odisha State], Gop , 19.982 ° N, 86.016 ° E, 8– 9.01.2014 (K. Tomkovich) [ ZMUM] GoogleMaps ; 1♂, India: Orissa [= Odisha State], Banigocha- Daspalla , 20.382 ° N, 84.771 ° E, 18– 25.01.2014 (K. Tomkovich) [ ZMUM] GoogleMaps .

Description. Male (fig. 15). Head (fig. 16). Frons metallic violet, weakly pollinose; face entirely white pollinose; one strong vertical, one short postvertical, a pair of strong ocellar setae present; lower postocular setae white; ventral postcranium with 2 long white setae and several light cilia; eyes with short hairs; face glabrous; face almost parallel-sided, narrowest at middle, slightly widening at clypeus; ratio of face minimal width to height 23/46; clypeus almost straight ventrally, not reaching lower margin of eyes; ratio of clypeus width to height 27/23; antenna (fig. 17) mostly yellow-orange; postpedicel blackish in distal half, rounded, about as long as high (16/17), with short hairs; arista-like stylus middorsal, black, sparsely pubescent, with hairs 2–4 times longer than basal diameter of stylus; length (mm) of scape to pedicel to postpedicel to stylus (segments 1 and 2), 0.14/0.11/0.16/0.07/0.65; palpus small, dirty yellow, with short black and pale hairs; proboscis brown.

Thorax. Mostly black; mesonotum metallic green-violet, weakly pollinose; pleura whitish grey pollinose; 5 strong dorsocentral bristles decreasing in length anteriorly, 2 rows of acrostichals; proepisternum with 1 strong black bristle above fore coxa and few short white hairs; scutellum with 2 strong bristles and 2 very short black lateral hairs.

Legs mostly yellow; fore coxa yellow, mid coxa mostly yellow, with brown-black spot laterally, hind coxa yellow; tarsomeres 4–5 brown; femora without long hairs; fore coxa with black hairs and several long apical bristles; fore tibia with 2 anterodorsals, 2 dorsals, 1 posterior bristle, 2–3 times as long as diameter of tibia, 3 apical bristles of about equal length; fore tarsus simple, fore basitarsus with short basoventral seta; mid femur with one preapical anterior bristle; mid tibia with 4 anterodorsal, 2 posterodorsal, 1 anteroventral and 5 apical bristles; hind femur with one anterodorsal prepapical bristle; hind tibia simple, with 4 anterodorsal, 3 posterodorsal, 2 very short ventral, 3 apical bristles; hind basitarsus with 1 basoventral, 1 apical short setae, 1 strong dorsal bristle below middle, half as long as basitarsus; length of femur, tibia and tarsal segments (in mm): fore leg, 1.16/1.04/0. 51/0.25/0.18/0.15/0.17; mid leg, 1.59/1.69/0.8 5/0.41/0.32/0.24/0.19; hind leg, 1.57/1.93/0.7 1/0.74/0.53/0.33/0.23.

Wing almost hyaline; costa with small, but distinct widening at R 1; R 2+3 and R 4+5 almost straight, slightly divergent at apex; M 1+2 broken in middle of distal part, joining costal vein right before wing tip; R 4+5 and distal part of M 1 parallel; ratio of part of costa between R 2+3 and R 4+5 to that between R 4+5 and M 1+2 (in mm), 0.42/0.26; anterodistal cross vein (mm) perpendicular to corresponding longitudinal veins; crossvein dm-m straight, almost perpendicular to corresponding longitudinal veins; length of distal part of M 1 to m-m to distal part of M 1+2 (in mm), 0.87/0.18/0.66; ratio of dm-m to distal part of M 4, 0.38/0.47; anal vein distinct, almost reaching to wing margin; anal lobe well developed; anal angle obtuse; lower calypter yellow, with black setae; halter yellow.

Abdomen metallic bronze-green, black black along posterior margins of tergites, whitish pollinose laterally, with black hairs and marginal bristles; segment 8 black, with sparse black setae; hypopygium as figured and described by Zhang et al. (2009) and Tang et al. (2018); epandrium without subtriangular midventral projections laterally; hypandrium basoventral, simple, without tooth; tip of phallus with regular sparse row of a number of black ventral denticles; cercus yellow, widely blackened along distal margin, with narrow stem and subovate plate; plate higher than long, slightly dentate distally and ventrally, with double row of mainly simple marginal bristles, with single strong blunt-tipped middorsal bristle on the inside and white hairs on outer side; 5 distal bristles straight and thick, not longer than width of cercus; at least 3 of 5 thick bristles blunt.

Measurements (in mm). Body length 3.3– 3.9; antenna length 0.9–1.0; wing length 3.1– 3.8; wing width 1.2–1.3.

Female. Unknown.

Distribution. Cambodia, China (Yunnan), India (Odisha), Thailand (Loei). New species for India.

Notes. The species was incompletely described by Zhang et al. (2009), as it was noted by Tang et al. (2018). Therefore, I describe it again based on Indian material. See Tang et al. (2018) for diagnosis and illustrations of L. dentalis male.


Zoological Museum, University of Amoy














Lichtwardtia ziczac ( Wiedemann, 1824 )

Grichanov, Igor Ya. 2023

Lichtwardtia dentalis

Tang, C. & Yang, D. & Grootaert, P. 2018: 72
Zhang, L. & Masunaga, K. & Yang, D. 2009: 198

Lichtwardtia ziczac

Grichanov, I. Ya. 2020: 11
Tang, C. & Yang, D. & Grootaert, P. 2018: 100
Hollis, D. 1964: 227

Dolichopus ziczac

De Meijere, J. C. H. 1916: 229
Wiedemann, C. R. G. 1824: 40
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