Cordia, L., 1753, L., 1753

Pätzold, Janin, Feyrer, Benedikt, Saumweber, Johanna, Hilger, Hartmut H. & Gottschling, Marc, 2023, Observations on flower and fruit anatomy in dioecious species of Cordia (Cordiaceae, Boraginales) with evolutionary interpretations, Organisms Diversity & Evolution 23 (1), pp. 77-90 : 80-85

publication ID 10.1007/s13127-022-00576-6


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Results View in CoL

Flower and perianth

Flowers are solitary or composed in small inflorescences comprising up to 15 elements. They are arranged terminal % Fig. 1A–C View Fig ), ramiflorous % Fig. 1N View Fig ) or cauliflorous. The basic monotelic inflorescence is an acropetalous, ebracteose thyrsoid comprised of monochasial paracladia with few scattered trichomes. The terminal flower is usually not developed, and the early paracladia are less branched than the younger ones % Fig. 1C View Fig ). The flowers are shortly pedicellate, subsessile or sessile. In C. cf. grandicalyx , a sweet scent is emitted from the flower, and the cup of the anthetic calyx and corolla is full of nectar.

The flowers of all species under investigation are basically tetracyclic and pentamerous. Only occasionally, they exhibit four or six petals and stamens in C. cf. grandicalyx , or they are trimeric or tetrameric in C. crenata . The calyx is synsepalous and completely fused in bud with no visible lobes % Fig. 1A–C, G View Fig ). The botuliform or urceolate calyx reaches its final size before anthesis and opens irregularly in C. cf. grandicalyx and C. sinensis % Fig. 1E, F View Fig ; no data for C. crenata ). The surface is glabrous, with a few trichomes accumulating at the apex % Fig. 1A, E–G View Fig ). In mature fruit, the calyx is dilated but does not enclose the fruit % Fig. 6L View ◂ ).

The petals are fused to a terete tube for half of their lengths % Fig. 1H View Fig ). The free distal lobes are oblanceolate and involute in C. cf. grandicaly x and C. sinensis % Fig. 1D, N View Fig ) and triangular in C. crenata %not shown). The colour of the petals at anthesis is creamy white in C. cf. grandicalyx % Fig. 1C, D, K View Fig ), pale yellow in C. sinensis % Fig. 1N View Fig ) and creamy in C. crenata %H.H. Hilger , pers. obs.). On the adaxial surface of the corolla and below the free parts of the filaments, white scattered trichomes are found in all species under investigation % Fig. 1K View Fig ). In C. cf. grandicalyx , dark red spots develop after lesion damage, and the petals turn completely brownish-red after anthesis % Fig. 1H–J View Fig ). The corolla wilts but remains with the young fruit, until it ultimately falls off at fruit maturity.


Stamens are developed, irrespectively of the flowers being functionally male or female %or bisexual as supposed for C. crenata ). The filaments are fused to the lower half of the corolla tube in all three species % Fig. 1K View Fig ). The anthers consist of two thecae and four microsporangia % Fig. 2D, F View Fig ). They reach their final size already in bud, when the filaments are still short and unstretched % Fig. 2L View Fig ). The anthers are introrse and dorsifixed and in C. cf. grandicalyx , red and blue spots and lines develop on the abaxial surface % Fig. 1D, K View Fig ) near the somewhat swollen connective. These markings may correspond to strongly stained tissues in the anatomical sections of C. crenata % Fig. 2A, D, E, H View Fig ) and C. cf. grandicalyx .

The anther walls consist of three layers, namely an epidermis, an endothecium comprising one cell layer and a secretory tapetum of one to few cell layers. Cells of the endothecium can be recognised by anticlinal, fibrillar wall thickenings % Fig. 2B, E View Fig ). Intracellular crystals are present along the joint dehiscence lines of two adjacent microsporangia in C. crenata and C. sinensis %visible in phase-contrast microscopy: Fig. 2H, K View Fig ) but not in C. cf. grandicalyx . The flowers of C. cf. grandicalyx and C. sinensis are functionally female and therefore the microsporangia contain no microspores. The archespore %which usually develops into microspores and tapetum cells nourishing the microspores) remains undifferentiated in both species % Fig. 2F, G, J View Fig ). In C. crenata , pollen grains originate by meiosis of the microspore mother cells and are already developed early during anthesis. The pollen grains are binucleate when mature % Fig. 2C View Fig ). The thickened exine represents the outer layer of the pollen grains % Fig. 2B, C View Fig ).


