Entomobrya hirsutothorax Jordana & Baquero, 2021

Baquero, Enrique, Potapov, Mikhail & Jordana, Rafael, 2021, New species and records of Entomobryidae and Orchesellidae (Collembola) from the East Caucasus (Russia), Zootaxa 4991 (2), pp. 247-270 : 255-257

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.4991.2.2

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scientific name

Entomobrya hirsutothorax Jordana & Baquero

sp. nov.

Entomobrya hirsutothorax Jordana & Baquero sp. nov.

http://zoobank.org/ A3E1805A-6A27-4CBE-BDA8-8599CB2835DC

( Figs 2D–F View FIGURE 2 , 5A–I View FIGURE 5 )

Type material. Holotype: female, RUSSIA, North Caucasus, Chechnya, Shatoi district, Argun gorge, near Shatoi , broadleaf flood wood, litter, (coordinates 42.867916, 45.680073, 490 m a.s.l.), 20.iv.2018, hand collection, sample code: CAU2018-16 About CAU R-01, Kuznetsova N., Potapov M., and Kremenitsa A. leg. GoogleMaps Paratypes (same data as Holotype) GoogleMaps : one female on the same slide of the holotype ( CAU2018-16 About CAU R-02), and 22 specimens in ethyl alcohol ( CAU2018-16 About CAU R-03 to 24) .

Additional material. RUSSIA, North Caucasus, Ingushetia, Jairah District , near Armhi , ( 1 specimen on a slide ( CAU2018-5 About CAU R-01), trap by Lyzhginsky waterfall, under trees on the meadow, (42.807015, 44.726117, 1161.7m a.s.l.), 19.iv.2018, hand collection, Potapov M. leg. GoogleMaps ; one specimen juvenile on a slide ( CAU 2018-6-09), litter from a pine forest (funnel extraction), (42.807918, 44.707335, 1338m a.s.l), 18.iv.2018, Kuznetsova N., Potapov M., Kremenitsa A. leg. GoogleMaps ; one female on a slide ( CAU2018-6 About CAU R-01), and two males on other slide ( CAU2018-6 About CAU R-02 and 03), trap to Lyzhginsky waterfall, near water edge, (42.807015, 44.726117, 1161.7m a.s.l.), 19.iv.2018, hand collections, Potapov M. leg. GoogleMaps

Diagnosis. Simplified Mc formula: 3(4)-1-0-3-2/7(9)-7(11)/2-4(5)/0-2-2/0-5-1 0 4-1 0 2(3)-3.

Description. Body length (excluding antennae) 2.20 mm (n=6), up to 2.75mm (Holotype). Ground color white or very pale, with pigment on frontal head and the posterior area behind the eyes, antennae, lateral Th II–Abd III anterior, two dorsolateral lines on Th II–Abd II, a fine dark middle dorsal line on Th II–Abd III, a transversal stripe on central Abd III, and an irregular patch on Abd IV; some specimens show a reduction of this pattern ( Figs 2D–F View FIGURE 2 ).

Head. Eight eyes, GH slightly smaller than EF ( Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 ). Antennae length 1.36mm, 2.8–3.7 times the length of the head (n =4); Ant IV with simple apical vesicle and bifurcate pin chaeta present ( Fig. 5B View FIGURE 5 ); subapical organite very small; sensory organ of Ant III with the special sensilla long-ovoidal, and three guards additional sensilla ( Fig. 5C View FIGURE 5 ); Ant II with two special sensilla, similar to those on Ant III; relative length of Ant I/II/III/IV=1/1.51/1.36/1.91 (n =4). Prelabral chaetae ciliated. Labral papillae rounded with a long triangular projection ( Fig. 5D View FIGURE 5 ). Lateral process of labial papilla E reaching their apex. Maxillary palp bifurcate, with three sublobal chaetae. Labial row with –MRELL, R 2/3 of M, all ciliated.

