Solenotichus MARTIN 1897

Gerry Cassis & Loren Vanags, 2006, Jewel Bugs of Australia (Insecta, Heteroptera, Scutelleridae), Denisia 19, pp. 275-398 : 316-319

publication ID 10.5281/zenodo.12996779


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scientific name

Solenotichus MARTIN 1897


Solenotichus MARTIN 1897 ( Figs 3b View Fig , 6 View Fig , 9 View Fig , 10 View Fig )

Solenotichus MARTIN 1897: 264 (nov. gen.); DISTANT 1899: 31 (description); KIRKALDY 1904: 280 (note); SCHOUTEDEN 1904: 7 (description); GROSS 1975: 86 (description); MCDONALD & CASSIS 1984: 545 (description); CASSIS & GROSS 2002: 585 (catalogue) Damelia DISTANT 1899: 31 (gen. nov.; junior homonym of Damelia CLARK 1864 [ Coleoptera ] Damellera KIRKALDY 1904: 280 (nom. nov. for Damelia DISTANT 1899 ); KIRKALDY 1909: 313 (synonymy)

Type species: Solenotichus : Solenotichus brevipes MARTIN 1897 , monotypy; Damelia : Sphaerocoris circuliferus WALKER 1867 , monotypy

Diagnosis: Solenotichus is recognised by the following combination of characters: body ovoid ( Fig. 3b View Fig ); dorsum strongly convex; posterior margin of pronotum arcuate ( Fig. 3b View Fig ); metathoracic peritreme narrow, moderately elongate, medially sulcate, strongly raised distally ( Fig. 9d View Fig ); male abdominal sternal glands submedially on SIV-SVII; ventral conducting canal of ejaculatory apparatus almost straight ( Figs 10c, d View Fig ); ejaculatory reservoir small, circular ( Fig. 10c View Fig ); CAI absent; CAII bifurcate, with triangular lobal sclerites; CAIII sclerotized, separate, apices laterally recurved ( Figs 10c, d View Fig ); vesica elongate, arcuate ( Figs 10c, d View Fig ); spermathecal fecundation canal short; and, spermathecal reservoir oval, wrinkled.

Description: Body small to moderately sized; ovoid ( Fig. 3a View Fig ); dorsum strongly convex; moderately convex ventrally; orange to orange-brown, with patterned markings; dorsum moderately to heavily punctate, less so ventrally. Head: subhemispherical, strongly transverse ( Fig. 9a View Fig ); moderately deflexed ( Fig. 9b View Fig ); lateral margins of jugae convex, subcarinate ( Fig. 9b View Fig ). Pronotum: transverse, subtrapezoidal, strongly convex ( Fig. 3b View Fig ); anterior margin concave; anterolateral margins strongly divergent, weakly convex, rounded in profile; posterolateral margins weakly convex; posterior margin arcuate. Scutellum: broad, covering most of forewings and abdomen, U-shaped, strongly convex ( Fig. 3b View Fig ); heavily punctate; anterior region raised, posteriorly strongly declivent. Thoracic sterna: moderately elevated, thickened keels, not overlapping ( Fig. 9c View Fig ); anterior margin of proepisternum explanate ( Fig. 9c View Fig ). Thoracic pleura: external efferent system of metathoracic glands well-developed ( Fig. 9c, d View Fig ); ostiole large; peritreme moderately elongate, narrow, medially sulcate, strongly raised distally; evaporative areas extending beyond peritreme and reaching mesepimeron ( Figs 9c,d View Fig ). Pregenital Abdomen: abdominal sternal glands on SIV-SVII, unpaired on SVII. Male Genitalia: ventral margin of pygophore truncate ( Fig. 9e View Fig ); genital opening large, transverse, moderately pilose laterally ( Figs 9f View Fig , 10a View Fig ); parameres, large, stem broad, crown with large hook, apex blunt ( Fig. 10b View Fig ); aedeagus, ejaculatory apparatus relatively simple and moderately short; ventral conducting canal almost straight ( Figs 10c, d View Fig ); ejaculatory reservoir small, circular ( Fig. 10c View Fig ); ductus seminis distalis without basal tumescence; CAI absent; CAII symmetrical, mostly membraneous, distally bifid, CAII(L) and CAII(M) subequal in size and shape, both with large triangular, lobal sclerites ( Figs 10c, d View Fig ); CAIII prominent, segregated, heavily sclerotized, arcuate, apices laterally recurved ( Figs 10c, d View Fig ); vesica elongate, recurved ( Figs 10c, d View Fig ). Female Terminalia: paratergites VIII subtriangular, medially tapered; paratergites IX large, subtriangular, medial margins rounded; gonocoxae I large, subrectangular, posterior margin concave. Spermatheca: proximal fecundation canal short; spermathecal reservoir oval, with wrinkled texture; distal fecundation canal, with proximal flange only; bulb oval, moderately sclerotised.

Diversity and distribution: Solenotichus is a monotypic genus, endemic to Australia.

Included species: S. circuliferus ( WALKER 1867) Australia

Remarks: Solenotichus is a distinctive genus of Elvisurinae , due to its oval and highly convex body, elongate and arcuate vesica, separated CAIII, simple ejaculatory apparatus (without convoluted ventral conducting canal) ( Figs 10c, d View Fig ), and moderately elongate, raised metathoracic peritreme ( Figs 9c, d View Fig ). The separate CAIII of Solenotichus also occur in Coleotichus excellens , but differ significantly in shape (arcuate versus S-shaped). On this character system alone, the monophyly of Coleotichus is brought into question, however the truncate posterior margin of the pronotum, and other aspects of the male aedeagus, indicate other possible affinities. In summary, the sister-taxon relationship of Solenotichus is not established on the basis of the characters examined.

GROSS (1975) and MCDONALD & CASSIS (1984) redescribed the type species, and confirmed its synonymy, but did not comment on its relationships. CASSIS & GROSS (2002) provided a comprehensive synonymy for the genus.












Solenotichus MARTIN 1897

Gerry Cassis & Loren Vanags 2006


KIRKALDY 1904: 280


DISTANT 1899: 31




MARTIN 1897: 264


CLARK 1864
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