Xanthagaricus lahorensis P. Javeed & Kiran

Javeed, Palvisha, Kiran, Munazza & Haqnawaz, Muhammad, 2024, A new species of Xanthagaricus (Agaricaceae, Agaricales) from Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan, Phytotaxa 655 (3), pp. 283-292 : 287-289

publication ID

https://doi.org/ 10.11646/phytotaxa.655.3.6



persistent identifier


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scientific name

Xanthagaricus lahorensis P. Javeed & Kiran

sp. nov.

Xanthagaricus lahorensis P. Javeed & Kiran sp. nov. ( Fig. 2 View FIGURE 2 & 3 View FIGURE 3 )


Etymology:—The specific epithet “ lahorensis ” refers to the type locality Lahore.

Diagnosis:— Xanthagaricus lahorensis differs from X. punjabensis by having olive yellow pileus with olive squamules at the center going outward, slightly depressed at the center; small, lacrymoid, brown-walled basidiospores with olivaceous guttule; obovoid, clavate to broadly clavate cheilocystidia and clusters of cylindrical caulocystidia.

Holotype:— PAKISTAN. Punjab, Lahore District, Bhasin Village , 31.63818° N, 74.50407° E, 222 m a.s.l. among plant debris on soil under Bombax ceiba L., 9 July 2023, P. Javeed BHU-123 (UE-23-F-06!; ITS: PP336347 ; LSU: PP335720 About LSU ). GoogleMaps

Habit and Habitat:—among plant debris on soil under Bombax ceiba in Bhasin Village, Lahore.

Description:—Basidiomata small. Pileus 15–20 mm in diam., convex with appendiculate margin, slightly depressed at the center, olive-yellow (2.5 Y 6/8) with olive (5Y 5/6) squamules at center going outward. Lamellae off-white to cream (2.5Y 9/2), then brown (2.5 YR 5/8) at maturity, irregular edge, and lamellulae in three tiers, adnexed. Stipe 15–30 mm in length, 0.5-1mm wide, dull yellowish brown (10 YR 5/3), rough surface, without a rhizomorphic mycelial mat and absence of annulus. Odor and taste were not recorded.

Basidiospores [40/2/2], (3.6–)3.8–4.6(–4.8) × (2.5–)2.9–3.3(–3.5) µm, avl × avw = 4.2 × 3.2 µm, Q =1.0–1.8, Q av = 1.35, small and lacrymoid, apiculus prominent, olivaceous guttulate; wall color brown in water. Basidia (10.44–)11.3–14.4(–16.87) × (5.09–)5.6–7.63(–9.6) µm (avl × avw = 13.46– × –7.02 µm), clavate, obovoid, 1–4 spored, thinwalled, hyaline. Cheilocystidia (9.44–) 9.72–12.41(–12.66) × (4.84–)5.09–6.6(–6.9) µm (avl × avw = 11.0×5.6 µm), obovoid, clavate to broadly clavate. Pileipellis hyphae 2.59–6.1– µm wide (avw=4.26 µm), cylindrical, septate with chains of ovoid to clavate terminal cells in squamules. Stipitipellis hyphae 4.11–2.26 µm wide (av=8.70 µm), septa present; clamp connections absent, Caulocystidia (9.6–)14.7–20.6(–30.4) × (2.5–)3.0–4.2(–5.05) µm (avl × avw = 18.8× 3.67 µm); cylindrical, in clusters at stipe base.

Additional material examined: PAKISTAN. Punjab: Lahore District, Jallo Park, 31.57464°N, 74.47549° E, 222 m a.s.l. among grass on soil, 22 July 2023, P. Javeed JP-114, (UE-23-F-07! ITS: PP336348).


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