Polytuberotum metachroma Pineda & Cid-Arcos, 2017

Ávila-Jiménez, Ángelo, 2024, Revision and transfer of Neotropical genera of the tribe Morimopsini Lacordaire, 1869 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): new species, redescription, taxonomic notes, and species key, Zootaxa 5514 (2), pp. 143-156 : 151

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https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.2.3

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scientific name

Polytuberotum metachroma Pineda & Cid-Arcos, 2017


Polytuberotum metachroma Pineda & Cid-Arcos, 2017 View in CoL

Translated and adapted from Pineda & Cid-Arcos (2017) (Spanish to English)

Description. Holotype male. Integument black with metallic reflections. Clypeus [sic, anteclypeus] and apex of last segments of labial and maxillary palpi testaceous. General pubescence testaceous or black.

Head. Frons seven times wider than lower eye lobe; with moderate and irregular setigerous punctures; setae short. Eyes with small, oval lower lobes. Genae elongate, 1.4 times longer than lower eye lobe. Mandibles poorly developed. Labial and maxillary palpi with sparse, fine setae, last segment fusiform and truncate apically. Labrum subrectangular, wider than long, with rounded anterior angles; with moderately dense punctation and long setae; anterior margin with dense fringe of long setae. Clypeus [sic, anteclypeus] trapezoidal, wider than long, with rounded anterior angles, moderately covered by setae three times longer than those on frons; posterior margin 1.87 times wider than anterior. Antennae filiform, 1.6 times longer than body; antennomeres with semierect pubescence, I–IV with moderate setae, V–XI with scattered setae. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: I = 0.80; II = 0.15; III = 1.00; IV = 0.87; V = 0.66; VI = 0.61; VII = 0.56; VIII = 0.52; IX = 0.52; X = 0.52; XI = 0.59.

Thorax. [Prothorax] 1.15 times as wide (posterior margin) as long; lateral area with long, erect and scattered setae, and with conical tubercle with blunt apex, whose length is approximately 1/5 of basal width of pronotum; anterior and posterior margin marked by a thick ridge. Pronotum glabrous, with moderate and irregular punctation; with five moderately raised protuberances. Prosternum wider than long; posterior margin slightly projected, moderately covered by short setae alternating with scattered long setae. Prosternal process subtriangular, narrow between procoxae, reaching maximum width at posterior margin. Mesoventrite wider than long, moderately covered by fine setae of irregular length; mesoventral process wide, 0.8 times width of a mesocoxa, with bilobed posterior margin. Scutellum transverse, subtriangular, 2.7 times as wide as long, glabrous, shiny and smooth. Elytra. 2.4 times longer than their maximum width; with thick, deep and irregular setigerous punctures; setae of medium length, punctures denser on anterior third, moderate on medial third, and sparse on apical third. Legs. Femora shiny in appearance, with sparse setae; tibiae with moderately dense pubescence; dorsal surface of tarsi moderately covered by short, decumbent setae, and sparse, long semierect setae interspersed; ventral surface covered by dense, short setae, velvety in appearance. Tarsomere V elongate, longer than I–II together.

Abdomen. Ventrites 1–4 with sparse, fine, decumbent setae; ventrite 1 twice as long as ventrite 2; ventrites 2–4 decreasing in length; ventrite 5 subtrapezoidal, with a rounded posterior angle and moderately covered by decumbent setae of medium length; tergite VII with longitudinal groove from base to medial third, covered by sparse, short setae on anterior half and moderately covered by setae of medium length on posterior half, with posterior margin depressed medially.

Aedeagus. Elongated, 5.8 times longer than wide, subparallel-sided; laterally curved. Parameres divergent basally and slightly convergent on apical third, with rounded apex, densely covered by long, thick and erect setae. Median lobe broad basally, moderately acuminate; apex subacute.

Dimensions (mm). Total length, 15 mm; humeral width, 5.47 mm.

Type material examined. Photograph of Holotype male. 1 macho, PERU. Cusco: Urubamba , 13°09’48.7”S 72°32’22.7”W, 2040 m, 12.II.2017, M. Cid Arcos leg. ( MNNC). GoogleMaps

Geographical distribution. Peru (Cusco).


Museo Nacional de Historia Natural, Santiago

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