Strongylophthalmyia prominens, Galinskaya & Shatalkin, 2018

Galinskaya, Tatiana V. & Shatalkin, Anatoly I., 2018, Seven new species of Strongylophthalmyia Heller, 1902 (Diptera: Strongylophthalmyiidae) from the Eastern Palaearctic and Oriental Regions with notes on peculiar rare species, Zootaxa 4402 (1), pp. 113-135 : 122-125

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Plazi (2018-03-27 07:41:11, last updated 2024-11-29 16:12:40)

scientific name

Strongylophthalmyia prominens

sp. nov.

Strongylophthalmyia prominens View in CoL , n. sp.

( Fig. 7 View FIGURE 7 )

Material examined. Holotype: ♂, Vietnam. Báu Sâu, Cat Tien National Park. 11 422837 N, 107 426241 E, 22. XI. 2016, leg. Galinskaya T.V. ( ZMUM).

Diagnosis. This new species is characterized by the following combination of characters: male flagellomere unmodified, without dorsal process; male fore femur without dorsal spicules; arista bare; thorax and abdomen entirely black; fore and mid coxae yellow, hind coxa black; fore femur yellow, mid and hind femora largely black; hind tibia brownish with median third yellow; tarsi with three basal segments yellow and two distal segments blackish; mesonotum shining, covered with setae-like black setulae; wing with brownish apical spot and brownish median crossband, apical spot blurred and situated on apical part of wing including cells r2+3. and r4+5; halter with whitish knob; setulae on basal process on the hind femur of males yellow.

In the key presented in Galinskaya & Shatalkin (2016: couplet 35), this species runs to S. obtecta Galinskaya & Shatalkin, 2016 . Both species have two dorsocentral setae and two rows of black setulae along the dorsocentral rows, as well as two rows of long black acrostichal setae. Strongylophthalmyia obtecta differs as follows: postpronotum laterally, proepisternum, and anepisternum behind anterior spiracle yellowish-brown; fore coxa yellow with blackish stripe basally on anterior surface; hind coxa yellow; mid tibia black; median transverse band on wing at level of dm-cu wide and well-developed.

Strongylophthalmyia prominens View in CoL , n. sp. can also be confused with S. polita (de Meijere, 1914) View in CoL and S. vichrevi , n. sp. S. polita View in CoL differs from S. prominens View in CoL , n. sp. as follows: vein r-m divides discal cell medially; fore femur mostly black, narrowly yellow basally; tarsi yellow with three last segments blackish. S. prominens View in CoL , n. sp. differs from S. vichrevi , n. sp. as follows: fore femur and mid tibia predominantly yellow; hind tibia brownish with medial third yellow; tarsi yellow with two last segments blackish; hind femur (in males) with processes.

An important male feature of S. prominens View in CoL , n. sp. is the presence of a distinctive glans at the end of distiphallus that is similar to that of S. raricornis Shatalkin, 1981 View in CoL ( Shatalkin 1996: p. 155, Fig. 31; see also Evenhuis 2016: Fig. 86, p. 228) from the Far East. Strongylophthalmyia raricornis View in CoL is morphologically similar to S. obtecta View in CoL and S. stricta Galinskaya & Shatalkin, 2016 View in CoL (p. 18).

Evenhuis (2016) placed S. raricornis in the coarctata subgroup ( punctata group). Males of S. papuana Iwasa & Evenhuis, 2014 (Papua New Guinea) have externally similar glans to S. raricornis . However, in contrast to S. raricornis , S. papuana has the antennal flagellomere without dorsal process.

Description. Male. Head black. Occiput poorly convex (in dorsal view). Face blackish with row of short darkish setulae along suture. Gena with silver grey pubescence. Scape and pedicel yellowish brown. Flagellomere yellowish, narrowly brownish apically, about 0.6 times as wide as its length; flagellomere small, about 0.3 times as wide as eye diameter; marginal setulae of flagellomere short (0.03 mm); arista dark brown, bare. Mouthparts dark brown, palpus dark brown. Three fronto-orbital setae, one ocellar seta, one postocellar seta, one inner and one outer vertical seta.

Thorax entirely black. Mesonotum and pleuron shining. Scutellum bare, without setulae. Metanotum black, shining. Two dorsocentral setae, two notopleural setae, one supraalar seta, one postalar seta, one anepisternal seta, one stout apical scutellar seta. All setae black.

Legs. Fore and mid coxae yellow. All trochanters yellow. Fore femur yellow with blackish preapical ring; mid femur black narrowly yellow basally and apically; hind femur black, hind tibia brownish basally and apically and yellowish in median 1/3. Fore coxa with dorsal large seta apically ( Fig. 7b View FIGURE 7 ); hind femur ventrally with transverse sub-basal mushroom-like process bearing row of nine closely approximated yellow setulae, and with dark bulge with two setulae at border of femur and trochanter. Fore tibia yellow; mid tibia yellow, slightly darkish in basal third. Tarsi yellow, two last tarsomeres blackish.

Wings with weak apical darkening; with very weak median transverse band that fainted centrally and positioned at level of dm-cu and point of insertion of R2+3 to costa. Costal index = 1. Veins R4+5 and M1+2 almost parallel apically. Discal index = 1.8. Median index = 0.6. Cell bm about 0.5 times as long as discal cell. Calypter brownish-grey with fan of long darkish setulae on margin. Halter with darkish stem and whitish knob.

Abdomen entirely black, shining. Genitalia black, phallus with large glans apically. Cerci with two very long setulae apically.

Lengths. Body, 4.6 mm; wing, 3.2 mm.

Female unknown.

Etymology. Specific epithet refers to both the glans on distiphallus and the distinctive process of the hind femora.

Gallery Image

FIGURE 7. Strongylophthalmyia prominens n. sp. Male holotype: a—habitus, lateral view; b—fore coxa; c—hind femur.


Zoological Museum, University of Amoy











