Tuberolamia andicola Breuning, 1940

Ávila-Jiménez, Ángelo, 2024, Revision and transfer of Neotropical genera of the tribe Morimopsini Lacordaire, 1869 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae): new species, redescription, taxonomic notes, and species key, Zootaxa 5514 (2), pp. 143-156 : 145-148

publication ID 10.11646/zootaxa.5514.2.3

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scientific name

Tuberolamia andicola Breuning, 1940


Tuberolamia andicola Breuning, 1940 View in CoL

( Figs. 2–11 View FIGURE 2–6 View FIGURE 7–11 )

Tuberolamia andicola Breuning, 1940: 409 View in CoL ; 1950: 207; Monné, 1994: 5 (cat.); Monné & Giesbert, 1994: 176 (checklist); Monné, 2005: 610 (cat.); Monné & Hovore, 2006: 288 (checklist); Monné et al., 2012: 46 (distr.); Lingafelter et al., 2014: 15, figs. 15k, l (type); Monné, 2024: 934.

Description. Female ( Figs. 7–11 View FIGURE 7–11 ). Integument shiny, mostly black with some faint dark-green reflections (depending on light source). Apex of palpomeres dark yellow. Antennomeres III–XI, anterior half of femora, and tibiae dark orange.

Head. Frons finely punctate, with a longitudinal row of long, thick setae on each side of ocular margin; surface with thick, pale-yellow pubescence obscuring integument on some areas. Central area between antennal tubercles glabrous. Genae with sculpturing and pubescence as on frons. Median groove marked from middle of area between upper eye lobes to middle of area between lower eye lobes. Clypeus smooth, mostly glabrous, except anterior margin with some yellow setae and long, thin black setae interspersed. Labrum with coarse punctures and abundant, long, thin, both black and yellow setae on entire surface. Mandibles with coarse punctures. Distance between upper eye lobes 2.33 times maximum width of an upper lobe. In frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 2.70 times length of a lower lobe. Scape subclavate; with short, thick white pubescence not obscuring integument and long, erect black setae interspersed. Pedicel with short white pubescence and abundant, yellow setae laterally. Basal quarter of antennomeres III–XI with moderate white pubescence; remaining surface with sericeous brown pubescence not obscuring integument; ventrally with long, erect black setae, especially on antennomere III. Antennal formula based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.67; pedicel = 0.14; IV = 0.81; V = 0.63; VI = 0.48; VII = 0.44; VIII = 0.47; IX = 0.38; X = 0.35; XI = 0.34.

Thorax. Prothorax slightly wider than long (1.3 times), including lateral tubercles. Pronotum with elevations and irregular grooves from anterior quarter to posterior quarter, with a deep and well-marked transverse groove near posterior margin; sides with abundant yellow pubescence obscuring integument except some glabrous spots interspersed; remaining surface glabrous. Prosternum with dense white pubescence partially obscuring integument posteriorly; prosternal process with abundant white pubescence not obscuring integument. Mesoventrite with abundant white pubescence posteriorly, pubescence sparser anteriorly. Metaventrite with dense yellow pubescence laterally, pubescence gradually absent toward center. Scutellum about 3.5 times wider than long, broadly rounded, covered with dense yellow pubescence, except glabrous longitudinal band centrally. Elytra. Marked humeri; surface with some undulations from base to middle, slightly veined from posterior fifth; with irregular and elongated patches of dense yellow pubescence obscuring integument, patches more abundant laterally, gradually becoming sparser toward elytral suture and anterior and posterior margins; with long, erect black setae on entire surface; post-basal tubercles glabrous and without wrinkles. Legs. Pro- and mesofemora subfusiform; metafemora longer, not surpassing elytral apex, with white pubescence not obscuring integument, gradually more abundant toward base, with some black erect setae. Tibiae with short white pubescence from base to apical third; remaining surface with abundant and bristly black pubescence partially obscuring integument; with long, erect black setae interspersed. Metatarsomere I 1.3 times longer than II–III combined.

Abdomen. Ventrites smooth, medially almost glabrous, laterally with patches of yellow pubescence obscuring integument. Ventrite 5 with abundant punctation and setae toward posterior margin, truncate apically.

Male. Similar to females. Antennae slightly longer, 4.5 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex. Ventrite 5 slightly shorter, 1.4 times length of ventrite 4.

Dimensions in mm: Female. Total length, 13.70; prothoracic length, 2.80; anterior prothoracic width, 3.30; posterior prothoracic width, 3.05; maximum prothoracic width, 3.40; humeral width, 3.90; elytral length, 9.65.

Material examined. PERU. Huánuco (new regional record): San Marcos , 9°54’11.1”S 76°06’01.7”W, 3115 m, 1 female, 27.III.2010, W. Cosio leg. ( UNSAAC) GoogleMaps .

Remarks. See remarks in T. santossilvai .














Tuberolamia andicola Breuning, 1940

Ávila-Jiménez, Ángelo 2024

Tuberolamia andicola

Monne M. A. 2024: 934
Lingafelter, S. W. & Nearns, E. H. & Monne, M. A. & Biondi, M. 2014: 15
Monne, M. A. & Nearns, E. H. & Carbonel, S. C. & Swift, I. P. & Monne, M. L. 2012: 46
Monne, M. A. & Hovore, F. T. 2006: 288
Monne, M. A. 2005: 610
Monne, M. A. & Giesbert, E. F. 1994: 176
Breuning, S. 1950: 207
Breuning, S. 1940: 409
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