Cornops aquaticum

Colombo, Pablo César & Remis, María Isabel, 2015, Morphometric variation in chromosomally polymorphic grasshoppers (Orthoptera: Acrididae) from South America: Bergmann and converse Bergmann patterns, Florida Entomologist 98 (2), pp. 570-570 : 570-

publication ID 10.1653/024.098.0228

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scientific name

Cornops aquaticum


Cornops aquaticum View in CoL

In C. aquaticum View in CoL , the chromosomal polymorphism consisted of 3 Robertsonian rearrangements that increased in their frequency southwards ( Colombo 2008). The chromosomally studied area was small compared with the continental distribution of the species (latitude 23°N to 35°S) but not negligible at all. Thus, it extended from Corrientes (27°S) in northeastern Argentina to Tigre (34°S) in central-eastern Argentina. The Corrientes population was monomorphic without fusions; Santa Fe had 0.12 fusions per individual (fpi); in Rosario, this value remained small (0.11) and then it rose southwards ( San Pedro: 1.25 fpi; Zarate: 3.07 fpi; Tigre: 5.14 fpi). The maximum possible (6 fpi, i.e., complete fixation) was never attained, at least in the studied populations. In an isolated sample, sent from Trinidad and Tobago (10°N), this population was also monomorphic without fusions; moreover, a study of C. aquaticum View in CoL that aimed to establish its karyotype ( Rocha et al. 2004) failed to detect the centric fusions in a population from São Lourenco da Mata, Pernambuco, Brazil (latitude 8°S), so at the moment the only described chromosome rearrangements are those found in Argentina. Nevertheless,we know that these fusions were also present in Uruguay because there was a previous chromosome study mention- ing them ( Mesa 1956), and that was the first report ever of Robertsonian rearrangement polymorphisms in Orthoptera View in CoL .

In Romero et al. (2014), we studied the relationship between morphometric variables and chromosomal constitution, and we found that body size–related variables positively correlated with the number of fused chromosomes from an intra-population point of view. Populations of C. aquaticum View in CoL sited in the middle and lower course of the Paraná River were polymorphic for 3 centric fusions (1/6, 2/5, and 3/4). The relationship between the karyotype and the phenotype was analyzed in 2 populations (Zárate and San Pedro) where we found a representative number of individuals of each karyotypic class ( Table 5). Males with fusion 1/6 were bigger than standard males. The Kruskal– Wallis analysis showed significant differences between the different numbers of fusion 1/6 for the tegmen length variable (H = 7.280, P = 0.026*) ( Table 5, as in Romero et al. 2014). Because fusion frequency is also correlated with latitude, southern populations would be expected to have a bigger size than northern ones.

With respect to a broader geographic point of view, we found no relationship between body size and geography in our own data, but we later merged them with those of the morphometric study by Adis et al. (2007) on a continental scale, going from Trinidad and Tobago (latitude 10°N) in the north to Montevideo (latitude 35°S) in the south. We had to limit the analysis to tegmen length, because it was the only variable that Adis et al. (2007) and we had measured in the same way. The results are shown in Table 6 and Figures 1C and 1D View Fig . It turns out that, at least for tegmen length, there is a clear positive Bergmann effect in both sexes (r = 0.7790, P = 0.0079 in males and r = 0.9067, P = 0.0003 in females). Hence, in this species the morphometric chromosome effects also are correlated with the geographic tendency .


Previous reviews showed different species within a main group (e.g., Orthoptera ) may exhibit various phenotypic variations with respect to latitude ( Shelomi 2012). Moreover, in some species, such as Dichroplus elongates Giglio-Tos ,contrasting patterns of body size variation with respect to latitude were observed generating Bergmann and converse Bergmann patterns along about 1,000 km ( Rosetti & Remis 2013).With respect to Bergmann’s rule, it is clear that L. argentina and C. aquaticum show a positive Bergmann effect, while T. pallidipennis follow a negative one. However, with respect to this rule, it is clear that its author devised it for endotherms, and that perhaps its extension to ectotherms produces these paradoxes. Perhaps the trends of ectotherms regarding latitude and/or altitude are governed by different needs, such as the length of breeding season (which would lead to a negative Bergmann effect) or the reduction in the number of genera- tions in a year. Hence, we take the Bergmann’s law in ectotherms with extreme care, treating each species as a special case.

As for chromosome polymorphisms and their morphometric effects, we noticed a common pattern in all 3 species studied: they were coher- ent with their geographical distribution ( Colombo 1989; 2008; Colombo & Confalonieri 1996). In fact, in all cases the chromosome polymorphisms were associated with body size enlargement (the chromosome rearrangement in question was associated with enlarged body size–related variables in all 3 species).Effectively, in C. aquaticum and L. argentina the Robertsonian rearrangement(s) were more frequent in southern populations ( Colombo 2014), and these 2 species follow a Bergmann’s pattern. Conversely, in T. pallidipennis populations sited at lower altitudes tend to support larger individuals,where pericentric inversions are more frequent ( Colombo 2014). Apparently, this may be an adaptive effect of chromosome polymorphisms, which probably support genes that cause increased body size in the appropriate environments. This would be another evidence of adaptive effects associated with chromosome polymorphisms, of which abundant evidence has been provided in the past ( Colombo 1993; Colombo & Confalonieri 1996; Norry & Colombo 1999; Colombo et al. 2004; Romero et al 2014). Current molecular studies may shed more light on these patterns.

and their karyotype composition. UU: Unfused homozygotes; UF: heterozygotes; FF: fused homozygotes. N: number of individuals sampled.

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Cornops aquaticum

Colombo, Pablo César & Remis, María Isabel 2015

Leptysma argentina

Bruner 1906
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