A normally developed gynoecium is present in C. cf. grandicalyx % Fig. 3A, B, D, E View ◂ ) and C. sinensis % Fig. 3C, F View ◂ ), whereas it is only rudimentary in the functionally male flowers of C. crenata % Fig. 3J, K View ◂ ). The gynoecium is superior, bicarpellate and coenocarpous-syncarpous in all species, but a style is only developed in functionally female or bisexual flowers. The shape of the gynoecium is obovoid % C. cf. grandicalyx : Fig. 1J View Fig ) or ovoid % C. sinensis : Fig. 5A View Fig ). Internally, the synascidiate zone is rather short, and the symplicate region comprises the main part of the gynoecium. The symplicate region corresponds to the ventral slit that is orientated perpendicularly to the coalescence plane of the two carpels % Figs. 3E, F, J View ◂ ; 4N View ◂ ; 6F View ◂ ). It continues distally to the asymplicate zone with the first splitting of the style. The gynoecium is glabrous throughout its entire development.

Stomata in the epidermis of the gynoecium are occasionally found in all three species % Fig. 5 View Fig ). They vary in size, morphology and arrangement with adjacent cells. In C. cf. grandicalyx and C. sinensis , they are found scattered from the base of the gynoecium % Fig. 5E, J View Fig ) through the base of the style and sometimes even on the proximal style. Stomata are more frequent in the distal than the proximal region of the gynoecium of C. sinensis % Fig. 5A, B View Fig ). In C. crenata , stomata are found from the base through the equator of the gynoecium. Distal stomata are smaller and appear somewhat vestigial % Fig. 5G View Fig ) in comparison to the proximal ones % Fig. 5F View Fig ). The precise function of the stomata remains elusive. An inconspicuous, collar-like disc is present in C. crenata % Fig. 5H View Fig ) and C. cf. grandicalyx , but is lacking in C. sinensis . No stomata are found on this organ.

In its most distal part, the style separates into four branches and terminates into four papillate stigmata % Figs. 1C, D, H View Fig ; 3A–C View ◂ ; 5A). Each branch has the length of approximately one-third of the mature gynoecium. The stylar branches are rather narrow in bud and with maturation, the lobes expand and become oblanceolate to obovate in shape of the outline. They are folded in bud and subsequently stretched at anthesis. The transmitting tissue originates right above the level of the funiculi and proceeds through the distal carpels and terminates within the stigmata % Fig. 3C, D View ◂ ).

Each carpel is supplied by a usually prominent dorsal bundle % Figs. 3J View ◂ , 4N–Q View ◂ , 6B–D View ◂ ), whereas lateral and ventral bundles are more or less distinctive. The dorsal bundles continue into the stylar vascular bundles % Fig. 4O, P View ◂ ). The primary %or true) septa arise from the fused boundaries of the two involute carpels, each bearing two ovules. The architecture of the functional gynoecium is determined by the presence of different secondary septa, namely four basal septa, two false septa and an apical septum. Only the ventral bundles supply the %true) septa % Fig. 4N View ◂ ). The false septa % Fig. 3E–G, J View ◂ ) continue to the apical septum, and this structure is developed at a 90° angle to the carpels’ coalescence plane. In the male flowers of C. crenata , the apical septum is absent due to the rudimentary development of the carpels’ apices % Fig. 3K View ◂ ), but false septa are nevertheless present % Fig. 3J View ◂ ).

