Selenophorus latior species group

Shpeley, Danny, Hunting, Wesley & Ball, George E., 2017, A taxonomic review of the Selenophori group (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalini) in the West Indies, with descriptions of new species and notes about classification and biogeography, ZooKeys 690, pp. 1-195 : 33

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scientific name

Selenophorus latior species group


Selenophorus latior species group View in CoL


Combination of the following characters: smaller size (SBL 4.88-5.84 mm); elytra with mesh pattern slight transverse to very transverse or absent; and pronotum with posteriomedial area of disc impunctate, or with reduced punctation.

SBL. Males, 4.93-5.84 mm; females, 4.88-5.68 mm.

Color. Antennae variously colored: unicolorous testaceous; or with basal one or two antennomeres testaceous to brunneous and remaining antennomeres darker. Mouthparts: testaceous to infuscated, rufous to rufo-brunneous, with tips testaceous. Legs: testaceous to rufo-brunneous or femora bicolored, rufous to brunneous, base paler, tibae paler than femora, testaceous to rufo-testaceous. Dorsal surface: rufo-brunneous to brunneo-piceous, elytral disc with or without a darker central cloud in intervals 1-6. Ventral surface rufous to brunneo-piceous. Elytral epipleuron paler than disc.

Luster. Shiny, elytra with faint blue-green metallic reflection or subiridescent.

Dorsal microsculpture. Dorsal surface with no microlines or just a few visible at 100 ×, or head with mesh pattern isodiametric, pronotum and elytra with mesh pattern transverse, sculpticells 1.5 –4× wide as long.

Male genitalia. Apical portion of phallic median lobe with long to very long taper, apex with small dorsal hook, blunted, or curved dorsally. Preapical orifice anopic, moderately long to very long; endophallus with or without macro spines, lamina present.

Ovipositor and female reproductive tract. Only S. latior was examined. Gonocoxite 2 moderately thick, somewhat falcate. Bursa copulatrix moderately long; spermatheca moderately long, sausage-like, originating near base of common oviduct; markedly long spermathecal gland duct originating near base of spermatheca; spermathecal gland small, sausage-like, with bulbous swelling of duct, larger than gland, basad gland.

Included species.

The latior species group includes three species: S. barbadensis Ball and Shpeley, S. latior Darlington, and S. solitarius Darlington.

Geographical distribution.

The range of this species group extends in the Greater Antilles from Cuba to Hispaniola, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and through the Lesser Antilles to Grenada.