Body. Head, and Th II–Abd I with large number of chaetae, arranged almost perpendicular to the surface of the body. Abd IV/III length ratio= 5.1 (between 3.3–6.5; n= 6). Trochanteral organ with approximately 16 chaetae. Tibiotarsus not sub-segmented, without smooth chaetae, except for smooth terminal chaeta on legs III. Claw with four teeth: paired at 60% and first unpaired at 80 % from basis; dorsal teeth not basal, at the level of lateral ones ( Fig. 5E View FIGURE 5 ). Empodium lanceolate, with smooth external lamella (pe) in leg III (sometimes two or three small indentations present). Tenent hair clavate, longer than claw. Length of manubrium and dens 0.45 and 0.52 mm, respectively (average for n =6). Manubrial plate with five chaetae and two pseudopores ( Fig. 5F View FIGURE 5 ). Mucro with teeth similar in size, mucronal spine reaching the tip of the subapical tooth; area not crenulated of dens two times the length of mucro.

Macrochaetotaxy ( Figs 5A, G–I View FIGURE 5 ). Simplified Mc formula: 3(4)-1-0-3-2/7(9)-7(11)/2-4(5)/0-2-2/0-5-1 0 4-1 0 2(3) -3. Head: H1 area with Mc An 2, An 3a1, and An 3 and sometimes an additional chaeta; H2 area with one Mc (A 5); H4 area with three Mc (S 1, S 3, and S 4i); H4’ area with three Mc (S 5, S 5i, and S 4); H5 area with Ps 2 and Ps 5 Mc; the relative position of the chaetae A 3 and M 3 as in Fig. 5A View FIGURE 5 . Mesothorax: area T1 with between 7–9 Mc (always present: m 1, m 2, m 2i and m 2i2, and three posteriors to pseudopore; m 1p present or absent); T2 with between 7–11 Mc (always present: a5, m 4, m 4i, m 4p, and m 5; m 4pi present or absent; besides m 4i frequently 2–4 Mc). Abdomen: Abd II area A1 with two Mc (a 2 and a 3), area A2 with four Mc (m3, m 3ep, m 3e, m 3ea); m 3ei as Mc or mes, and M 4 Mc with an accompanying Mc above and external, ‘as’ and ‘acc’ present; Abd III without Mc on A3, and two Mc on areas A4 (a 2 and a 2a) and A5 (m 3 and m 3a) (m 3a more internal than normal position), a 6, m 6, m 7 and p 6 as Mc, ‘s’ between m 6 and p 6, ‘ms’ interior; Abd IV without Mc on A6 area, five Mc on A7 (A 2, B 2, B 3, C 1, and E 1), an unpaired Mc (A 04) and another four on A8 (A 4a, A e4, B 4 and C 2a), with an A4 as unpaired (absent in the two males observed), A9 with an unpaired (A 05) and another two Mc (A 5 and B 5), A10 with three Mc (A 6, Ae 7 and B 6); the bigger specimen has an irregular Mc pattern on Abd IV by plurichaetosis; sensillar formula normal as in the rest of Entomobryidae : 2,2/1,2,2,7,1 (on Abd V only one in all specimens studied), microsensillar formula: 1,0/1,0,1.

Habitat. Deciduous forests of Chechnya and Ingushetia.

Etymology. The specific epithet refers to many hirsute macrochaetae on the head, meso–, metathorax, and Abd I.

Remarks. The new species resembles six species of the genus with 2-4(5)/0-2-2 dorsal macrochaetotaxy of Abd II–III ( E. chooyuae ; E. handschini ; E. iraqensis ; E. kuznetsovae ; E. pazaristei ; E. taigicola ). E. hirsutothorax sp. nov. has 7(9)–7(11) macrochaetae on Th II, while there are 4–6 in E. handschini , 2–3 in E. iraquensis , 6– 6 in E. kuznetsovae and E. taigicola , 5–8 in E. pazaristei . In addition, the color pattern of the new species is different although is somewhat similar to E. handschini . The latter species differs in dorsal macrochaetotaxy, labral papillae, external empodium, and manubrial plate chaetae number.


China Agricultural University

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