Each primary loculament is twice two-parted by the true and the false septa, resulting in four single ovules each located in its own locule % Figs. 3E, F, J View ◂ , 4N View ◂ ). In the regions of the funiculi and of the ventral bundles, crystals are found in the cells % Fig. 3G View ◂ ). Each ovule comprises one multi-layered integument with a distinctive micropyle and a nucellus enclosing the embryo sac. In C. cf. grandicalyx , the embryo sac is stalked % Fig. 3H View ◂ ). Ovules in functionally male flowers of C. crenata lack an embryo sac % Fig. 3J, K View ◂ ).

Fruit and seed development

At early ontogenetic states, the corolla tube is ripped % Fig. 1J View Fig ) and finally falls off the fruit. At maturity, the calyx becomes slightly larger in C. cf. grandicalyx but never encloses the fruit. The remains of the style persist in fruit % Fig. 6L, M View ◂ ). The mature fruit is spherical to ellipsoid in shape. The colour is greenish to yellowish white in C. cf. grandicalyx % Fig. 6M View ◂ ) and orange in C. crenata and C. sinensis .

In all species, the fruit is a drupe %or deriving from it, see description below for C. crenata ) preserving the basic architecture of the ovary. Pericarp development is complex, and the course of the dorsal and lateral bundles may help to homologise the different tissues in its various expressions. In postanthetic flowers of C. crenata % Figs. 4D–F View ◂ , 6C, D, F View ◂ ), the bundles are notably distinctive and embedded in a tissue, whose cells lignify early during fruit maturation corresponding to %an inner portion of) the mesocarp. However, the prospective stony endocarp is still parenchymatic at this ontogenetic stage and only supplied by the ventral bundles % Fig. 6C, D View ◂ ). The outer mesocarp is parenchymatic as well and comprises a minor portion of the maturing fruit % Fig. 6F View ◂ ). The mature endocarp is ellipsoid with a smooth surface % Fig. 6K View ◂ ).

The principal fruit anatomy of C. sinensis is similar to C. crenata . However, the dorsal and lateral bundles are not embedded in lignified tissue but in strongly stained parenchymatic tissue % Figs. 3C, F View ◂ , 6B View ◂ ). A comparable strongly stained tissue is also found in C. cf. grandicalyx % Fig. 4K–M View ◂ ), but dorsal and lateral bundles are only weakly recognisable in this species. In C. sinensis , the strongly stained tissue is sharply delimited from the remaining pericarp % Figs. 4Q View ◂ , 6B View ◂ ), but rather scattered within the remaining parenchymatic portions of the pericarp in C. cf. grandicalyx % Figs. 3D, E View ◂ , 4K–M View ◂ , 6A, E View ◂ ). The further the fruit develops, this tissue becomes more intensely stained. In C. sinensis , the tissue consists of intact cells % Fig. 4A–C View ◂ ) whereas in C. cf. grandicalyx , cellular borders cannot be inferred leading to a syncytial appearance % Fig. 4G–J View ◂ ). In mature fruits of C. cf. grandicalyx , the portion of the mesocarp directly abutting on the endocarp is flashily pink in stained cross sections % Fig. 6A, E View ◂ ).

All four ovules in functionally female flower have the same size at anthesis, but seeds develop in reduced number, indicated by fruits with one % Fig. 6B, D, F, J View ◂ ), two % Fig. 6A, C, E, H View ◂ ) or three seeds %or at least developed locules: Fig. 6G View ◂ ). Mature seeds consist primarily of the embryo, whereas the endosperm is sparse % Fig. 6G, J View ◂ ). The differential growth of seeds results from the asymmetry of the fruit, particularly of the endocarp. The locules with the abortive ovules are left as small, collapsed slits in the endocarp % Fig. 6G, J View ◂ ).

Dehiscence lines of the endocarp are predetermined already early in development % Fig. 4N View ◂ , 6A–D, F View ◂ ). Each locule is opened by two such lines, one of which is structurally connected with a dorsal bundle. The mature embryo consists of reniform, plicate cotyledons and the radicula. Two types of cotyledons could be distinguished: In C. cf. grandicalyx , they have a notably long petiole, and the shoot apex is barely above the substrate % Fig. 6N View ◂ ) whereas in C. crenata , the hypocotyl is very long, raising the two shortly petiolate cotyledons well above the substrate % Fig. 6O View ◂ ).

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