Tuberolamia grilloides Touroult & Demez, 2012

Ávila-Jiménez, Ángelo, 2024, Revision and transfer of Neotropical genera of the tribe Morimopsini Lacordaire, 1869 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): new species, redescription, taxonomic notes, and species key, Zootaxa 5514 (2), pp. 143-156 : 148

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.2.3

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Tuberolamia grilloides Touroult & Demez, 2012


Tuberolamia grilloides Touroult & Demez, 2012 View in CoL

( Figs. 12–16 View FIGURE 12–16 )

Tuberolamia grilloides Touroult & Demez, 2012: 107 View in CoL , 2 figs; Monné, 2024: 934.

Translated and adapted from Touroult & Demez (2012) (French to English).

Description. Holotype female. Integument dark green, with metallic reflections; head, legs, and antennae black. Stocky body.

Head. Frons vertical, microsculptured, with very fine gray pubescence and a few coarse punctures. Genae one and a half times taller than lower eye lobe; with not dense gray pubescence, longer than on frons. Median longitudinal groove marked on vertex and between antennal tubercles, slightly marked on frons. Superior interocular space equal to twice width of an upper eye lobe. Antennal tubercles prominent. Scape slender, regularly thickened from base to apex. Antennae almost twice as long as body, with gray pubescence; antennomeres III to VII, with long, erect black setae, denser on inner side. Antennomeres III to X with apical quarter darkened due to absence of gray pubescence. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.82; pedicel = 0.19; IV = 0.87; V = 0.71; VI = 0.65; VII = 0.62; VIII = 0.60; IX = 0.58; X = 0.57; XI = 0.64.

Thorax. Prothorax subquadrate, 1.1 times wider than long, slightly wider posteriorly than anteriorly; glabrous, except for three erect black setae on each side; transversely wrinkled by a series of about 10 sulci; with smooth area on posterior third, slightly wider between two wrinkles. Scutellum transverse, twice wider than long, broadly rounded; with short yellowish-white setae. Elytra. Broad, 1.9 times longer than wide, widening slightly from base to anterior two-fifths, then distinctly narrowing toward apex; the latter bevel-shaped, not spiny. Humeri slightly angular. Integument finely and densely veined, with light-yellow setae directed backward. Anterior quarter with a few wide and deep punctures, each with a short yellowish seta directed backward. With large, elevated, smooth tubercle, hook-shaped, near base of each elytron, located closer to the margin than to suture; tip of hook rounded and directed backward; with a blunt tooth around middle. Ventral integument dark green, with dense white pubescence, short, sparser on ventrites. Pro- and mesocoxal cavities closed laterally. Prosternal process narrow between coxae, then triangularly widened apically. Mesoventral process parallel-sided, width equal to approximately two-thirds of a mesocoxa; apex truncate. Legs. Black, with short white pubescence not obscuring integument. Femora regularly enlarged; metafemora slightly exceeding elytral apex. Mesotibiae notched with dense yellow bristles on apical third of dorsal surface. Metatarsi: relative length of tarsomeres, I = 1; II = 0.7; III = 0.2; V = 1.

Abdomen. Ventrite 1 long, abdominal process surpassing metacoxae; ventrite 4 slightly shorter than 3 and 5.

Dimensions (mm) Holotype male. Total length, 10.5.

Type material examined. Photograph of holotype male from PERU. Huanaco , 2000 m, IV.2010 ( MNHN). 2 Paratypes male : PERU: Rio Madre de Dios, 30 km South of Puerto Maldonado City , 5/10-XIl-1997, P. Udovilchenko leg. ( MNHN) .

Remarks. The habitus stands out, with elongated legs, elytra short with a hook-shaped tubercle. Tuberolamia grilloides is easily distinguished from Tuberolamia andicola by the coloration (non-metallic, brown, with areas of white pubescence on the elytra in T. andicola ), by the shape of the elytra (wider and more rounded in T. andicola ), and by the anterior part of the pronotum that is not wrinkled in T. andicola . Both are from high altitude, and probably live in cloud forests. This taxon was collected at 2000 m altitude; the holotype of T. andicola at 3000 m.


Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle














Tuberolamia grilloides Touroult & Demez, 2012

Ávila-Jiménez, Ángelo 2024

Tuberolamia grilloides

Monne M. A. 2024: 934
Touroult, J. & Demez, P. 2012: 107
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