Polytuberotum boteroi, Ávila-Jiménez, 2024

Ávila-Jiménez, Ángelo, 2024, Revision and transfer of Neotropical genera of the tribe Morimopsini Lacordaire, 1869 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): new species, redescription, taxonomic notes, and species key, Zootaxa 5514 (2), pp. 143-156 : 153

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.2.3

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scientific name

Polytuberotum boteroi

sp. nov.

Polytuberotum boteroi sp. nov.

( Figs. 22–26 View FIGURE 22–26 )

Description. Holotype male. Integument mostly black with some green metallic reflections on some areas depending on light source. Apex of palpi ochre. Ventral apex of tibiae reddish-orange; pedicel, antennomeres III– IV, femoral peduncles, and wide central area of tibiae orangish-brown; antennomere V orangish brown on basal half, dark brown on apical half; antennomeres VI–VII orangish brown basally, dark brown on remaining surface; antennomeres VIII–XI dark brown.

Head. Frons finely and irregularly punctate, with some coarse punctures with thick, erect black seta laterally; pubescence black, with long, short, erect black setae interspersed, except on median groove. Genae elongate, finely and irregularly punctate. Antennal tubercles, in frontal view, prominent and elevated, their inner margins V-shaped. Mandibles poorly developed, with dense punctation. Postclypeus with row of both short and long, erect setae; anteclypeus trapezoidal, wider than long, with rounded anterior angles. Labrum subrectangular, wider than long, with rounded anterior angles, with coarse punctation and long, erect setae throughout. Distance between upper eye lobes 2.27 times distance between one upper lobes; in front view, distance between lower eye lobes 3.55 times distance between maximum width of a lobe. Antennae two times length of elytra, reaching elytral apex at apex of antennomere VII. Scape with short pubescence and dense punctures; with long, erect black setae; pedicel conical, with sparse pubescence and long black erect setae interspersed. Antennomere III with pubescence not obscuring integument; with long and erect black setae throughout, ventrally with longitudinal tuft of thick black setae. Antennomeres IV–XI pubescent, dorsally with some long setae apically, ventrally with some long setae, gradually less abundant toward X, almost absent on inferior surface of XI. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.70; pedicel = 0.15; IV = 0.91; V = 0.64; VI = 0.58; VII = 0.51; VIII = 0.49; IX = 0.49; X = 0.48; XI = 0.59.

Thorax. Prothorax 1.4 times wider than long including lateral tubercles; lateral tubercles about 0.16 times length of basal width of pronotum. Pronotum with fine and sparse punctation, glabrous and wrinkled transversely; with four moderately raised protuberances; with long, erect black setae, more abundant laterally. Prosternum wider than long, distinctly wrinkled, with some long black setae. Prosternal process moderately narrow between procoxae, reaching maximum width posteriorly. Mesoventrite wider than long, moderately covered by thin setae of irregular length. Mesoventral process width 0.8 times width of a mesocoxa. Metaventrite with an inverted V-shaped sulcus between metacoxae. Scutellum 2.7 times wider than long, with black pubescence on anterior margin partially obscuring integument. Elytra. 1.76 times longer than maximum width, with dense, deep and irregular punctures, abundant toward anterior third, gradually shallower and sparser toward apex, posterior punctures with long, erect, thick black seta. Elytral suture with narrow band of thick black pubescence on each side, from basal fifth to posterior half, pubescence gradually becoming yellow toward apex. Legs. Femora distinctly wrinkled and with erect black setae; pro- and mesofemora subclavate; metafemora clavate not reaching elytral apex. Tibiae with both black and yellow pubescence, ventrally denser and bristly, more abundant toward apex, interspersed with some long erect black setae. Metatarsomere I shorter than II–III combined.

Abdomen. Ventrites 1–4 with sparse, fine, irregular punctation; with fine pubescence; ventrite 1 twice as long as second, with more abundant punctation; remaining ventrites gradually shorter. Ventrite 5 subtrapezoidal, with a rounded posterior angle and abundantly covered by thick pubescence partially obscuring integument.

Dimensions (mm). Total length, 12.30; prothoracic length, 2.70; anterior prothoracic width, 2.65; posterior prothoracic width, 2.75; maximum prothoracic width, 3.95; humeral width, 4.40; elytral length, 7.90.

Type material. Holotype male. PERU. Cusco: La convención, Santa teresa / Yanatile , 13°10’35.3”S 72°43’21.8”W, 3300 m, 10.X.2021, A. Bustamantes & D. Zúñiga leg. ( UNSAAC). GoogleMaps

Etymology: The name of the species is a genitive patronymic in honor of Juan Pablo Botero, for his company, for his help in research, and in recognition of his contribution to the knowledge of the cerambycid fauna.

Remarks. Polytuberotum boteroi sp. nov. differs from P. metachroma by the sculpture of elytra moderately coarse and restricted to the anterior third (coarser, deeper, and on the entire surface in P. metachroma ), tibiae and antennomeres III–XI orangish-brown (black in P. metachroma ), antennae 1.3 times longer than the body (1.6 times longer than the body in P. metachroma ), and with yellow pubescent band on the apical region of the elytral suture (absent in P. metachroma ).

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