Strongylophthalmyia strigosa, Galinskaya & Shatalkin, 2018

Galinskaya, Tatiana V. & Shatalkin, Anatoly I., 2018, Seven new species of Strongylophthalmyia Heller, 1902 (Diptera: Strongylophthalmyiidae) from the Eastern Palaearctic and Oriental Regions with notes on peculiar rare species, Zootaxa 4402 (1), pp. 113-135 : 125-128

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Plazi (2018-03-27 07:41:11, last updated 2024-11-29 16:12:40)

scientific name

Strongylophthalmyia strigosa

sp. nov.

Strongylophthalmyia strigosa View in CoL n. sp.

( Figs. 8 View FIGURE 8 , 9 View FIGURE 9 )

Material examined. Holotype: ♂, China, Sichuan, prov Ya’an, Baoxing, city park 1050 m, 30°22' 16''N, 102°48' 16''E, 12.VI.2014. J.Hájek, J. Růžička, M. Tkoč lgt GoogleMaps . Paratype: ♂, same locality as holotype GoogleMaps ; ♀, same locality as holotype, 30°22' 16''N, 102°48' 49''E, 14.VI.2014 GoogleMaps ; ♂, Sichuan, Gaize, Luding, Moxizhen, Hailuogou Glacier Forest Park, Gonghecun village , 1680 m. 29°36' 42''N, 102°6' 41''E, 21.VI.2014. J.Hájek, J. Růžička, M. Tkoč lgt. ( NMPC) GoogleMaps .

Diagnosis. This new species is very similar to S. trifasciata Hennig, 1940 from Taiwan and S. gavryushini Galinskaya & Shatalkin, 2016 from Vietnam, in all males having strong setae on the sixth abdominal segment. In S. gavryushini , these setae are black dorsally and yellowish laterally ( Galinskaya & Shatalkin 2016: Fig. 4b View FIGURE 4 ), and in S. strigosa n. sp. and S. trifasciata , these setae are totally black; in S. trifasciata , part of these setae forms two closely spaced lateral tufts (see. Hennig 1940: p. 311, Fig. 20).

As these diagnostic setae are male-specific and the sexes apparently differ in abdominal coloration, we do not have full confidence in the conspecificity of the female described here. It may represent a separate species or the unknown female of S. gavryushini . Males of S. strigosa n. sp. also differ from the female in the coloration wing pattern and leg colouration.

We present below a key to species of the Strongylophthalmyia trifasciata species subgroup, including the above-mentioned three species. These species belong to the fascipennis group sensu Evenhuis (2016: p. 207) and differ from the other species in the presence of strong setae on the sixth abdominal segment in male and female sexual dimorphism in the coloration of abdomen.

1. Mesonotum black; pleuron black; anepisternum yellow, at least around anterior thoracic spiracle; antennal flagellomere unmodified, without dorsal process; arista dark brown, bare; two large orbital setae; wing with weak apical darkening, with weak brownish medial band, darker between C and R4+5, and with strong brown spot on R s. Male: abdomen widely yellow, matte with light brownish ( S. gavryushini View in CoL ) or black spots and strips, tergite V more or less black in S. trifasciata View in CoL and S strigosa View in CoL n. sp.; abdominal tergites V and VI with large setae dorsally and laterally. Female: abdomen black, at most tergites I and II yellowish; abdominal tergites V and VI without large setae … Strongylophthalmyia trifasciata View in CoL group..................... 2

- Combination of characters different.......................................... Other species of Strongylophthalmyia View in CoL

2. Male................................................................................................ 3

- Female (female of S. gavryushini View in CoL is unknown)............................................................... 5

3. Legs entirely yellow. Black strong setae on the tergite six of the abdomen form two lateral tufts closely spaced among themselves (see Hennig 1940: p. 311, Fig. 20)................................................... S. trifasciata Hennig View in CoL

- Legs yellow; hind femur with subapical brown ring; hind tibia widely brown, yellow basally and apically. Black strong setae on the tergite six of the abdomen do not form two lateral tufts.................................................. 4

4. Postpronotum black dorsally. Tergite V black. Large setae on tergite six black......................... S. strigosa View in CoL n. sp.

