Bemangidia lowryi L.Gaut.

Boluda, C. G., Randriarisoa, A., Naciri, Y. & Gautier, L., 2023, A Taxonomic Revision of the Madagascar-Endemic Genus Bemangidia (Sapotaceae), with Description of a Second Species, Edinburgh Journal of Botany 80 (1996), pp. 1-17 : 12-15

publication ID 10.24823/EJB.2023.1996


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Bemangidia lowryi L.Gaut.


Bemangidia lowryi L.Gaut. View in CoL in Taxon 62(5): 979 (2013) View Cited Treatment

– Type: Madagascar, Anosy Region [formerly Toliara Province], Taolagnaro ( Fort Dauphin ), Iaboko , Antsotso Avaratra , Bemangidy Forest , 7 ii 2006, flowers, Lowry et al. 6657 (holotype P [barcode P00568788 !]; isotypes G [barcode G00340094!], MO [number 6141396!], TEF!).

Figures 4 View Figure 4 , 5 View Figure 5 .

Medium to large tree up to 25 m tall and 55 cm in diameter, bark dark brown, oak-like fissured; inner bark tender, pink, with copious white latex, wood very hard, light yellow; ultimate twigs 8–10 mm in diameter, with rusty pubescence on growing shoots, growing twigs frequently green on fresh material, drying dark greyish brown to almost black. Leaves alternate, grouped at the end of the twigs, leaving conspicuous scars when shed; stipules narrowly triangular to sublinear, V-shaped in cross-section, 8 × 1.5 mm, rusty pubescent, early caducous; petiole 60–100 × 1.5–2 mm, channelled, rusty pubescent when growing, later with some persisting sparse trichomes especially inside the channel; blade elliptical, 180–300 × 60–65 mm, base cuneate, apex obtuse, sometimes shortly and broadly acuminate, chartaceous to coriaceous, with a caducous rusty pubescence on lower surface, glabrous on upper surface; midrib raised on lower surface, impressed above, in continuation with the channelled petiole; leaf venation brochidodromous with lateral veins dense and parallel, the secondaries almost indistinguishable from the intersecondaries, 175–330 on each side, diverging from the midrib at an angle of 70°–90°, looping very near the margin to constitute a faintly conspicuous intramarginal vein. Flowers grouped at the end of the twigs, 2- or 3-fascicled on leaf axils; pedicel rusty pubescent, pendulous, c.50 × 2 mm. Calyx quincuncial with 5 sepals united at the base; sepals broadly lanceolate, 20–2 × 10–12 mm, rusty pubescent externally; the two external sepals also pubescent internally, except for the middle 1/3, both margins involute and causing longitudinal grooves on the overlapped sepals; the intermediate sepal with only one involute margin, and 1/3 of the internal surface pubescent; the two most internal sepals glabrous internally. Corolla gamopetalous, pale greenish or cream; tube 7–8 mm long, with 5 broadly lanceolate lobes 18–20 × 10 mm, contorted in bud, overlapping to the right, basis cordate with auricles c. 0.9 mm long; apex entire to lacerate. Stamens 5, opposite to the corolla lobes; filaments glabrous, attached for 1/2 of their length to the corolla tube, free part 7–8 mm long; anthers 10 mm long, attached to the filaments at 1/3 from base, sagittate; thecae ciliate; connective extending above thecae in an acute 1 mm long appendage. Staminodes 5, alternipetalous, broadly lanceolate, 8 × 5 mm, margin ciliate, connivent and forming a chamber over the ovary. Ovary superior, with 5 uniovulate locules, 5-lobed, 3.3 mm high by 6.5 mm broad, densely hirsute; style 27 mm long, with 5 weak longitudinal grooves; c. 0.8 mm in diameter, glabrous. Fruit borne on 40–50 × c. 3 mm pedicel gradually widening to 6 mm near the calyx; calyx partly persistent; fruit an obconic and asymmetrical berry, 40–50 × 30–35 mm, with copious white latex; seed solitary, ellipsoid, slightly laterally compressed, c.30 × 22 × 19 mm; testa shiny, light brown; seed scar adaxial, covering 65% of the length and 40% of the circumference; embryo with plano-convex cotyledons; endosperm absent.

Distribution. Bemangidia lowryi is endemic to southeastern Madagascar and is so far known only from the Bemangidy forest, part of the Tsitongambarika Protected Area, approximately 55 km north-northeast of Taolagnaro (Fort Dauphin) and c. 7 km from the sea.

Habitat and ecology. It is restricted to the lowland moist evergreen forest on slopes below 450 m a.s.l. Flowers are reported in February, and fruits in December.

Proposed IUCN conservation category. With an estimated EOO of <100 km 2, and an AOO of 9 km 2 in a single location, Bemangidia lowryi has been assessed as Critically Endangered (CR B1ab(iii); B2ab(iii)) ( Gautier & Rivers, 2019), following the IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria ( IUCN, 2012). It is known from only seven collections, and although no logged trees have been observed, logging may constitute its main threat, together with deforestation. Its seeds have never been included in seedbanks, and no ex situ conservation measures have been applied to date.

Additional specimens examined. MADAGASCAR. Anosy Region [formerly Toliara Province]: Taolagnaro (Fort Dauphin), Iaboko , Antsotso Avaratra , Bemangidy Forest , 10 xii 2011, sterile, Gautier et al. 5784 ( G, S, TAN) ; Bemangidy Forest , 11 xii 2011, sterile, Gautier et al. 5786 ( G, S, TAN) ; Bemangidy Forest , 11 xii. 2011, fruit, Gautier et al. 5789 ( G, K, MO, P, S, TAN) ; Bemangidy Forest , 5 iv 2008, fruits, Ramison et al. 578 ( MO, P, TAN) ; Forêt Ivohibe , xi 2005, young fruits, Razakamalala et al. 2510 ( MO, TAN) ; Bemangidy Forest , no date, sterile, Service forestier s.n. ( P [ P00568786 , P00568787 ]) .


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Missouri Botanical Garden


Parc de Tsimbazaza














Bemangidia lowryi L.Gaut.

Boluda, C. G., Randriarisoa, A., Naciri, Y. & Gautier, L. 2023

Bemangidia lowryi L.Gaut.

L. Gaut. 2013: 979
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