Dendrobium tetrapterum M.Z.Huang, C.Y.Wei & M.H.Li

Wei, Chun-Yi, Li, Ru-Yi, Wu, Yu-Wei, Huang, Ming-Zhong & Li, Ming-He, 2024, Dendrobium tetrapterum, a cryptic species in the D. lindleyi alliance (Orchidaceae; Dendrobiinae): evidence from morphological and molecular data, Phytotaxa 655 (2), pp. 209-218 : 212-213

publication ID 10.11646/phytotaxa.655.2.8


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scientific name

Dendrobium tetrapterum M.Z.Huang, C.Y.Wei & M.H.Li

sp. nov.

Dendrobium tetrapterum M.Z.Huang, C.Y.Wei & M.H.Li , sp. nov. (四OiHDZ; Figs 2–5 View FIGURE 2 View FIGURE 3 View FIGURE 4 View FIGURE 5 )

Type:— CHINA. Hainan: epiphytic on tree trunk in evergreen broad-leaved and sunny open forest, elev. ca. 300 m, 14 May 2014 Huang 130322001 (holotype: ATCH!).

Dendrobium tetrapterum is similar to D. lindleyi and D. jenkinsii , but can easily be distinguished by the petals without (vs. with) claw, slit (vs. entire) transverse septum at lip base, anther cap with (vs. without) indentation on each side and rhombic (vs. pentagonal– octagonal or oblong) pseudobulb cross-section.

Epiphytic herbs with creeping rhizomes, slender, 2–3 mm in diam, branched. Pseudobulbs prostrate, crowded, fusiform, compressed, 1.0–5.0 × 0.5–1.5 cm, with 2–5 nodes, internodes 1.0–2.0 cm, with 4 ribs, pale yellowish brown and glossy when dry, with white sheaths. Leaf usually solitary, oblong, 3.0–8.0 × 0.6–3.0 cm, base contracted, not sheathing, apex obtuse and emarginate. Inflorescence subterminal, to 27 cm, much longer than leaves, laxly several to up to 15- flowered; floral bracts narrowly ovate-triangular, ca. 2 mm long. Pedicel and ovary yellowish green, tinged with pale purple, 2.8–3.2 cm long. Flowers spreading, orange-yellow. Dorsal sepal ovate-lanceolate, 13.0 × 8.0 mm, subobtuse; lateral sepals nearly equal to dorsal sepal, 15.0 × 9.0 mm. Petals broadly elliptic, 19.0 × 12.0 mm, obtusely round. Lip transversely oblong or subreniform, usually 21.0 × 26.0 mm, entire, often emarginate; disk densely pubescent below middle, below middle contracted into a claw with the sides clasping column; near base with a transverse septum, split into two lobes. Column 3.5 mm long, 2.5 mm in diameter, column foot 4.0 mm long, at the base with an oval concavity; anther cap subglobose, glabrous, with an indentation on each side, pollinia naked, terete, 4 in two pairs.

Phenology:— Flowering April, May.

Distribution:— China (Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, SW Guizhou, Yunnan), Vietnam (Cao Bang, Bac Can, Thai Nguyen, Ninh Binh, Quang Ninh) and Thailand (Chiang Mai).

Habitat and ecology: Epiphytic, below 1800 m elevation.