- Postpronotum entirely yellow. Tergite V yellow. Large setae on tergite six black dorsally and yellowish laterally................................................................................. S. gavryushini Galinskaya & Shatalkin View in CoL

5. Legs entirely yellow. Postpronotum yellow................................................. S. trifasciata Hennig View in CoL

- Legs yellow; hind femur with subapical brown ring; hind tibia widely brown, except on basal 1/6 and apical 1/7. Postpronotum black, yellow laterally, above anterior spiracle.................................................. S. strigosa View in CoL n. sp.

Description. Male ( Fig. 8 View FIGURE 8 ). Head black. Frons shining black, anteriorly with yellowish-brown matte stripe, narrow medially and widening near eyes, forming triangular spots; matte dark brown transverse stripe with a narrow yellow longitudinal line medially between stripe on frons and fore ocellus. Occiput shining black. Face blackish-brown, matte; clypeus shining black. Gena and postgena shining black with small yellow spot at eye margin. Frontal index = 2.5. Antenna yellowish, flagellomere small, rounded, brownish apically. Arista dark brown, bare. Proboscis dark brown, palpus yellowish, large, elongate-oval. Two large reclinate fronto-orbital setae, one short fronto-orbital setulae anteriorly to setae, one ocellar seta, one postocellar seta, one inner and one outer vertical setae. Thorax black. Mesonotum matte, densely covered with relatively long golden setulae. Postpronotum shining black. Pleura shining black; anepisternum anteriorly above fore coxa and proepisternum yellow; prosternum yellow. Scutellum black matte, without setulae. Metanotum shining black. One presutural intra-alar seta, one dorsocentral seta, two notopleural setae, one supraalar seta, one postalar seta, one anepisternal seta, one long thick apical scutellar seta. Male paratype from Gaize with thoracic setae yellow, cephalic setae black.

Legs yellow; hind femur with brown subapical ring; hind tibia brown with basal 1/6 and apical 1/7 yellow. Fore coxa with yellowish white setulae on apical half dorsally. Fore femur with row black dorsal setulae and densely covered with yellow setulae (slightly shorter than femur maximum width) in basal half ventrally; its apical half with similar setulae, that are fewer in number and arranged in one line.

Wing with weak apical darkening, with weak brownish medial band that is darker between C and R4+5, with very dark brown spot at apex of R s, and with weak narrow faint dark band situated between costa and spot on R s. Costal index = 1. Discal index = 1.6. Medial index = 0.6. Cell bm about 0.5 times as long as cell dm. Calypter greyish with fan of very dark setulae on margin. Halter with brownish stem and grey knob.

Abdomen yellow, second tergite with two brownish spots that almost meet medially; fourth and fifth tergite black; fifth tergite anteriorly with black foliaceous process, epandrium dark brown; abdominal tergite six with area of very large black setae laterally ( Fig. 8f View FIGURE 8 ).

Length. Body, 3.7 mm; wing, 3.2 mm (holotype). Body, 3.1¯ 3.4 mm; wing, 2.8¯ 3.2 mm (paratypes).

Female ( Fig. 9 View FIGURE 9 ). Differs from male as follows: yellow band absent in anterior part of the frons, divided into two small spots between base of antenna and eye margin. Narrow yellowish medial longitudinal line between ocellar triangle and anterior edge of frons weakly expressed. Two large orbital setae. Yellow area around anterior thoracic spiracle (anepisternum anteriorly above fore coxa, proepisternum, and prosternum) slightly widened to lateral edge of postpronotum. Yellow setulae on metathorax shorter and fewer in number. Mid femur and tibia entirely yellow. Abdomen black, brownish-yellow anteriorly, without process on fifth tergite and without area of large black setae on terminal abdominal tergites.

Lengths. Body, 4.2 mm; wing, 4.1 mm.

Etymology. Specific epithet refers to the presence of fields of strong setae on the terminal abdominal tergites of males.

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FIGURE 4. Strongylophthalmyia bukittinggiana n. sp. Male holotype: a—habitus, lateral view; b—head and thorax, dorsal view; c—head, lateral view; d—head, anterior view; e—wing; f—hind femur.

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FIGURE 8. Strongylophthalmyia strigosa n. sp. Male holotype: a—habitus, lateral view; b—wing; c—head, lateral view; d—head, anterior view; e—head and thorax, dorsal view; f—abdomen,dorsal view; g—fore femur.

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FIGURE 9. Strongylophthalmyia strigosa n. sp. Female paratype: a—habitus, lateral view; b—head and thorax, dorsal view; c—head, lateral view; d—head, anterior view; e—wing.


National Museum Prague