Katkaenus buruanus, HávA, 2014

HávA, Jiří, 2014, Contribution to the knowledge of Dermestidae (Coleoptera) from the Maluku Islands (Indonesia). Part 1. Description of a new species of Katkaenus Háva, 2006 from Buru Island., Arquivos Entomolóxicos 12, pp. 119-122 : 120-121

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.5281/zenodo.12714111

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scientific name

Katkaenus buruanus

sp. nov.

Katkaenus buruanus sp. nov.

( Figs. 1-5 View Figs )

Type material. Holotype (male)¡ Indonesia, Maluku, E

Buru, Ilath env., Remaja Mt., 200 m, 7-14.I.2013, J.

Horák & St. Jákl leg., ( JHAC). Paratypes (1 male, 4

females)¡ same data as holotype, ( JHAC). Specimens of this new species are provided with red, printed labels with text as follows: “ HOLOTYPE (or PARATYPE,

respectively) Katkaenus buruanus sp. nov. Jiří HávA det.


Map 1.- Situation of Buru Island, Maluku Islands ( Indonesia).


Male. Body black on dorsal and ventral surfaces, matt; strongly convex and broadly oval ( Fig. 1 View Figs ).

Body measurements (mm)¡ TL 2.5-2.8 EW 1.6-1.7. Head finely punctate, with long, recumbent, brown pubescence. Labial palpi very long, yellowish-brown; pubescence on mentum denser. Eyes very large,

with yellowish setae. Ocellus on front present. Antennae dark brown with brown setae, 11-

segmented, antennal club 5-segmented ( Fig. 2 View Figs ). Pronotum on disc punctate like head, densely foveolate in antero-lateral part, covered with long, recumbent, brown pubescence. Anterior pronotal angles not visible from above. Scutellum triangular, shining, without pubescence. Elytra finely punctate, with long, brown, recumbent pubescence; cuticle black without spots or fasciae

( Fig. 1 View Figs ). Each elytron with one large bump near humerus. Epipleurae entirely black with long,

recumbent, brown pubescence. Legs dark brown, with brown pubescence. Tibiae with long, brown spines along shaft. Prosternal process narrow and long, covered by long brown pubescence.

Prosternum forming no collar, therefore mouthparts free. Metasternum finely punctate antero-

laterally, on posterior part with large punctures, covered with brown, long, recumbent pubescence.

Abdominal visible sternites coarsely punctate, with short, recumbent, brown pubescence. First visible abdominal sternite without post-coxal lines. Pygidium black, coarsely punctuate, with long brown, recumbent pubescence. Male genitalia as in Fig. 4 View Figs .

Female. Body measurements (mm)¡ TL 2.6-2.8 EW 1.8-1.9; externally similar to male, but differing by the structure of antennae ( Fig. 3 View Figs ).

Differential diagnosis. The new species is similar to Katkaenus spectaculus Háva, 2006 ( India ¡ Tamil Nadu), and can be differentiated as follows¡

Katkaenus spectaculus Háva, 2006 ¡ antennae light brown; labial palpi short; dorsal surfaces shining; tibiae with short, yellowish-brown spines along shaft. TL 2.8-3.4 mm.

Katkaenus buruanus sp. nov. ¡ antennae dark brown; labial palpi long; dorsal surfaces matt; tibiae with long, brown spines along shaft. TL 2.5-2.8 mm.

Etymology. Named after the type locality, Buru Island.

Subfamily Dermestinae

Tribe Dermestini













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