Other specimens studied:— THAILAND. Chiang Mai: Doi Suthep , 800–1200 m, Jun 1905, Hosseus 818 ( MO168775 ) . VIETNAM. Cao Bang: Thach An district, municipality Thuy Hung, vicinities of Na Lit village (22°30′N, 106°27′E), 500–550 m, 4 Dec 1998, CBL 892 ( LE01077119 ) GoogleMaps ; Thach An district, municipality Duc Xuan, ( N22 °21′’ E 106 °27′), 2 Dec 1998, CBL 808 ( LE01066396 ). Bac Can : Na Ri district , Kim Hy municipality, vicinities of Lung Hin Con village (22°17′N, 106°03′E), 27 km to 55° of Bac Kan city, 800 m, 19 Oct 1999, NTH 3673 ( LE01066399 ) GoogleMaps ; Cho Don district, Ban Thi Municipality, Cho Dien village (22°14′28″N, 105°29′50″E), 250-350 m, 26 Dec 2002, HLF 849 ( LE01077112 ). Thai Nguyen: Dong Hy district , Tan Long Municipality, vicinity of Mo Ba Village (20°46′26″N, 105°52′25″E), 400–550 m, 14 Mar 2001, HAL 7 ( MO5686816 ). Ninh Binh: Cuc Phuong National Park (105°43.08′N, 20°14.22′E), 20 Dec 1933, CP146 ( L0402526 ). Quang Ninh: Dam-ha district , Sai Wong Mo Shan (Sai Vong Mo Leng) Lomg Ngong Village , 18 Sep 1940, Tsang 30162 ( AMES02156601 About AMES ) ; Ching Mai district, Ku Tang Village, Pak Shik Ling and vicinity, 31 Mar 1933, Lei 496 ( AMES02156889 About AMES ) ; Yaichow , 1800 ft., May-Jul 1933, How 70525 ( P00407945 ) . CHINA. Hainan: Apr 1932, Liang 61648 ( IBSC0626361 About IBSC ) ; Apr 1932, Gao 52251 ( IBK00145549 About IBK , IBSC0626365 About IBSC , PE00851167 ) ; May 1932, McClure 20080 ( IBSC0626360 About IBSC , PE00293829 ) ; Apr 1932, Mar 1933, Lei 496 ( IBSC0626359 About IBSC , PE00293830 ) ; 0–1800 m, Apr 1933, Hou 70525 ( SN002661 , IBK00145547 About IBK , IBSC0626362 About IBSC , PE00293828 ) ; Apr 1936, Liu 26046 ( IBK00145546 About IBK , IBSC0626364 About IBSC , PE00293826 ), Apr 1998, Chen 699 ( IBSC0745773 About IBSC ) ; 14 May 2014, MHLi or139 (FJFCor139). Guangxi: no precise date, Nong-gang Comprehensive Expedition Team 10949 ( IBK00145541 About IBK ) ; no collector, 1036 ( PE00293832 ) & 96394 ( IBK00145542 About IBK ) ; Beijing-dui Team 893060 ( PE01997725 ) ; Jun 1935, Gao 55358 ( IBK00145534 About IBK ) ; Jul 1936, Liang 67911 ( IBK00145531 About IBK ) & 67932 ( IBK00145536 About IBK ) ; 0–1000 m, Jul 1936, Su 67911 ( IBSC0626367 About IBSC ) ; Soo 67932 ( PE00293833 ) ; Jun 1937, Liang 69407 ( IBK00145535 About IBK ) ; May 1956, Wei 64 ( IBK00145532 About IBK ) ; Jul 1956, Shu A61245 ( IBK00145544 About IBK , PE00293837 ) ; Jul 1958, Li 600971 ( IBK00145545 About IBK , PE00293835 ) ; 510 m, Jan 1959, Li 602805 ( IBK00145533 About IBK , PE00293836 ) ; May 1959, Li 403810 ( IBK00145543 About IBK ) ; Oct 1959, Zhong A63761 ( IBK00145537 About IBK ) ; Nov 1981, Da-yao-shan Comprehensive Expedition Team 13191 ( IBK00196191 About IBK ) ; Apr 1998, Chen 699 ( IBSC0626366 About IBSC ) ; Jun 2001, HK kadoorie PT 790 ( PE01997724 ) ; Jun 2007, Lu, Mo, Xue & Li 16838 ( GXMG0035395 About GXMG ) ; 700 m, Jun 2010, Xu & Jiang 10746 ( IBK00281750 About IBK ) ; 154 m, Sep 2012, Lu, Nong, Huang et al 451422120907032LY ( GXMG0102359 About GXMG ) ; 412 m, Jul 2013, He & Yang YangXF0322 ( KUN1393816 About KUN ). Guangdong province : no precise data, 61648 ( PE00293827 ) ; Aug 1931, Gao 51730 ( IBSC0626338 About IBSC ) ; Jun 1932, Huang 32345 ( IBSC0626336 About IBSC ) ; Jun 1933, Zuo 22777 ( IBSC0626337 About IBSC ) ; May 1943, Chen 11886 ( IBSC0626335 About IBSC ) ; 90 m, Jun 1958, Huang 110488 ( PE00293831 ) ; May 1972, Luo 667 ( IBSC0626341 About IBSC ) ; Aug 1972, Luo 1212 ( IBSC0626340 About IBSC ) ; Sep 1978, Yue 78 6193 ( IBSC0626334 About IBSC ). Yunnan province : 1000 m, Nov 1980, Ji 89 ( PE 00850236 ) ; Jun 1981, Ji 114 ( PE00850234 ) ; Mar 1983, Chen & Ji 1 ( PE00850231 ) & 22 ( PE00850228 ) ; Apr 1983, Ji 129 ( PE00850235 ) ; 1600 m, Jul 1985, Ji 258 ( PE00850227 ). Guizhou province : Oct 1958, Cao 1011 ( PE00293824 ) .

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